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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 19:19:33
#101 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
Posts: 3064
From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Mouse movement is handled by holding down either of the "Amiga" keys and pressing the cursor keys on the keyboard. Mouse clicks are handled by holding down either of the "Amiga" keys and pressing the left Alt key (for left-mouse clicking) or the right Alt key (for right-mouse clicking).

Dammit! You're fripping right mate! It works, thank you.


Life is a waste of time.
Time is a waste of life.
Get wasted all the time
and you'll have the time of your life!

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 21:27:57
#102 ]
Super Member
Joined: 4-Dec-2004
Posts: 1006
From: Unknown


Calling disk by name...

Put your usb drive in, run backup-script or program wich makes bakup to disk named backup: :)

In windows you have to call letters. USB letters can be anything. You can even lock letter for particular disk, but still it can dissappear easily.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2011 9:46:13
#103 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Mar-2003
Posts: 3049
From: Cologne * Germany



DAX wrote:
For most here it's about choices also, so the fact that a Mac or PC offer more for less isn't much of an issue (and quite frankly we all already have one of those).

It was back then, we had the choice of getting a PC, a Mac or Amiga.

The Amiga group was a peculiar one, some chose Amiga considering it just a game machine.
Of course when bad times came they bought themselves a PC (they're actual first computer for "work" purposes) and a SuperNintendo.

Others used their Amiga either professionally or were learning their profession on it, they chose to stay on the Amiga, buy OS upgrades, expansion cards and what not.

Then the rug was finally pulled beneath our feets, we were left with our ass on the ground and the message: "we're closed, go get another computer"

Some did, never to look back, some went away and returned, some never left.

In my case I just wanted to buy a new fully boxed Amiga to replace the last one. Yes a PPC model with the newest AmigaOS would have been great. I couldn't care less about the creative talk I sometime hear on, about the holy magical chipset. Even JayMiner suggested 24-Bit video-cards in one of his last interviews and I was using my expanded system (with no use for OCS/AGA to speak of) for quite a while.

I didn't want something to beat the SuperNintendo or the Playstation (as many people that had mistaken Amiga for their game console, so much wanted) I just wanted a new faster machine, my familiar environment, my favorite software.

Today the X1000 is the only thing on the horizon that resembles what I wanted (I already have a Sam), and sure I would like to buy it for less, but guess what? The economics of our small community won't allow a cheap price.

Good enough, I'll get it just the same, I came back hoping for it.... my new boxed Amiga...can't wait



If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2011 11:42:53
#104 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Mar-2003
Posts: 3049
From: Cologne * Germany



hotrod wrote:

I think that most people use the computer for fun in the first place which wold be in no particular order:

Yeah - but please keep in mind that for each of those "most people" fun can have a different meaning. What might be fun for one, could be a nightmare for others.


hotrod wrote:


near to "never"...


hotrod wrote:

Watching movies

For that I have a TV, VCR, DVD player - or I even go the cinema - I like big screens...


hotrod wrote:

Listening to music

For that I prefer my HiFi stereo equipment - it has better sound quality than every computer I heard so far...


hotrod wrote:

Browsing the web (including facebook, shopping, watching videoclips etc)

Yes, but excluding facebook; I do barely shopping on the web; if there are vidoclips that cannot be viewed on my Miggy I can always remote control the XP-PC underneath my desk to do the task.


hotrod wrote:


Up to today I managed to live without that...


hotrod wrote:




hotrod wrote:


Up to today I managed to live without that, too...


hotrod wrote:

That would be what most people does. Then they require some office applications, either for schoolwork or for personal work. For personal work it's often Word that are being used.

And I would say that this is pretty much what most people use their computers for more or less.

I do not care what most people do (see my sig).
If "most people" would be jumping off a bridge I certainly wouldn't do likewise just to be doing what the majority does...

Obviously my (computing) needs differ from the needs of "most people...


hotrod wrote:

Watching at the software side for AOS 4 there are lots of things missing still.

One can still run old pre OS4.x soft, I've been told...


hotrod wrote:

Games are there and some of them are good but more and bigger games are offcourse needed.

I don't need games at all...


hotrod wrote:

And don't see this happening anytime soon.

While others might be scared of this, I don't really care...
If I really should feel urge to play some games - there are still so many games that came with second hand A500s and my second hand A1200 that I haven't touched since I got the machines years ago.


hotrod wrote:

Flash... lots of videoclips still requires flash. Hopefully this will change or Gnash will get ported and work ok soon.

As I wrote above - if necessary I can always remote control the XP_PC underneath my desk to do the task.


hotrod wrote:

Skype... I don't know if it will ever get supported

No problem for me, as I don't use it.


hotrod wrote:

or any other standard like Messenger voice chat.

For "voice chat" I'm still using old-fashioned phones...


hotrod wrote:

And webcam support would offcourse be a good thing, it has been lacking for far too long.

Up to now I had no use for a webcam, but this might change in future.
So I don't know for sure if I can use a webcam with the Amiga (OsS 3.x or 4.x).
Didn't care for it so far...


hotrod wrote:

Printing support. I know that it will come eventually and it's really important.

Last time I tried,TurboPrint served me very well on my OS 3.9 main system.


hotrod wrote:

Other than that I think we are mosty ok.

I have to contradict here - I'd like to have a new version of DynaCadd, NewIO, logical workbench and the like for the announced A1 X1k.
An up-to date database environment would also come in very handy...

You see - we have different computing needs. Some like to play games that are considered stupid by others, while others like to play around with scietific/engineering tools, which in turn is considered unnecessary by some.


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2011 12:23:23
#105 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 31-May-2006
Posts: 392
From: Unknown

I still want more support but hey things could improve or they could stay on the treadmill
only time will tell and keep telling but hey we are all here for the intrest and the fun etc.

We love to dream and strive both are things important to being a successful person, I believe
its possible but I also thing the challenges are huge.....that said I don't mind that.


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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2011 13:22:55
#106 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Apr-2003
Posts: 1097
From: Unknown


Its a great feature, especially when drawing in a paint program and what not :)


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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2011 21:21:30
#107 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3795
From: Belgrade, Serbia


From purely hardware side for Acube:

There are many computers that can do this nowadays,
but what is good with expensive and undepowered (not so for Linux and AOS 4)
SAM boards are:

- Small form factor (ITX/FlexATA) that with expensive cases
gives futuristic design

- With proper components you can get small, futuristic and silent computer

-With proper components almost laptop usage of energy (Green friendly)

A very futuristic in outer look thanks mainly to AMCC SOCC, but then again
so different from AOS 4 features

It might not be the better, just the same, but then again these are not standard features of desktop hardware today.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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