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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 20-Jul-2012 22:01:27
#401 ]
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I see. They obviously didn't want the unfinished prototypes released, did they?


OlafS25 wrote:

there were some prototypes that are working (chipset not fully implemented)

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 20-Jul-2012 22:05:40
#402 ]
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I get you. If you weighed out the positives and the negatives, and were moved more towards the positive during the comparison, then you made the right decision. No one else can tell you what's good for you.

How cheap can it be? That's the million dollar question.


mbrantley wrote:

It's not so much standing by a product because I spent the money on it, but rather knowing beforehand exactly what I would be getting for the money and determining that for me it had value. As an upgrader from less-capable next-gen AmigaOS systems, I got no surprises. Running the latest version of AmigaOS and my stable of new and classic Amiga software on the fastest hardware possible is what I was after. I am still sort of silly-thrilled (to coin a term) that we're talking about this stuff in 2012.

We all agree on this, though: This stuff needs to be less expensive. There's less agreement on how cheap it *CAN* be, given realities.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 20-Jul-2012 22:19:31
#403 ]
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While I'm quite enjoying this thread and reading all the various points of views and posts in it, could I ask you a wee favour please...

Is there any chance you could post peoples quotes you're replying to above your replies and not below them, as it makes reading your replies a wee bit awkward at times (especially your longer replies where you have to scroll the screen up to find out what the question was to the answer you just gave)...

Sorry for nit picking but it would make what is a very interesting thread a wee bit more legible... ta...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 0:20:26
#404 ]
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Franko wrote:

While I'm quite enjoying this thread and reading all the various points of views and posts in it, could I ask you a wee favour please...

Is there any chance you could post peoples quotes you're replying to above your replies and not below them, as it makes reading your replies a wee bit awkward at times (especially your longer replies where you have to scroll the screen up to find out what the question was to the answer you just gave)...

Sorry for nit picking but it would make what is a very interesting thread a wee bit more legible... ta...

I'm used to email, sorry. Usually when you reply with email, it goes the other way around

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 0:24:08
#405 ]
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Cod3r wrote:

I'm used to email, sorry. Usually when you reply with email, it goes the other way around

Ahh... much better... thank you very much...

I never reply to emails myself cos of that...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 4:11:56
#406 ]
Joined: 30-Mar-2012
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Yeah it seems to make sense to keep things open source in a small community like the amiga one.
In theory then someone could have picked up the baton if Thomas dropped the natami.Fpga arcade is opensource I believe too.It would be a lot of work starting from scratch all the time.
It's been said before but people in the amiga community need to work together a s much as possible.
A viable amiga system could happen if all the tech heads here put their minds together Im sure.
Anyhow lets see where this project goes.The journey may be fun. Im eyeing up the fpga arcade atm but will be watching this thread too to see where it goes.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 9:38:42
#407 ]
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i have a feeling of deja vu here, did we meet somewhere in the past?
the whole thing about the company, the atari coldfire, the Amiga coldfire etc

Back in the early to mid 2000's when the whole Coldfire hysteria exploded, there was this guy who worked in a company who had access to industrial hardware, talented guy who did lots of stuff (linux (?) and an custom hardware OS)but after a few Amiga tests and minor test projects he went completely silent :(

anyways, looking forward to hear more although i have no interests in AROS at all and i have left 68k too now (still got them) as AmigaOS4 is the way for me to go but i still think this is very interesting oh and yes the AROS people are a great bunch of people and very helpful.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 12:46:40
#408 ]
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From: In the village


Are you thinking about Oliver Hannaford-Day and Lichfield Electronics?



This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 14:28:07
#409 ]
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Toaks wrote:

i have a feeling of deja vu here, did we meet somewhere in the past?
the whole thing about the company, the atari coldfire, the Amiga coldfire etc

Back in the early to mid 2000's when the whole Coldfire hysteria exploded, there was this guy who worked in a company who had access to industrial hardware, talented guy who did lots of stuff (linux (?) and an custom hardware OS)but after a few Amiga tests and minor test projects he went completely silent :(

anyways, looking forward to hear more although i have no interests in AROS at all and i have left 68k too now (still got them) as AmigaOS4 is the way for me to go but i still think this is very interesting oh and yes the AROS people are a great bunch of people and very helpful.

Sorry, it wasn't me. In the mid 2000's, I was either still in high school or had just came to the US, far before even knowing about a ColdFire.

Well, I totally understand. AmigaOS4 does seem interesting but unless I can get some hardware to run it, i'll never see what it does up close.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 16:11:26
#410 ]
Joined: 20-Jul-2012
Posts: 11
From: United States


Interesting thread. Thanks for telling me about the forum.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 16:12:53
#411 ]
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Welcome to Amigaworld.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 16:40:46
#412 ]
Joined: 20-Jul-2012
Posts: 11
From: United States


Thank you!

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 18:24:51
#413 ]
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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 20:32:05
#414 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I will also invite you to get in contact whit different companies dealing whit Amiga like operating systems.

MorphOS developer probably hang out MorphZone.
Company web page:

AmigaOS4 developers hang out on
Company web page:

Classic users hangs out on and EAB.

AROS has servers as battle ground, but is the most active and interesting forum.

General speaking you need a product that can boot and uses a PowerPC that is compatible whit Hyperion’s specifications, then hyperion-entertainment can make a deal whit you.

Hyperion-entertainment has right to develop the AmigaOS,
Colonto also has distribution rights for classic AmigaOS 3.x/2.x/1.x, by old deal made a long time ago. Hyperion-entertainment also distribute classic ROM's whit AmigaOS4.x

Amiga Inc currently has right to “Amiga” name but not “AmigaOS”, so products can be named “AmigaONE” not “Amiga”, a bit complicated.

AROS is open source operating system, based on deigns of AmigaOS.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Jul-2012 at 08:44 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Jul-2012 at 08:39 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Jul-2012 at 08:36 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Jul-2012 at 08:34 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 20:34:53
#415 ]
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Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 22:13:39
#416 ]
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General speaking you need a product that can boot and uses a PowerPC that is compatible whit Hyperion’s specifications, then hyperion-entertainment can make a deal whit you.

+ a fair amount of cash to pay for the port as its been told by informed sources.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 22:51:38
#417 ]
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A.R. wrote:

Interesting thread. Thanks for telling me about the forum.

Nice mugshot

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 22:56:26
#418 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

I will also invite you to get in contact whit different companies dealing whit Amiga like operating systems.

MorphOS developer probably hang out MorphZone.
Company web page:

AmigaOS4 developers hang out on
Company web page:

Classic users hangs out on and EAB.

AROS has servers as battle ground, but is the most active and interesting forum.

General speaking you need a product that can boot and uses a PowerPC that is compatible whit Hyperion’s specifications, then hyperion-entertainment can make a deal whit you.

Hyperion-entertainment has right to develop the AmigaOS,
Colonto also has distribution rights for classic AmigaOS 3.x/2.x/1.x, by old deal made a long time ago. Hyperion-entertainment also distribute classic ROM's whit AmigaOS4.x

Amiga Inc currently has right to “Amiga” name but not “AmigaOS”, so products can be named “AmigaONE” not “Amiga”, a bit complicated.

AROS is open source operating system, based on deigns of AmigaOS.

I would totally sign up for all those forums and contact everyone, but unfortunately I only have so much time

I can't design a thing if you mean making a product to run AmigaOS4, but our new friend A.R. can-He's a hardware whiz

Me, i'm just as my name suggests... a Cod3r

I have checked out some of those links (i'm on as well), but I have yet do anything but lurk.

Last edited by Cod3r on 21-Jul-2012 at 10:57 PM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:09:26
#419 ]
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wawa wrote:

General speaking you need a product that can boot and uses a PowerPC that is compatible whit Hyperion’s specifications, then hyperion-entertainment can make a deal whit you.

+ a fair amount of cash to pay for the port as its been told by informed sources.

Please elaborate on what you mean. Do you mean to make a PowerPC based system to run AmigaOS4 you have to pay for it? I'm not sure I read it right...

Not that I can make one anyway, i'm just asking...

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:09:47
#420 ]
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(i'm on as well)

I was pretty sure that was you throwing me a smiley over there. heh.

As far as h/w is concerned, anyone interested in details should speak with ssolie. Anything you read on the forums is merely conjecture.


Last edited by number6 on 21-Jul-2012 at 11:29 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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