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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 3-May-2012 5:14:04
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Joined: 23-Mar-2005 Posts: 443
From: San Francisco | | |
| Hi All,
Thank you all for the replies, comments and the ideas.
Please keep them coming!
Bill "tekmage" Borsari
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 19-May-2012 17:47:54
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 19-May-2012 18:33:17
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Super Member  |
Joined: 17-Dec-2007 Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU | | |
| @tekmage
Please try to have VERY BIG LABELS with a persons name plus their handle,
that are readable when watching the live stream, thanks 
Last edited by marko on 19-May-2012 at 06:35 PM.
_________________ AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM  C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution... |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 19-May-2012 20:54:33
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Super Member  |
Joined: 18-Jul-2005 Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif. | | |
| @tekmage
Another suggestion:
Bring back the Amiga Game Competition and get members, or other people who support the AmiWest Show to donate Amiga items from their collections as prizes for the winners. If supporters of the AmiWest Show can't donate gear or software as prizes, then provide a PayPal Donate button on the blog site to raise money to purchase good prizes.
I gave away my 1.25GHz G4 eMac with a MorphOS2.x license donated by the MorphOS Dev. Team as just one of the prizes a couple of years ago. It was the grand prize for the winner of the Amiga Game Competition (you remember because you came in second place in that competition and just missed winning it for yourself).
The AmiWest Show has turned into a good source of information and seminars about OS4.x, less so for MorphOS (my own fault for not being a better presenter and more knowledgeable MorphOS user) and other Classic Amiga topics. There is nothing wrong with that and I applaud the people doing the seminars for OS4.x and want them to continue. What needs to be added though is the "FUN"!
The Amiga has always been about the FUN, so we need to make the AmiWest Show a FUN place to come to, either by playing games, or some other means. Set up an area where people attending the show can play some head-to-head Amiga games using two Amiga computers linked with a Null modem cable. Set up a couple of Next Gen Amiga systems and demonstrate what Amiga games can be played against each other over a LAN connection.
Think of other ways to make the show fun, specially for the largest sector of the Amiga community, the Motorola 680x0 Commodore Amiga users, or the FPGA and x86 emulation users.
Do what ever it takes to get more AROS and MorphOS users to show up. Keep doing all of the OS4.x stuff just the same as you have been doing for the last few years, but add everything else I am suggesting to all the good stuff that has been done for the past several years.
It does not have to be expensive to be FUN, but if you can solicit donations of gear, software, or money from supporters of the show (even users that want to support the show, but can't show up themselves). You need to start these donations ASAP, so that by the time the show starts, you will have great prizes and a lot of money to buy more or better prizes.
If you have a FUN show and offer people attending some GREAT PRIZES, more people will show up. Charge a $5 entry fee to the show and use that money to add to the money donated by show supporters to purchase GREAT PRIZES.
You probably can't raise enough money to give away a brand new SAM460ex, but I am sure that enough money can be raised to purchase a new FPGA Arcade Replay board, or a MiniMig, or 1.67GHz G4 PowerBook for running MorphOS3.0, which I am sure will be released before Oct., or maybe a Hyperion OS4.x Netbook will be available by the time the AmiWest 2012 Show starts, plus some other good prizes. There are tons of ideas that can be thought of, but to increase the numbers of people attending the show, it has to be an event that new people want to attend.
AmiWest 2012 Show can be much more than it has been and I am willing to help again, but we need lots of participation, lots of ideas, to create lots of excitement and desire from people to want to attend and participate. _________________ Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . . |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 19-May-2012 22:09:04
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-May-2012 4:03:44
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Super Member  |
Joined: 18-Jul-2005 Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif. | | |
| @Franko
The big screen and seminar time is open to anyone who wants to do a presentation, or tutorial and each year the SACC guys try to do their best in filling up the time with people who volunteer to do a presentation, or tutorial, so start saving for your airfare and room rental at the AmiWest 2012 Show and I will pick you up at the airport, so you don't have to pay for a cab to get from the airport to the show hotel. That way you can give us a tutorial on Assembler programming on the Amiga.
