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Poll : What is the single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Lower the price of the operating system dramatically while retaining its planned, future features
Encourage hardware manufacturers to launch super low cost, entry level AmigaOS compatible hardware
Provide official AmigaOS emulation software for x86/Intel-platforms similar to AmigaForever
Raise the price of AmigaOS and pave way for so called "killer features" unique to the operating system
Official advertising for AmigaOS and AmigaOS-hardware at popular mainstream web sites and newspapers
Crowd source funding: Hyperion should find new users by asking for funding on popular sites such as Kickstarter
Some other factor (elaborate in the forum thread)
[POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 10:46:22
#1 ]
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From: EU <3 ❤️

As pointed out by AmigaOS chief developer Steven Solie in his AmiWest 2012 speech held in the US state of California on Saturday October 20th, the core developers would like the operating system to have a stable base of around 50 000 licensees. In this Sunday Poll, you are encouraged to explain what the single most important factor for Hyperion Entertainment to reach this goal would be. As always, the forum is open for debate in the form of constructive criticism and new ideas.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 10:49:50
#2 ]
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From: Sweden


Port it to x86 or something else powerfull and less costy

Last edited by Kicko on 21-Oct-2012 at 10:50 AM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 10:51:08
#3 ]
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From: Belgium


I personally dont think that extra money will lead to more users.

But i like the idea of a shedule to sponsor the OS.

I went for the emulation as that is something you can do all in software.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 10:56:35
#4 ]
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Port it to standard hardware, give it away a lot cheaper (or at the start free of charge to win users) and open parts of the sources. But nothing of that will happen...

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:01:53
#5 ]
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x86 porting or PPC emulation with WinUAE or other emulator.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:15:10
#6 ]
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With the current management, speed of development, hardware, software and prices.... it would be a freakin miracle to reach 5000 users, let alone 50 000.

so they need to change pretty much everything

Last edited by WolfToTheMoon on 21-Oct-2012 at 11:15 AM.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:15:34
#7 ]
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Port to x86.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:17:30
#8 ]
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Subscription model, get more money in, small fee every month, no one will suffer, Hyperion will get more money and more developers can work full time, more development.

You can’t advertise on mainstream because AmigaOS does not have what you expect when it comes to applications and not when it comes to hardware support atm.

It is good that they are working 3D, but things are taking too long.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Oct-2012 at 11:20 AM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:18:42
#9 ]
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Even any given combination of those options won't get you anywhere near 50k users, cos Win/OSX/iOS/Android are more than good enough for accessing FaceBook and youtube which is what 99% of (private) computer users do.

One might target a broader spectrum of geeks, but here it really boils down to what makes "Amiga" more cool than Linux,BSD,HAIKU......

Or the other way round, after 10 years of development what inroads has any NG-Amiga made pass the userbase that was there in 2001 ?

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:39:56
#10 ]
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Emulation will not bring many users, because the ones who emulate are only the ones who like test something, not the ones that like buy it. And anyway you need hardware buyers as well, and it might damage hardware sales.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Oct-2012 at 11:40 AM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 11:46:41
#11 ]
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Well as the title of this thread is "Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?" and it's posted in "Amiga General Chat" and even as such I am assuming (hopefully) that it's about OS4 as you mention Steven Solie and Hyperion, then here my take on it...

To me Hyperion missed the boat big time when they introduced OS4.0 for PPC equipped classic machines...

I purchased OS 4.0 for use with my PPC equipped A1200 and can only say I was sorely disappointed and let down with it. Maybe I should have done more research before actually buying it but not being on the net at the time and only having limited access to my sisters PC there wasn't much apart from the advertising of the time for me to go by...

I reckon I expected it to be a super fast, highly backwards compatible upgrade of Workbench & Kickstart as it would be running under the PPC side of my Amiga @ 240Mhz. Sadly that was not the case, compatibility with most of my old software was very low and despite it running via the PPC it was like running an Amiga with only chip ram and just too slow to be useful alternative to my 060 and AmigaOS 3.5...

Then of course after only one solitary update Hyperion dropped all support for those of us who purchased OS 4.0 which made the whole experience even more disappointing...

So myself I don't see how Hyperion can ever hope to reach 50k users as their lack of support for the product I bought from them left a bad taste in my mouth (and I doubt that I'm alone in that)...

However having said all that I do hope one day they will finally produce a version of AmigaOS that is indeed as backwards compatible with the majority of old Amiga software and at the same time someone to have come up with reasonably priced hardware to run it on. Probably the biggest selling point for me to purchase both the OS and hopefully new hardware would be the ability for it to access the internet to it's full potential...


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:00:02
#12 ]
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- Cheap Hardware by Kickstarter
- OS localization (Chinese language?)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:02:44
#13 ]
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Used OS4 with AGA only? I must admire your passion!

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:04:15
#14 ]
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AmigaOS4.1 runs better on classic then AmigaOS4.0 did, but you need a graphic card, chip ram is slow and therefor AGA is slow, anyway all new applications all use 32bit graphics and memory hungry, it is really not much point in supporting so limited hardware, not saying it’s not useful for simpler tasks.

I understand your point of view that might have attracted more classic users if compatibility was higher, I think major issue on classic was WHLoad, but WHLoad won’t work because it stops multitasking and tries to take over.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:17:48
#15 ]
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That was the problem (I had this debate with Karlos over on, there was no mention in any of the advertising I saw nor indeed on the actual box about needing a gfx card to get the best out of it, all anything said was "for classic Amigas equipped with PPC"...

WHDLoad is not a big deal for me as I'm not a big games fan and very rarely play them, but I expected having an OS that ran from a PPC processor @ 240Hhz to be a lot faster than my 060, which sadly wasn't the case...


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:18:59
#16 ]
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I am pretty sure there are 50k AmigaOS users in the world.

But most of them are on Classic hardware or on emulation
via Amiga Forever or other UAE's.

So what is the problem then?

Why do they not upgrade to 4.1?

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:20:20
#17 ]
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Why do they not upgrade to 4.1?

Insane price, laughable performance?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:22:11
#18 ]
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Some are happy with what they have, others cannot afford or do not want to spend so much money. And the "wars" of the past have certainly done some damage too. And when you are only wanting to play 68k games UAE is more than enough...

And the package (hardware/OS) is obviously not persuading

Last edited by OlafS25 on 21-Oct-2012 at 12:23 PM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:24:16
#19 ]
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Kicko wrote:

Port it to x86 or something else powerfull and less costy

All you could really do is port to ONE common chipset with ONE common graphics card and ONE common NIC etc etc. Supporting drivers is a massive barrier; it's taken Linux 20 years to come close to supporting all common x86 machines and even then it fails sometiems.

So it's a good idea, but it should be clarrified: what you really mean is port to x86 whilst supporting a tiny fraction (less then 1%) of the hardware out there.

Then someone would have to write a PPC emulation layer on the top...

Cool idea though.


Last edited by Aslak3 on 21-Oct-2012 at 12:25 PM.
Last edited by Aslak3 on 21-Oct-2012 at 12:25 PM.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:28:49
#20 ]
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Dirk-B wrote:
I am pretty sure there are 50k AmigaOS users in the world.

I'd put it at somewhere between 8 and ten thousand based on my own experience and somewhat casual research...

But most of them are on Classic hardware

The answer to that is very simple most folk with classic hardware do not have PPC equipped machines, which of course is a requirement for OS4.x on classic hardware...

Why do they not upgrade to 4.1?

Speaking for myself, I answered that in my other post here...


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