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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 26-Oct-2010 21:09:04
#21 ]
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An IBM engineer was there - off the sweat of his own back, AKA he came because he wanted to spend some money, and was maybe thinking of hanging out with cool people.

His name was LD Stevens - and he works in New York, seems like a decent enough chap. Maybe we can hear from him sooner than the next AmiWest show.

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 26-Oct-2010 21:21:28
#22 ]
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Was he checking what the competition is up to? lol

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 1:23:32
#23 ]
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Wanted to comment on the presentations;

1) Trevor showed off a dancing animated character with a picture of his head on top.
So a good sense of humor there.

2) Ben was please to discuss the progress and had his suite on the whole time. Looking healthier after the legal battles he obviously is a very good lawyer.

3) Paul did a great demo of all the Amiga Applications that can be used on OS 4.x

4) Alex who's 3D rendering skills amazed everyone else, left me wondering why I can't find the time to learn such things.

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 4:55:17
#24 ]
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If you have major proof of where it was not used, then we can address the why it wasn't used.
Once mentioned and proven that it was never used in a particular sector we can then consider / ponder how we can make the Amiga more suitable for that business sector.

Huh?!?! You cannot prove a negative, certainly not in this case.

When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 9:32:20
#25 ]
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From: Tortuga


Amiga got many bussines programs.

I have never questioned that. I was just saying that Amiga was never viewed as a business machine by the great masses.

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 11:58:26
#26 ]
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Alex who's 3D rendering skills amazed everyone else, left me wondering why I can't find the time to learn such things.

Wonder no more where all your time is going:
/me points at meet.mrnrg's own signature for the answer

I enjoyed showing how to use Blender to make a game, I just wish I had slept the night before as I ended up hopelessly watching myself forget half of the steps involved because by then I had only slept 8 hours in the last 4 days and couldn't think straight anymore

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 18:02:48
#27 ]
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better to take it easy this week then.

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 18:54:02
#28 ]
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) Paul did a great demo of all the Amiga Applications that can be used on OS 4.x

I would really like to see this turned into an article for Amiga Future... Does anyone know if this presentation can be found somewhere?

Kind regards,

Running OS4.1 on an AmigaONE

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 19:19:31
#29 ]
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Does anyone know if this presentation can be found somewhere?

I believe his AW nick is "pjs", he doesn't log in here much. If I see him in irc, I'll mention your/this post.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: TryTerra's AmiWest 2010 Report...
Posted on 27-Oct-2010 19:31:12
#30 ]
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Kind regards,

Running OS4.1 on an AmigaONE

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