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Poll : What is the single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Lower the price of the operating system dramatically while retaining its planned, future features
Encourage hardware manufacturers to launch super low cost, entry level AmigaOS compatible hardware
Provide official AmigaOS emulation software for x86/Intel-platforms similar to AmigaForever
Raise the price of AmigaOS and pave way for so called "killer features" unique to the operating system
Official advertising for AmigaOS and AmigaOS-hardware at popular mainstream web sites and newspapers
Crowd source funding: Hyperion should find new users by asking for funding on popular sites such as Kickstarter
Some other factor (elaborate in the forum thread)
Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 4:11:00
#101 ]
Joined: 24-May-2010
Posts: 17
From: Phoenix, Arizona

Wouldn't an X86 AOS also allow for greater integration with other systems that might make it more attractive? I am thinking of such things as dual booting with Windows or Linux, plus the use of VMs or situations such as one finds in AEROS where one runs programs side by side with another operating system? I realize, of course, that PPC Linux runs on PPC Amigas, but I know a lot of people who favor Linux, yet have a Windows partition for running software not available in Linux such as Adobe Creative Suite. I do this myself using InDesign and a human modeling program, even though I mostly use Mandriva Linux when using the PC. In short, wouldn't there be advantages outside AOS as well as with development?

Also, I remember when Linux was a bit short on wifi drivers there was ndiswrapper to use Windows drivers. That would be nice on any of the Amiga variants.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 4:31:57
#102 ]
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Joined: 10-Nov-2008
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From: Unknown


Get some good programs on AmigaOS and some more people will come. Sadly, the opportunity to get AmigaOS on smart phones has passed, as has the tablet craze. Maybe this can only ever be a community with a glass ceiling of 50,000 users

I agree with several things you said. I think most users don't care a great deal (or not nearly as much as people here) regarding what OS they use. They want to use software... and whatever OS it runs on, is fine with them.

Thing is, as far as getting new programs on AOS, it's a catch-22. Without a larger userbase, what developer or company is going to spend resources making software for a userbase of maybe 1000 people?

And the limebook is probably too wimpy to bother with nowadays. 5 years ago, yeah, maybe it would have worked. Unless it's sold for like $100, why even bother with it? Nobody outside of this community would have any interest in it, and even here, unless it's super cheap, I don't think many would go crazy over it.

And they missed tablets. They missed netbooks... they missed smartphones... they missed streaming internet devices...

There is still one device that they could get in on, if they wanted to... small, inexpensive ARM devices (Pi, cheapo ARM sticks, etc) ... they tend to have a mix of smaller operating systems on them (streamlined linux or android), so there could be a niche there for AOS, if they wanted to go that route. That's the way I'd go, if I was them, assuming they have the source code and a port wouldn't bankrupt them.

Last edited by Nameless on 24-Oct-2012 at 04:32 AM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 7:09:29
#103 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Belgium


Maybe they should scale it down to a mini-AmigaOS version just to
boot it with a shell for those mini-devices. People could then upgrade
to a more expanded version of AmigaOS with for example an sd-card
or extra memory or other strorage-devices.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 7:51:56
#104 ]
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Would they need to scale it down at all? I wouldn't think AOS is that resource heavy, is it? SD cards aren't that expensive nowadays, so to include an 8 or 16GB card with such a device isn't very expensive really. I've purchased 8GB USB flash drives for less than $10.... I wouldn't think SD-Cards would be much more.

I don't know how much space AOS takes up though. I just assumed it wouldn't be more than a couple of GB.

Last edited by Nameless on 24-Oct-2012 at 07:52 AM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 8:15:27
#105 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Interesting developments from the world:
- new kind of home computers seem to come available in the form of Android devices/ smart TVs etc, 100% without M$ monopoly
- Windows is heavily trying to kill itself (at least I find it hard that anyone would take win8 seriously)
-Ubuntu etc. linux distros might be failing, at least I find them harder to use than a few years ago

Too bad that CBM failed with their CDTV. They were just some 20+ years too early with their product. Now if CBM would have been alive all this time, I bet AOS would be on those smart TVs.

btw. another trick to get closer to 50k users... convince freescale to put some decent 3D core on some affordable e6500 based chip + release reference design for "AmigaHW".

Last edited by KimmoK on 24-Oct-2012 at 08:17 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 9:26:40
#106 ]
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BigD wrote:
This poll proves a cheap proprietary laptop for AmigaOS is needed.

No! Cheap Hardware is available and always was, better ask Hyperion for support if you want AOS4 there.


Only the X1000 and Sam have been given AmigaOne branding ...

AmigaOne branding doesn't matter, Sams where sold for AOS4 before they where available in systems labelled, "AmigaOne 500"

Last edited by Arko on 24-Oct-2012 at 09:30 AM.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 9:29:38
#107 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


No! We need PPC on a PCMCIA card!

