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Poll : How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Own one already (or will own one within the comings months)
Waiting for announced "killer" game or feature (PS3 Home, MGS, FF, etc)
Waiting for price drop or Slimline version
Only interested if AmigaOS4 (or an other OS woul be be ported)
Simply not interested
Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 15:35:19
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


I still havent' figured out what the point of it is.

Clearly you have a 'life' - Second Life is for people that don't.

Seriously though I can't imagine anything sadder than acting out a virtual life. There are lots of strange people out there.


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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 15:40:35
#22 ]
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@MikeB @Kronos

Now fellas it is not like there is a lot of posts all seeking attention. While I think posting about PS3 a waste I can always ignore.

Can you say rootkit and DRM. Just say no to SONY. There hardware is not open anyway, and never will be. If you had titled your thread, "How interested in OS4 for the Sony Playstation 3 are you?", it would have been better. I am a little interested in that but not at all in the PS3.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 15:44:04
#23 ]
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From: Europe

OK, an effort to bring the discussion back on topic.

Some good news, the PS3 just scored its first major solid hit in Japan! Gundam Musou for the PS3 has sold out in its first week of release topping the Japanese charts with 175,000 copies sold! I consider this good news for high definition gamers as the game has already outsold all PS3 and XBox 360 games previously released.

The PS3 has now sold well beyond double the amount of XBox 360s sold in Japan (despite the competitor's year headstart), with having sold 754,250 hardware units sold as of the 4th of February 2007, this despite the console's initially high price point and major blockbusters like the new Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid yet to be released!

This graphs illustrates how the PS3 is currently faring against the XBox 360 in Japan:
VGcharts graph

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 15:46:38
#24 ]
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Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.


How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?

No thanks, I prefer Atari 2600 myself.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 15:48:19
#25 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Noranda Canada


I have no interest in them alien game machines (PS3 and M$oft stuff)
I'm only interested in Amiga.


µA1-C 750GX@800 using OS4.1

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 16:22:25
#26 ]
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Joined: 23-Mar-2004
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From: Cambridge


No thanks, I prefer Atari 2600 myself.

Which was designed by no less than J Miner himself.


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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 16:29:14
#27 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Just those threads with PS3 clearly in the title and only from the general technology forum since December, 2006:

[Poll] How many OWN XBox360, PS3, Wii CURRENTLY?
19 posts 617 reads
[Poll] Playstation 3 ~ A dream machine! Vindication?
242 posts 4958 reads
[Poll] Sony PS3 vs MS XBox 360
1260 posts 18011 reads
Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - Volume II
34 posts 993 reads
Will the Wii be more succesfull than the ps3 in all markets?
52 posts 815 reads
[Poll] Will the PS3 be successful in Europe?
1006 posts 11316 reads
PS3 to complement Xbox 360 gaming setup?
29 posts 539 reads
Has the Amiga Curse jumped species to the PS3?
22 posts 769 reads
Sony may finally backpeddle and add force feedback back to PS3?
2 posts 149 reads
[Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
24 posts 319 reads
European PS3 different than US/JP PS3 - not fully backwards compatible
232 posts 4278 reads

Total posts - 2922
Total reads - 42,764

So, regardless of how interesting a particular PS3 thread has been we have an average of 265.6 posts per thread and average 3887.6 reads per thread.

I suppose that indicates something.

The big question...

If AmigaInc and Hyperion don't ascend to an agreement they can both live with, then how would any of this talk be of any benefit??


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 16:43:30
#28 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA


number6 wrote:

The big question...

If AmigaInc and Hyperion don't ascend to an agreement they can both live with, then how would any of this talk be of any benefit??

Its been over 26 months since the last licensed OS4 hardware rolled off the assembly line, do you have reason to believe PS3 is any less likely then Samantha, ACK, Panda, Moana, Efika or Apple being the "next" licensed piece for sale? The reality is that its extremely unlikely another piece of hardware will be licensed for OS4. The PS3 would be superior to most of the other applicants, its cheaper then most of the alternatives, and will be available for years with a supported warranty and the ability to buy new ones, (ie its just like Apple was years ago when no less then 3 serious Apple offers were made), but in the 26 months since the last AmigaOne rolled off the line, no new license has been granted and with the current legal battle I doubt it ever will be.


Last edited by Tigger on 08-Mar-2007 at 04:46 PM.

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 17:14:56
#29 ]
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From: In the village


do you have reason to believe PS3 is any less likely then Samantha, ACK, Panda, Moana, Efika or Apple being the "next" licensed piece for sale?

51 responses (at time of post) on this topic and the majority of AW users show they either don't care or are only interested if OS4 is a factor for PS3.
Clearly this is a [poll] that solely gives an indication about AW members' interests in -them-.
Isn't the real question "are they interested in US"? "US" meaning what Amiga Inc. and/or Hyperion have to offer.

As to whether it is "less likely" I think that our developers ARE still interested in us. Do we garnish any such interest from Sony?
I don't think your 1st question can be answered without knowing that.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 17:27:55
#30 ]
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From: Space Coast

IMO an option to filter the good old MorpOS warriors like you, #AmigaZeux guys and jorkany would be nice as well.

Hey, when have I ever supported MorphOS? Just because I don't think OS4 is a good idea doesn't mean I like MorphOS either. If I was pressed to support any Amiga-like NG OS I think it would be AROS.

Anyhow, I think a killfile on these forums would be a good idea - it's worked on usenet for decades. But surely you wouldn't killfile little 'ol me? Now I'm all sad...

