Hello everybody, if anyone is interested, I wish to inform oyu that on January 25th at 3:00 PM (GMT+1) the premiere of my new short "ANOTHER WORLD - The Film", based on the legendary 1991 video game by Eric Chachi, will be broadcast on YouTube.Hope you will like it.Link to the premiere in Italian (with English subtitles):https://youtu.be/y16Tok4l63gThe English version will be available on January 25th starting at 16:00 (GMT+1) at this link:https://youtu.be/jzhF9S6Zm2UThis is the link to my YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@ninjaweb62
@Ninja62Thanks.I have set myself a reminder.
_________________All the way, with 68k
@Ninja62Neat, remember hearing about this. Thanks for the reminder.
_________________AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio