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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 15:32:20
#101 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2012
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From: Norway


Well, it all goes back to the book tho.

Thats fine. If that makes you happy, Im not going to tell you otherwise.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 15:43:33
#102 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


The Bible (sorry but it checks out as historical 'evidence' and is far more quoted and influential on human history than anything written by Darwin) and of course creation itself as it's blatantly the work of a creator rather than the result of trial and error (that should be a given to anyone never mind a 'technically minded' individual like yourself).

Bible not even on the list of Google searches in 2017.

Well there is no point in quoting Darwin, he only explains our existence in parts, (how one creature can be come another) he does not explain, DNA, he does explain how cells came to be, this are things that other scientist have explained. Other things is being worked on.

"darwin and wallace" did was to systematize creatures appearance, and so they found one spacious transited into another, this is there basis for their theories.

Its not a religion, its more then a belief now with DNA backing it up.

If you looking for philosophy, maybe it better to look else where,

Epicurus, Rene Descartes, Plato, Aristotle, Avicenna, Zeno of Citium, John Locke

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 01-Jul-2017 at 04:07 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 01-Jul-2017 at 04:06 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 01-Jul-2017 at 04:02 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 01-Jul-2017 at 03:58 PM.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 16:09:43
#103 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


The brain cells needs stimulation, this how you maintain your memory and intellect, emptying your mind not thinking about anything; that should be damaging to your brain.

No, you've missed my point entirely, and apparently aren't too familiar with Zen.
What I was discussing is a way of focusing on the present, being as fully aware of your surroundings and current experience as possible, of truly 'being there'.

We receive plenty of stimulation everyday. The point is to be selective.

Not to allow the negative to overwhelm you, and appreciate the positive.

That's Zen.

And btw, emptying your mind of its clutter will in no way harm you or invite in 'evil spirits', it frees the higher mind to become aware to things that may have been masked by the constant babble of your inner dialogue.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 16:11:02
#104 ]
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Zylesea wrote:

Note: the bible is and contains no evidences.

BigD wrote:

The fact it exist as one complete revelation of God despite the heresies and even the Roman Catholic Church trying to add and corrupt the book for their own ends. In their case they tried to add the Apocrypha and also held up Mary the mother of Jesus as a figurehead of their religion pretty much on par with Jesus (blasphemy and it was/is inaccurate to raise her up as an eternal virgin as she had other children besides the virgin birth of Jesus)! These and other books that were not directly inspired by God were refuted consistantly by Christians and the 'canon' books were locked in place officially in AD 367. Again it is a miracle that huge corrupt organisations like the Roman Catholic Church were not able to permanently corrupt the scriptures despite their power and influence.

You really, really don't get it, do you ? Too hard of a concept for you ?


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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 16:32:33
#105 ]
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From: Norway


I still think a good night sleep is better.

When your fully rested, write down your problems, think about how you can progress in life, imagine yourself in the future; think about what you need to do to get there. Make plans execute this plans; get yourself from A to B.

Think about your problems, think about how it started to go wrong, identify your mistakes learn from your mistakes. Then never do this again.

Mistakes are lessens in life not to be avoided but to be learned from.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 17:10:48
#106 ]
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From: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

The Bible ...

The people that really scare me are those who believe God will change things to their benefit if they just pray enough.
It reduces everything to a kind of Satanic ritual where is you just chant long and hard enough, poof magic will occur.

Coincidentally, I am currently reading the very well written and entertaining book about
English magic in the 18th century, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell.

I recommend it, but I would not take it as anything more than good fantasy writing.
(No more than I would the Bible.)


Last edited by tbreeden on 01-Jul-2017 at 05:12 PM.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 20:17:41
#107 ]
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From: Untied Kingdom

The only plain truth about the bibles creation mythology is that the bible combines two mutually contradictory creation myths and the resulting codswallop is entirely evidence free and in fact contradicts the evidence that even the ancient Greeks understood five hundred years BC.
One of the biblical creation myths has the sun created after several days and nights, the ignorant savages who originated that story hadn't eve worked out that the Sun was the only source of light in the Solar system. The same myth has plants created before the sun that feeds them, wild animals made before domestic animals, and then man, together with his sexual partner both together after the domestic animals that humans domesticated.
The other mythology has the human male created first, then your god decides that it is unseemly that the man is alone so starts making all of the other animals in an attempt to find a suitable partner for him. I wonder how long it took for "Adam" to get caught porking the mutton? (No offence intended to any Welsh readers)