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 17:30:35
#31 ]
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That Home thing looks just like everything else Sony has done with PS3 - OTT.

I could be wrong, but I can't see normal people buying into that kind of thing in the same way they have Miis. It looks too complicated and too involved.

The platformer sounds interesting though.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 17:43:48
# ]



The platformer sounds interesting though.

Yeah, LittleBigPlanet is the first PS3 title, where I thought "Hey, that's kinda neat". It has great art direction (reminds me of a more merry Tim Burton) and games based on physics are often pretty fun. System seller? Not quite. But I'd probably get it if I had the machine.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 17:50:41
#33 ]
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From: Unknown

$940 is just too much... You can get a pretty damn decent pc for the very same price and it will not have the same artifical restrictions of the ps3. The blueray for me is not worth the extra price and there is simply not many blueray movies out yet either. Blueray and HD-dvd players/drives will come down in price soon enough..

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:08:40
#34 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA


number6 wrote:

Isn't the real question "are they interested in US"? "US" meaning what Amiga Inc. and/or Hyperion have to offer.

Who is they? Sony? I seriously doubt Sony is interested in the amiga community, but of course they dont have to be, we just want to use there hardware to run OS4. That doesnt take anything from Sony. There is nothing Amiga Inc or Hyperion can offer that is of remote interest to Sony. Doesnt matter, buy there hardware, run OS4 on it.


As to whether it is "less likely" I think that our developers ARE still interested in us.

Bill Buck is hugely interested in the platform and hes the CEO of a company that makes real shipping PPC hardware, and that has not helped us get a new hardware platform for OS4, why do you think those expensive so far non shipping alternatives are going to be better?


Do we garnish any such interest from Sony?
I don't think your 1st question can be answered without knowing that.

Why does Sony need to be involved in your opinion? Is UDTech going to need to be involved if we run the Panda board? MAI surely wasnt involved with us while we were buying the "AmigaOnes" (sic Terons) from Eyetech. Its a real simple 4 step process
1) make a CD with OS4 for PS3 on it
2) key it to a USB dongle to prevent piracy
3) sell it for the PS3 (dealers will probably even start carrying it)
4) make money

Why exactly does Sony need to be involved?

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:11:33
#35 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA


Tomas wrote:
$940 is just too much... You can get a pretty damn decent pc for the very same price and it will not have the same artifical restrictions of the ps3. The blueray for me is not worth the extra price and there is simply not many blueray movies out yet either. Blueray and HD-dvd players/drives will come down in price soon enough..

I'll agree that the EU price is high for the PS3, but honestly which OS4 platform do you think it going to be cheaper? Once you take the board+case+power supply+memory+Video card+etc, I dont think we've seen a sub $1000 OS4 platform yet, and I really dont think most of the new options are going to be cheaper, do you?

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:23:59
#36 ]
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1. I own one. No 'must haves' exist for me on the platform, yet, seriously hoping Sony gets their act in gear on a number of levels, but I'm not 'unhappy' with the purchase, just see a lot of mismanagement and marketing hype vs reality coming from Sony still.

2. The above looks interesting, but not new. Second Life, Eve Online, etc etc..I have to wonder if Sony is able to pull it off as nicely as others have managed to do, or if it will be an ongoing public 'alpha' that peaks quickly, then loses any appeal. Time will tell. Is there a release date?

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:24:17
#37 ]
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From: Europe


I could be wrong, but I can't see normal people buying into that kind of thing in the same way they have Miis. It looks too complicated and too involved.

At least it's a non-mandatory free service. I think such a service will be a long term killer feature for many customers though. The Sims is the best sold PC game ever, this is a bit like Sims, but an online version with endless possibilities, they also plan to add pets in the future..

I showed the trailer to my girlfriend and she is excited about what the future has in store for the Playstation 3. Personally I like the idea of watching user content and movies together in for example a virtual living room, being able to share your thoughts (for instance make your "Sim" laugh, etc). The cinema already seems like a development towards my personal vision of what I would like see in the future:

On 10 January MikeB wrote:

But imagine what could someday become possible with VR support. Imagine watching a Blu-Ray movie through a VR headset, with you appearing to be seated in a cinema watching the movie played on a large screen in the virtual distance. Imagine yourself driving Gran Turismo 6 with a steering wheel, looking from the car's interior, being able to quickly move your head to see who's driving next to you. If only I could be Sony's CTO.

Last edited by MikeB on 08-Mar-2007 at 06:24 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:31:56
#38 ]
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From: Europe


or if it will be an ongoing public 'alpha' that peaks quickly

It's currently in private beta and in April becomes a public beta amongst at least developers. BTW, have you finished Resistance and played the game online yet?

If you are interested in racers Motorstorm is out and includes visuals which shows off what possible with the PS3 already. IMO a very impressive launch title, mostly fun online with a headset though.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:46:06
#39 ]
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I showed the trailer to my girlfriend and she is excited about what the future has in store for the Playstation 3. Personally I like the idea of watching user content and movies together in for example a virtual living room, being able to share your thoughts (for instance make your "Sim" laugh, etc). The cinema already seems like a development towards my personal vision of what I would like see in the future:

Already been possible for years in second life.. There they even have free mvoie theaters that show newer movies.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 8-Mar-2007 18:49:32
#40 ]
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From: Europe


If you are interested here you can register to take part in the closed beta:

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