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WORLD OF COMMODORE 2023 - Toronto, Canada - December 2nd & 3rd - ft. RJ Mical !
Posted on 22-Oct-2023 4:18:54
#1 ]
Joined: 17-Oct-2022
Posts: 35
From: Canada, eh?

Hello !

Please join us at World of Commodore 2023, Canada's largest Commodore computer expo. It's being held at the Admiral Inn Mississauga, which provides convenient accommodations for those who are visiting from out of town. The featured guest this year is Amiga engineer RJ Mical. This is a two-day event, taking place on:

Saturday - December 2, 2023
Sunday - December 3, 2023

World of Commodore is organized by TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group, which was founded in 1979 and is the longest continually-operating Commodore users group in the world. Members past and present include Commodore guru Jim Butterfield, legendary programmer Steve Punter, and renowned sensation Dave Bradley (RUN magazine columnist; YouTube's 8-Bit Commodore Man).

Full details of the expo can be found here:

We're looking for guest speakers, exhibitors, and vendors. While vendors are required to pay a table fee, there is no table charge for exhibitors who are not selling any products or services; exhibitors pay only for general admission. To reserve a vendor's table, please visit the website above. To reserve an exhibitor's table, please email your request to:

Preference is given to guest speakers who are able to present in person. However, we'd be happy to have you present virtually through Zoom if your project is something that retrocomputing fans would really enjoy. Please get in touch by emailing:

Thanks for being part of the Commodore community !

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Re: WORLD OF COMMODORE 2023 - Toronto, Canada - December 2nd & 3rd - ft. RJ Mical !
Posted on 19-Nov-2023 6:27:13
#2 ]
Joined: 17-Oct-2022
Posts: 35
From: Canada, eh?

The first World of Commodore expo took place in 1983, in Mississauga, Canada. Come join us in Mississauga (near Toronto) on December 2nd and 3rd for the 40th anniversary - more details are available at:

Here's a listing of the scheduled speakers at World of Commodore 2023.

Rudy Panigas - Presenting in person.
World premiere of the PET Companion, a board for the PET computer that provides composite output, RGB2HDMI output, and audio output.

Gregory Naηu - Presenting in person.
Advanced new features in C64 OS.

Dr. Myles Skinner - Presenting in person.
The Commodore 8-Bit Magazine Index.

RJ Mical - Presenting in person.
Special chat with our headline guest.

Frank Michlick - Presenting in person.
The results of the 4th annual Transmission 64 demo contest.

Cam Farnell - Presenting by Zoom.
The MCM/70 Computer.

Dan Wood, with special guest David Pleasance - Presenting by Zoom.

Leif Bloomquist - Presenting in person.
Leif is a Senior Systems Software Engineer in the aerospace industry.
– Tracking the International Space Station (ISS) with a VIC-20.
– Tracking the International Space Station (ISS) with an Ultimate 64.
– C64 networking.
– Meatloaf WiFi interface.

Jaime Idolpx - Presenting by Zoom.
Updates from the Meatloaf WiFi project.

Jessica Petersen - Presenting by Zoom.
Coding in TRSE (Turbo Rascal Syntax Error).

Ranko Rodic - Presenting in person.
New MiniMig developments – Amiga FPGA.

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Re: WORLD OF COMMODORE 2023 - Toronto, Canada - December 2nd & 3rd - ft. RJ Mical !
Posted on 19-Nov-2023 8:31:23
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
Posts: 9615
From: Unknown


Looks like a nice event, too bad I'm on the other side of the pond. Looking forward to photos and videos!

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Re: WORLD OF COMMODORE 2023 - Toronto, Canada - December 2nd & 3rd - ft. RJ Mical !
Posted on 17-Dec-2023 22:00:20
#4 ]
Joined: 17-Oct-2022
Posts: 35
From: Canada, eh?

Enjoy this whirlwind tour of World of Commodore 2023, courtesy of rising YouTube star retroCombs (Steven Combs):

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