I would be in the audience taking notes, or recording it on a video camera for later review and studying. It would be great to get people like yourself and other programmers who write code on and for "Real" Amiga 680x0 computers to show up at this year's AmiWest Show and provide some classes, tutorials and presentations for the rest of the show attendee's. All you have to do is contact the AmiWest organizers with the name of what ever seminar, class, tutorial, or presentation you want to do and they will try to fit it into the schedule. I can't remember any that have been turned down, and they are usually looking for more to fill up the schedule.
Let TekMage and the rest of the SACC guys know what other kinds of things you as a 680x0 Amiga user/programmer would like to see as part of the show that would make you think to yourself "Boy, I wish I could go to that AmiWest 2012 Show, because that "XYZ" they are doing this year is really going to be interesting to see, or participate in". You fill in what ever that "XYZ" would be that will catch the attention of most Amiga 680x0 users and make them want to attend the show.
Games are not for everyone, but what ever can be done to make the AmiWest Shows more fun (and they are already a ton of fun for us that attend them, but for those watching online feeds the fun does not show through, as half the fun happens before and after the show hours. The Game Competition is just one suggestion that can bring more fun to the show, not the answer on how to make it fun for everyone. Programming tutorials can be fun for many people. Give us more ideas what might be fun and make people want to attend the show.
I know that several people were very interested in the FPGA Arcade Replay board I had running at my table last year, so I know that there is a lot of interest in FPGA types of Amiga computers clones, like the Replay and Natami, or MiniMig.
So come on the rest of you reading this thread. Let us know what it would take to make you show up at the 2012 AmiWest Show? Or at least what would it take to make you want to attend this year's show. Would more, or better prizes do it? Would more Amiga celebrities from the past or present make you want to attend? Different kinds of classes, or seminars? Bringing back the Amiga Game Competition? Computer gear and software swap/trade/buy/sell area for everyone to use? After-Hours non-Amiga, or non-computer related activities? Expanded repair clinic hours on Friday? Come up with something I have overlooked. Just remember that money is limited, unless your idea also includes a way to raise any extra funds needed to accomplish your suggestion.
Just give us your ideas, for what would make you want to show up at AmiWest 2012 Show. _________________ Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . . |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-May-2012 19:36:36
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 233
From: United Kingdom. | | |
| @tekmage, amigadave, SACC-dude
Hi guys, you asked for ideas. How about, for those attendees who have been out of the loop for the last couple of decades, (and those of us who just don't know all the history), creating a "timeline" on the longest wall available, using large (easily read) cards, so that it's something that has to be walked along.
A hardware/OS based one rather than overly chronological, with tables displaying working machines from the relevant eras starting perhaps with early Commodores, tables positioned to match the timeline, (or more likely the other way round), which will at some point split into three to reflect the main branches we know today. Of course room should also be found for things like MiniMig, FPGA-Arcade etc.
To gather in some of those "out of the loop" ex-amigans, how about using the "what's on" sections of pc magazines and online forums (of all flavours) to garner interest. A title of "AmiWest 2012" might not carry much weight on its own, but how about a sub heading of something like "CBM/AMIGA from BACK THEN to RIGHT NOW", to hint that it's still alive and kicking, not just a history lesson.
I realise this would be a lot of work and maybe too much to achieve as a whole, but perhaps it can at least serve as food for thought.