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 9:40:29
#108 ]
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No! We need PPC on a PCMCIA card!

Maybe if Hyperion tells you so ..

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 9:50:52
#109 ]
Joined: 27-Nov-2009
Posts: 40
From: Unknown

I'm waiting for an excuse to buy AOS 4.x. I almost found that excuse with the X1000 but sadly couldn't justify the expense. The netbook recently seemed like a definite excuse, but this hasn't materialised :(

If PPC isn't the solution then perhaps ARM is the way to go. I imagine ARM dev boards are much more affordable than anything PPC related?

Give me affordable hardware and I'll happily buy and use the OS, even if most apps are running remotely from a Linux box (I assume there's an X server for OS4.x beyond the Cygwin equivalent?).

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 11:37:30
#110 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


No. I tell you so.

With PPC on a PCMCIA we could get all flavours running on any&every laptop.
(just need the modernized siamese system SW)

Last edited by KimmoK on 24-Oct-2012 at 11:38 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 14:12:03
#111 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


AROS is a good example to show this simply isnt true.

Yes, but OS4 is different. How many OS4 users would accept absolutely no backwards compatibility and no WarpUP support?

If you are forced to run 68K software in UAE why bother running it on an AmigaOS where the GUI is limited and Windows is better suited to emulating it?

Some OS4 people are "purests" and only run native OS4 software on their machine, but I can't.

I suppose they could drop 68K+PPC support wholesale and replace it with Amithlon native x86 support for Classic API apps.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 24-Oct-2012 16:00:07
#112 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 23-Apr-2010
Posts: 153
From: DFW, TX, USA

Lower the price of the operating system dramatically while retaining its planned, future features

No because the "planned future features" might take longer to occur if AmigaOS price is lowered.

Encourage hardware manufacturers to launch super low cost, entry level AmigaOS compatible hardware


Provide official AmigaOS emulation software for x86/Intel-platforms similar to AmigaForever

No. The last thing to do.

Raise the price of AmigaOS and pave way for so called "killer features" unique to the operating system

Maybe? It would have to be a lot of "killer features" to justify price increase.

Official advertising for AmigaOS and AmigaOS-hardware at popular mainstream web sites and newspapers

Not yet. Not until more development has occurred. If advertisement occurred too soon, people will just say "but isn't more software needed?"

Crowd source funding: Hyperion should find new users by asking for funding on popular sites such as Kickstarter

Yes. While I voted for the Hardware Manufacturers Make Entry Level Hardware option, this Crowd Source funding one is second most important. It is called "Kickstarter" This is PERFECT website for AmigaOS crowd source funding. And I will donate to this if it becomes available. At the same time I would still donate to existing bounty projects (and I am beginning to learn how to program for MorphOS and will learn how to program for AROS and AmigaOS if they will let me)

Some other factor (elaborate in the forum thread)

Yes I will. I still think that there needs to be more Amiga-ish services such as offering mobile devices to those that use them. And there is a lot of people that use mobile device and do not even own computer, not even laptop or netbook. Making mobile device would probably not make Amiga whatever... #1 in mobile device, but it would STILL bring in more users and more interest.

I am sick of Google altogether. They are as bad as Apple and Microsoft.
Privacy Violations, Cookie Issues, Force Updates (and these updates are silly ones) and Bloatware. Google Doodles. biased, localized, search results (and advertisements)
I am going to have to stop myself right now before I start ranting about Google.
Perhaps AROS can be made to compete with Android. ....A Mobile AROS distro. Aren't both of these open source? (AROS and Android)
I am searching for other alternative to Google Search Engine. I do not like Bing. and DuckDuckGo is a silly name.
............... I think there should be an Amiga themed search engine and other services.

And there could also be a video game console. different types, a portable version and a traditional version,
.... Color Laser Printers. (perhaps this can be considered as an alternative to supporting other printers?) ARM Computer In A Stick Thing.

and again I don't think it would make it #1 in any new product lines made, but it would certainly attract more customers and more people would be aware of it. AND it would be the best option. Whatever new product lines made would always be the best compared to the competition. What brought me here is because I am sick of mainstream bloatware, and AmigaOSs are made like they should be. and I know that other people do too, and they would love to have systems that work properly.

And one last suggestion. Port to ARM to offer mobile devices for the people that use them. Keep support for PPC for high end devices such as multimedia desktops, perhaps servers, mainframes, supercomputers, .... (because I think POWER/PPC/Whatever is better equipped for high end devices and ARM for mobile devices, though I might be mistaken)

Last edited by In_Correct on 25-Oct-2012 at 03:26 PM.
Last edited by In_Correct on 24-Oct-2012 at 09:29 PM.

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