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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 14-Oct-2008 14:31:55
#41 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown

Cherrypal website is updated recently I see.

Hardware to be available by November 4th, 2008. Specs have also changed a bit for the better as you will now get a 8GB Solid State Drive instead of the only 4GB it was announced to have.

A candidate for OS4? It's really low spec but so is the price ($249).


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 16-Oct-2008 13:24:15
#42 ]
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Moved to correct forum

¤¤ Official Hyperion Zealot ¤¤

(No, I didn't type that with a straight face.)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 16-Oct-2008 17:58:04
#43 ]
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Troels wrote:
Cherrypal website is updated recently I see.

Hardware to be available by November 4th, 2008. Specs have also changed a bit for the better as you will now get a 8GB Solid State Drive instead of the only 4GB it was announced to have.

A candidate for OS4? It's really low spec but so is the price ($249).

only $249USD and a complete system? this is $185 EURO's by todays exchange rate.

I know this price doesn't include things like DVD-RW but Im sure these could be added and could be more far cost effective than SAM...

Do you need 80GB HD for tiny amigaOS4.1 and its tiny applications? most people need a Pc as well anyway, so I dont see it as necessary. You can always backup to DVD or use external HD even if you dont have a PC with big HD's...

I dont care about a 64MB gfx card either. I wouldnt be getting a modern amiga for 3d games and personally I wont be getting one until there is a better browser at least.

$185 euro's minus OS would be a good price for an entry level amiga

Last edited by eniacfoa on 16-Oct-2008 at 08:12 PM.
Last edited by eniacfoa on 16-Oct-2008 at 06:05 PM.

In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 16-Oct-2008 18:59:19
#44 ]
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You obviously know nothing about systems design if you compare the price of the cherrypal to the price of a sam...

Seriously, try to leave the price calculations to people who can do maths and knows how to read chip specs and prices

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 16-Oct-2008 19:43:13
#45 ]
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how is SAM so much more powerful? just peeking at specs it only looks a little bit more powerful and a lot more money...

if you can enlighten me as to why this is so much cheaper than SAM, I would love to learn instead of being told to shut up.

i've never claimed to be an expert in systems design....Im not an I.T professional, however I use Pc's all day everyday as a musician/producer and have far more knowledge regarding them than joe the plumber.

I know I could rationalize spending 185$ euros on a 2nd toy computer....which is the main point...and I think others could to...amiga OS can run on very low specs (so I have read from the experts here).

i do know enough about PC's to look at specs, how much the PC with those specs costs and if they represent "any kind" of value for money for me...I only came back to amiga fairly recently, got myself an A500 again...looking at the new OS/HW deciding if I want to get right back into again...

Im exactly the type of person you need to convince to buy the new amiga. Ex user with fond memories. and if you dont give me what I want, I will spend my money elsewhere.

so instead of telling an average user to shut up, how about you engage with them?
thats what a forum is for. corporations pay good money for that kind of information. It helps them put out successful products. which amiga has not in some time.

Last edited by eniacfoa on 16-Oct-2008 at 08:01 PM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 11-Jan-2009 21:21:28
#46 ]
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bbrv wrote:

We will certainly make sure they have the chance if they want to bring OS4 to the platform. MorphOS will, OS4 should have the opportunity too.

Genesi is managing the technology side-of-things for Cherrypal and THTF. We will have more news on that soon.


So, what happened with this, as well as Lime? Was anything ever released into retail? Are both companies wanting to be OEs only for some non-existent VAR, or ??
(serious Q..)

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 12-Jan-2009 7:47:55
#47 ]
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SvenHarvey wrote:

Oh hold on that sounds like a good idea... Amiga, Inc. will never allow it.

Anyone around here that still gives a cent on what they "allow" or not?


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 12-Jan-2009 7:50:21
#48 ]
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Ooooops - accidently hit the "Submit" button instead of the "Quote" button...

Last edited by Dandy on 12-Jan-2009 at 08:16 AM.


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 12-Jan-2009 8:05:33
#49 ]
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tekmage wrote:

I came across this today:

From the article:

"The system runs on a Power architecture-based 400MHz Freescale mobileGT MPC5121e chip,


I wonder if this little sucker could run OS4?

And the next hardware suggestion will be a 200 mHz chip, won't it?

If so, you should know I'm NOT interested.
I already have a 11.5 year old Cyberstorm PPC card working at 200 mHz, you know...

I'd rather be interested in a REAL computer:



If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 12-Jan-2009 8:06:51
#50 ]
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From: Cologne * Germany



meet.mrnrg wrote:

I like the sound of Tri-Core

I prefer the sound sound of quad core...


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 15:19:31
#51 ]
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So, what happened with this, as well as Lime?


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 21:39:55
#52 ]
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To low cpu for me. get me something new that is faster then my A1 damn it :)

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:02:59
#53 ]
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Pretty much agree.

Although I would love to have a portable amiga running OS4 and would be able to accept it being a tad slow if just it had great battery time.

Anyway, judging by the link above Cherrypal seems dead, LimePC probably is just the same Doesn't look to good for the PPC desktop market (if you could call the Cherrypal a desktop computer).


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:07:40
#54 ]
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To get a better idea, search for LimePC - LimeBook PPC & Lime Intel ATOM's are on eBay...
There you can buy the LimeBook systems and try for yourself, I have been using the LimeBook Z9 and not the Z6 or Z7 or Z8 models. Works fine for me, but Flash / YouTube needs improving like the Amiga OS project for Flash.

Last edited by meet.mrnrg on 21-Jun-2009 at 11:18 PM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:13:13
#55 ]
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Cherrypal is teh bust.

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:14:26
#56 ]
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To get a better idea, search for LimePC, LimeBook, Lime ATOM on eBay...There you can buy the LimeBook systems and try for yourself, I have been using the LimeBook Z9 and not the Z6 or Z7 or Z8 models.

But if the postings are correct and LimePC, LimeBook, Cherrypal are all the same...and if the post indicating the company is in some erm...difficulty...why would people want to be buying one at this time?


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:21:32
#57 ]
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Well the answer is NO... LimePC was supplying LimePC products to CherryPal and CherryPal was selling them as their own, but they were selling the old models. I think they had Sales & Marketing Issues, credibility issues mainly because their original prototype model did not work out, and their chosen replacement - the older model LimeBooks are / were bit slow.

If their are any issues with the company I would immediacy notify you all. So far they have been keeping up with Supply & Demand.

Last edited by meet.mrnrg on 21-Jun-2009 at 11:22 PM.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:35:27
#58 ]
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Selling old stock perhaps??

According to BBRVs blog the limePC seems dead.


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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:42:15
#59 ]
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I have had IM message confirmation that CherryPal was selling OLD but limited amounts of OLD LimePC stock.

On Saturday - June 20th - 2009 - LimePC was still in full operation, marketing and engineering discussions were still operational, bank payments were still being received and processed.

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Re: CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?
Posted on 21-Jun-2009 23:47:56
#60 ]
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What BBRV is calming is

The 5121e did not (does not) support cache-coherency.
No cache-coherency = Data corruptions and instability.

Does the LimePC have data corruption problems?

Unless the LimeOS is designed to work in this conditions, it won't work, AmigaOS4.0 support none cache-coherency, but does give heavy performance hit, reading and writing to and from memory on AmigaOne is slow.

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