Regards Draby
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 23-May-2012 11:07:59
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2114
From: Cheshire, England | | |
| Late reply but I would suggest maybe making Amiwest part of another computer show, we all want a bigger and better show and get more people interested in Amiga and a larger attendance, I kinda feel that's only going to happen if you maybe make the show part of another event. Here in the UK back in 2010 I felt holding the Amiga show at the Vintage Computer Festival (VCF) was a wise move of getting more interest, it helped we even got Amiga mentioned on the BBC Click program, that wouldn't happen if it was just an Amiga show. Now true it hard to judge if we got any new Amiga followers from this, but at least we let a small part of the world know that we are still here and letting the right kinda of people know who are into their old computers. I feel its a shame that VCF wasn't held again (even if Amiga user weren't their I would of gone) now I gather this is bigger in America so perhaps you could hold Amiwest part of VCF or see if you could approach other retro, linux, etc community to come along you can see what they have, and they could see what we got.
_________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 23-May-2012 15:56:58
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Joined: 16-Jun-2006 Posts: 1565
From: Visalia, California | | |
| amigang wrote: Quote:
Late reply but I would suggest maybe making Amiwest part of another computer show... |
There are no larger computer shows in California. The original VCF in California has not been held since 2007.
Truly, Robert Bernardo Fresno Commodore User Group Commodore Vegas Expo v8 |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 23-May-2012 18:48:27
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003 Posts: 5120
From: Right here... | | |
| @amigang
You have to realize that Amiwest is put on by an Amiga club based in Sacramento, CA. The show is basicly their October meeting. Without them, the show wouldn't exist.
In years past, the show was much bigger, ppl have drifted off to other things, but I feel we need to give the classic users a reason to attend the show as well as the OS4 users. In the past few years, we have ignored the biggest Amiga group of all, the classic guys/gals. _________________ Hate tends to make you look stupid... |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 23-May-2012 18:52:02
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Joined: 11-Jan-2007 Posts: 818
From: Northern Ireland | | |
| @sundown
In the past few years, we have ignored the biggest Amiga group of all, the classic guys/gals. |
+1 from me on that one!
However Amigakit, Individual computers and others take a range of items for classic users to meetings all around the world.... We'd be lost without them._________________ AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 14-Jun-2012 15:39:12
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010 Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA) | | |
| @thread
made all my travel arrangements this morning, so i'll be there. hoping for news from hyperion and/or A-EON and looking forward to seeing the regulars.
if you haven't made amiwest recently and live in north america, why not come? amiwest is what we make it! 
-- eliyahu
_________________ "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal." |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 14-Jun-2012 16:06:44
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2007 Posts: 818
From: Northern Ireland | | |
| I liked Drabys idea of a timeline, although the wall may need to be as tall as it is wide to accommodate all the forks that the Amiga timeline has taken!
_________________ AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 19-Jun-2012 22:35:09
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Super Member  |
Joined: 3-Mar-2010 Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA) | | |
| @thread
just after i made all of my travel arrangements, the guys decide to add yet another day to the schedule. the conference will now be from october 18th to the 21st -- four days of amigans in sacramento (link):
Thursday, October 18, has been added to the AmiWest 2012 schedule. Thursday and Friday will be occupied by a new feature relating to Amiga software. Our AmiWest planners (volunteers all) are chatting on IRC to determine content and structure for the new days.
We need more software, particularly productivity apps, for OS4.x. That need is what will be addressed during these sessions spread over two days. So add in that extra day to your plans for AmiWest 2012.
And watch this blog for details which will be forthcoming soon! AmiWest 2012 will be 18-21 October, four days instead of three!
So be sure to make your plans to attend AmiWest 2012, the Amiga show on the West Coast of the United States of America! It's all happening at the Holiday Inn Express CalExpo, 2224 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95821. 916.923.1100. Come see the latest in Amiga hardware and software October 18-21, 2012. And watch our blog for breaking news of AmiWest 2012 as it happens! You don't want to miss it! Organized by the AmiWest committee, Sacramento Amiga Computer Club. |
looks like i may have to rebook my train. 
-- eliyahu
Last edited by eliyahu on 19-Jun-2012 at 10:36 PM.
