Just released.
PTDQ is a video system for AGA Amigas that provides a chunky-to-planar method which is faster than the traditional ones. It is the higher-quality brother of PTDS (formerly PED81C), another system based on the same core principle.
SIMPLIFIED COMPARISON CHART ----------------+------------+----------------+--------------+---------+------ | horizontal | maximum number | color choice | visual | system | resolution | of colors | freedom | quality | speed ----------------+------------+----------------+--------------+---------+------ PTDQ | full | 256 | ** | ** | ** PTDS | half | 81 | * | * | *** traditional C2P | full | 256 | *** | *** | *
C2P PERFORMANCE COMPARISON SUMMARY ---------+---------+------------------+--------------- | | C2P conversions | C2P conversion machine | routine | per second | time (frames) --------+---------+------------------+--------------- A1200 | PTDQ | 12.670 (+2.493) | 3.946 (-0.966) | K030 | 10.177 | 4.912 --------+---------+------------------+--------------- A1200B | PTDQ | 50.098 (+13.425) | 0.998 (-0.365) | K030 | 36.673 | 1.363 --------+---------+------------------+--------------- A1200PS | PTDQ | 86.340 (+12.494) | 0.579 (-0.098) | K040 | 73.846 | 0.677 --------+---------+------------------+--------------- A1200TF | PTDQ | 67.689 (+4.699) | 0.738 (-0.055) | K040 | 62.990 | 0.793 --------+---------+------------------+--------------- A4000CS | PTDQ | 72.690 (+7.614) | 0.687 (-0.081) | K040 | 65.076 | 0.768
A1200: Amiga 1200 A1200B: Amiga 1200, Blizzard 1230 IV, 68030 @ 50 MHz, 60 ns RAM A1200PS: Amiga 1200, PiStorm32-lite, Raspberry Pi CM4, firmware v1.04 A1200TF: Amiga 1200, TerribleFire TF1260, 68060 @ 50 MHz, firmware 68090 A4000CS: Amiga 4000, NTSC PAL-jumpered, CyberStorm MK III, 68060 @ 50 MHz
PTDQ = PTDQ_DoC2P() K030/K040 = Kalms c2p1x1_8_c5_030_2() / c2p1x1_8_c5_040() Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=witR2EE9No8
[The video quality of the real machine output is heavily affected by the fact that the scandoubler did not support SHRES (so a real-time software trick was used to somehow produce the colors, although it is only a visual illusion and causes a sort of rasterline effect), the monitor did not support progressive PAL and the video was captured with an ancient phone at just 24.917 Hz. YouTube's compression degraded the video quality.]
Full details are provided in documentation included in the archive that can be downloaded from https://retream.itch.io/ptdq._________________ RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC |