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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:34:02
#421 ]
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I think he means they have to pay for the port (not the right)

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:36:19
#422 ]
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@ Certain People

You know from what started of as a thread about someone telling us about coding and getting an albeit incomplete implementation of the Amiga (68K based} on a very customised piece of hardware, it has since kinda become not a lot more than the usual "wish list" of what OS4 users would like to see on yet another PPC based system...

All fine and great if OS4 is your thing I suppose but haven't you guys got enough "new" hardware to choose from at the moment compared to us 68k based users !!!

C'mon stop trying to nick / hijack something that has possibility for us 68K users, which as the thread has progressed is looking unlikely anyway from what Cod3r employer has to say but there is still a faint hope that maybe, just maybe Cod3r can help out with the NatAmi or he can get together with some other individuals and hardware experts and produce an alternative to the NatAmi...

Why has it got to be about OS4 or MorphOS when it was supposed to be about exploring the possibilities of the 68k side of things to start with...

@ NutsAboutAmiga

Cloanto DOESN'T have a the legal ability nor rights to issue to any other party the use of Kickstart ROMs/ Images or Workbench for use on anything except in the a limited form which can only be run using their Amiga Forever package... They cannot issue or sell distribution licences for Kickstart ROM Images nor Workbench alone, their licence only covers the use of those under strict terms for use with their Amiga Forever package...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:39:16
#423 ]
Joined: 20-Jul-2012
Posts: 11
From: United States



Thanks guys!

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:43:25
#424 ]
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number6 wrote:

(i'm on as well)

I was pretty sure that was you throwing me a smiley over there. heh.

As far as h/w is concerned, anyone interested in details should speak with ssolie. Anything you read on the forums is merely conjecture.


Have not done anything there ( yet, just following threads here and there.

I get what you mean, I don't have the means to create a single thing hardware wise.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:44:36
#425 ]
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OlafS25 wrote:

I think he means they have to pay for the port (not the right)

Understood. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 23:50:24
#426 ]
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Franko wrote:
@ Certain People

You know from what started of as a thread about someone telling us about coding and getting an albeit incomplete implementation of the Amiga (68K based} on a very customised piece of hardware, it has since kinda become not a lot more than the usual "wish list" of what OS4 users would like to see on yet another PPC based system...

All fine and great if OS4 is your thing I suppose but haven't you guys got enough "new" hardware to choose from at the moment compared to us 68k based users !!!

C'mon stop trying to nick / hijack something that has possibility for us 68K users, which as the thread has progressed is looking unlikely anyway from what Cod3r employer has to say but there is still a faint hope that maybe, just maybe Cod3r can help out with the NatAmi or he can get together with some other individuals and hardware experts and produce an alternative to the NatAmi...

Why has it got to be about OS4 or MorphOS when it was supposed to be about exploring the possibilities of the 68k side of things to start with...

@ NutsAboutAmiga

Cloanto DOESN'T have a the legal ability nor rights to issue to any other party the use of Kickstart ROMs/ Images or Workbench for use on anything except in the a limited form which can only be run using their Amiga Forever package... They cannot issue or sell distribution licences for Kickstart ROM Images nor Workbench alone, their licence only covers the use of those under strict terms for use with their Amiga Forever package...

Well, either way I can't do anything for PPC anyway. No hardware + no experience in it. I have access to 68k stuff (my new old Amiga 500 and the stuff at work), but only thing I have for PPC is a couple of old Macs.

Now if MorphOS could run on my quad G5 or Amiga PPC had something similar, i'd be all over it.

Four 2.5 GHz G5 processors was really interesting and compelling at the time I got it. Now if Amiga PPC was there right now, I would probably be interested.

But I think that the original native mode is the root of which Amiga came from. It should remain and maybe add something new but keeping the compatibility.

Last edited by Cod3r on 22-Jul-2012 at 12:17 AM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:05:54
#427 ]
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From: Norway


If it was ported to another CPU architecture yes, that's way they don't do it until they absolutely must.
Hyperions income comes from software licenses, hardware manufactures income comes from selling some thing interesting, so its a mutual interest, Acube-Systems write driver development in house, so it depends on the deal, some one has pay to for the work, but the income comes from sales.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:22 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:21 AM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:13:16
#428 ]
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From: Norway


They are free to do what ever they like, even if they do a AmigaOS3/680x0 based system they might or should talk to Hyperion considering they are the ones developing AmigaOS, or they can go the AROS route, that’s there choice, but AROS is slower because it written in C and not 680x0 Assembler.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:36:17
#429 ]
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From: Norway


I can name a few companies in the past that did not have anything to show.

BoXeR and Inside out prototypes, never made it to market.

ACK announced a computer whit out having made a deal whit Hyperion, ACK no hardware was ever shown.

Troika an other company promised gold at the end of the rainbow,
created a few reference designs that did not work, and never made contract whit Hyperion.

All this generated lots and lots frustration about broken promises in Amiga community (Customers), it was all done horribly unprofessional.

Talk to the right people, or start by finding out what we the (Amiga) customers are interested and then decide what to do, you should really not show anything until you have a working prototype, and you should probably contact OS developers and make a deal.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:40:13
#430 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Make life simpler. Just link. Heh.

Oh, and don't believe everything you've been told.

Help compile giant list of Amiga hardware vapor


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:54:00
#431 ]
Joined: 20-Jul-2012
Posts: 11
From: United States


It took quite a bit of time, but I finally read through this thread. As someone who may be new here, I will tread carefully, but I will also state the facts.

Cod3r is an excellent young developer. He is capable of the things he has mentioned. The ColdFire SBC does exist. How do I know? I know him personally. I even gave him pointers on creating the bootstrap.

He is a software developer by trade, and is quite talented at his craft. He is a graduate from the university that brought you the first graphical web browser. And I know talented developers when I see them, as I am a former Motorola employee.

I find it quite interesting and intriguing that people around the world are still interested in the technology created by Motorola. As an employee, my experience there was invaluable.

The work wasn't easy, but the reward (and pay) was well worth it. And to think that our work contributed to things that would ultimately change the technological world is a humbling experience.

To have worked at Motorola was not simply a job. It was a community and culture within itself. We had nearly everything you could imagine at our disposal within the company grounds.

So in short, I enjoy the banter, and am invigorated by the spirit of this community. However, do not hold hostility and contempt for those who wish to join your ranks.

For those who wish to join you, may be the very ones to save you.

Amigans, I truly understand you. In the beginning, I was a Commie

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 0:57:28
#432 ]
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From: In the village


Thanks for sharing some of your history.

However, do not hold hostility and contempt for those who wish to join your ranks.

I'm afraid some of that attitude has passed down from "management". My apologies.


Last edited by number6 on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:00 AM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:09:48
#433 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

They are free to do what ever they like, even if they do a AmigaOS3/680x0 based system they might or should talk to Hyperion considering they are the ones developing AmigaOS, or they can go the AROS route, that’s there choice, but AROS is slower because it written in C and not 680x0 Assembler.

There's no such thing as being free to do what you like when it comes to the Amiga (least not in a commercial sense) as sadly the vultures would soon be stuffing more cash into the lawyers pockets on anyone attempting to do so...

Hyperion only develop an Amiga OS for PPC based machines and as Cod3r has said he knows little about PPC anyway...

Whichever route Cod3r chooses to go can only be a good thing if something finally comes of it, so lets just wait and see...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:10:52
#434 ]
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number6 wrote:

Oh, and don't believe everything you've been told.


Anything particular in mind, do tell please...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:13:13
#435 ]
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From: Norway


Well just don't make deals whit the devil “Amiga Inc”, the evil company.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:15:09
#436 ]
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From: In the village


Anything particular in mind, do tell please

I think I'll wait to see what appears in the Viva Amiga film.
We can discuss a sequel later.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:15:09
#437 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Well Motorola has a big legacy, it was a shame it was sold to Symbol.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:16 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:15 AM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:19:30
#438 ]
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A.R. wrote:

Amigans, I truly understand you. In the beginning, I was a Commie

Welcome to Amigaland A.R., you've probably noticed already that there is still life in the old machine from the various views and opinions posted here and will be for many years to come...

Other computers come and go but the Amiga always was something just that wee bit special and will probably outlive us all...

PS: Good job this aint the Hoover era as being a "Commie" could have got you into a lot of bother, Hmmm... mind you being an Amigan in this day and age still can...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:21:19
#439 ]
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number6 wrote:

Anything particular in mind, do tell please

I think I'll wait to see what appears in the Viva Amiga film.
We can discuss a sequel later.


I just hope by the time it comes out DVD players are still in fashion...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:24:04
#440 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

I can name a few companies in the past that did not have anything to show.

BoXeR and Inside out prototypes, never made it to market.

ACK announced a computer whit out having made a deal whit Hyperion, ACK no hardware was ever shown.

Troika an other company promised gold at the end of the rainbow,
created a few reference designs that did not work, and never made contract whit Hyperion.

All this generated lots and lots frustration about broken promises in Amiga community (Customers), it was all done horribly unprofessional.

Talk to the right people, or start by finding out what we the (Amiga) customers are interested and then decide what to do, you should really not show anything until you have a working prototype, and you should probably contact OS developers and make a deal.

All I can say that many in the past failed but some actually did succeed. So maybe it is just the luck of the draw?

And since you mention it, what do Amiga customers want? If you could make a dream machine what would it be?

And who are the right people? Can you give me some names? I will work to create something new. I am offering myself.

Last edited by Cod3r on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:25 AM.

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