_________________ "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal." |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-Jun-2012 0:53:43
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Joined: 15-May-2005 Posts: 297
From: Sacramento, CA | | |
| @eliyahu
That's the spirit! Gave me a another idea.
Folks, plan the week of, before or after as vacation in California! (see all the sights)
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-Jun-2012 0:59:34
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Joined: 15-May-2005 Posts: 297
From: Sacramento, CA | | |
| @sundown
One of my favs is Friday night fix it. (when we SACC members help mostly classic machines with installs, fixes and add-ons)
Last year, we had help from Tony updating the caps on a 3630 for a 4000.
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-Jun-2012 3:37:46
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Super Member  |
Joined: 18-Jul-2005 Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif. | | |
| @thread,
Great ideas and suggestions everyone, please keep them coming. I agree with several of you that are saying the show needs to attract more of the (I prefer "Original", instead of "Classic") 680x0 Amiga users. They are our roots and where we all come from. I can't think of a single person who has joined our community without at least having used an emulator of the original AmigaOS1.x to 3.x systems, or more likely has at one time or another, owned and used an "Original" 680x0 Amiga computer.
Some extra effort to get the people still using only these "Original" Amiga's should be made, but since I am just as interested in, or more interested in the AROS, OS4.x & MorphOS3.0 computers and their software, I am not a good judge of what will interest these Amiga users who are still ONLY using their original Amiga computers, or some form of emulation, or cloned computers that use FPGA's. So, I hope more 680x0 Amiga users will speak up and tell us what would entice them into coming to the AmiWest 2012 Show.
We have lots happening in the combined communities of Amiga inspired users and I expect to have more news that will be announced and possibly more new hardware demonstrated at this year's AmiWest Show, so that is enough to get me to attend again (if possible). I plan on coming up to the area near Sacramento for the entire week before the AmiWest Show and probably staying until Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon after the Show before I leave.
I hope to see many of you there. It is well worth your efforts to make it to the show.
_________________ Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . . |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-Jun-2012 14:09:44
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2114
From: Cheshire, England | | |
| @amigadave
would love to go, but it would cost me too much, so have fun, and remember us lot online, hope the net book makes an appearance _________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 20-Jun-2012 23:03:39
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 25-Dec-2003 Posts: 684
From: Dumfries, Scotland | | |
| @amigadave
Yeah, wish I could afford to attend, too. A little bit too far from here for me!
However, I'd agree with the general feeling that the show should cater for all flavours of Amiga.
I usually miss the videos, etc, too, for this show but I hope to watch this year.
Best of luck, guys. _________________ Fred Booth ======================================== A500, A600, A1200 c/w Mediator and 030 AmigaOne and OS4.1 Mac LCII, G4 Powermac running OSX + Amigakit and MorphOS 3.0 Dell Mini 10 Netbook running IcAros and AmigaForever+Amikit+AmigaSys 2006 Macb |
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Re: Amiwest 2012 Posted on 21-Jun-2012 13:23:05
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11719
From: In the village | | |
| @thread
The campaign has begun again to color the Amiwest show as more and more centered on OS4. The video of the floor displays from Amiwest 2011 that Robert posted obviously proves the opposite.
Last year the exhibition of MorphOS was even more prominent than ever before.
Jason McMullan (AROS) spoke and answered questions through Skype.
In addition to the usual classic repair night, FPGA, MCC-216, classic in general was represented. In addition people from the Amiga's classic past attended, and I'm sure the attendees enjoyed speaking with them.
Emulation was certainly represented through Michael from Amiga Forever.
Since the MCC-216 represents even a wider scope than Amiga "with its C64, A500, and Atari 2600 cores", the diversity stretched even further.
Potential exhibitors and those wishing official schedule time for talks with or without use of the large screen are always told to contact Brian Deneen well in advance so he can plan the schedule.
Those of you who wish to participate this year, please contact Amiwest at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
P.S. I suppose the detractors don't think PCs running windows are being well represented at Amiwest. [/end sarcasm] _________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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