There is nothing in the gospels that is verified from independent historical sources and in fact the two nativity myths contradict each other in all essential details. They are set more than a decade apart, cite different fathers for Joseph, and have "Jesus" living entirely different lifestyles, one as a refugee who ddn't dare go near Judaea and Samaria and the other where they paraded the eight-day-old Messiah around Jerusalem like some kind of sporting trophy, took annual vacations to Judaea from Galilee, and "Jesus" made a very public spectacle of himself as a twelve-year-old in the Temple.
In fact it wasn't until the mother of emperor Constantine went there on a pilgrimage, starting the whole holy tourist industry that anybody knew where "Nazareth" actually was. Neither Josephus, nor any of the early Christian apologists knew the location of Nazareth even though modern Nazareth looks down on a set of fortifications that Josephus paid for out of his own pocket while he was commanding general of Jewish forces in the Jewish revolt of AD64-70

BigD wrote:

When in trouble, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 20:32:22
#108 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


Evlution is proven to happen in brief time scales. The principle of mutation/selection is shown and proven. You can repeat it under controlled laboratory conditions, you can measure it out in the field. Done many times.

As we cannot go back in time directly there will never be a direct evidence (in the meaning of a complete tracking of development) for the origin of species from cell #1 on. And while during Darwins times it actually required a bit of brainwork to accept and understand the theory, today with the knowledge of molecular genetics is it more than clear. Not at least gene sequencing is very telling how different animals are related to each other and where the mammalian called humans fit in there.

And regardig the bible: It's just a book. It contains claims, but where's the evidence?

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 20:48:59
#109 ]
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From: UK


Like the Warhammer 40k god Nurgle, Nimrod wakes from his slumber and enters the fray

New idea for your signature? What do you think?

I wonder what priceless theological / cultish theses would need to be 'rescued' from your hard drive if you suffered a ransonware attack!

It's not that I don't love dealing with the fallout of you having a bad experience from visiting a soul-less cathedral congregation once upon a time but quite frankly "I've been there done that and bought the T-Shirt".

I'm tired of all your...

It's not interesting debating with you and I wouldn't be able to find someone more closed minded if I went to "We love Jeremy Corbyn" rally. Good day to and you'll forever be in my prayers.

Last edited by BigD on 01-Jul-2017 at 09:01 PM.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:00:15
#110 ]
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As we cannot go back in time directly there will never be a direct evidence (in the meaning of a complete tracking of development) for the origin of species from cell #1 on.

So you admit defeat then? No proof possible so you're just peddling a faith position which you're attacking me for!

So where are the mammals forming new species that can't reproduce with their parent species? Where are the evolved red squirrels that can fight back for habitat lost to the grey squirrels? In fact where is one instance of an observable species jump observed in the field today? Just explaining it away with millions of years is lazy and too convenient and without proof! Just because a bacteria or virus can adapt to its environment doesn't mean that that equates to evolution. That is still natural selection within the same species and in keeping with the organism's original form! Viruses are by there very nature shape changing organisms, red squirrels are not!

Start from a starting point neither denying or accepting that there is a God and you'd quickly come to the conclusion that there was a creator God. Since you start from a biased presumption that science had disproved the need for God (a lie) then the evolutionary 'science' you accept blindly is also biased and a lie.

Last edited by BigD on 01-Jul-2017 at 09:03 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:03:28
#111 ]
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and I wouldn't be able to find someone more closed minded

Allow me to present this new invention is made of polished glass and backed with a layer of vaporised silver.....


Honestly should this thread not be moved to Free For All?

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:05:19
#112 ]
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From: Norway

A more current and easier topic to grasp is something that is in the news relativly often, atleast in Norway;

Antibiotic resistance is a consequence of evolution via natural selection. The antibiotic action is an environmental pressure; those bacteria which have a mutation allowing them to survive will live on to reproduce. They will then pass this trait to their offspring, which will be a fully resistant generation.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:06:00
#113 ]
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At least I paid lip service to the title of the thread in my response to Nimrod unlike his entry into the fray. I only started on this thread because some 'enlightened' souls here talked about evolution like it was FACT. Now that it's clear there is some disagreement of that matter the thread SHOULD return to the original topic IMHO.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:06:47
#114 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


As we cannot go back in time directly there will never be a direct evidence that god created the world.

Last edited by Zylesea on 01-Jul-2017 at 09:07 PM.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:08:49
#115 ]
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Antibiotic resistance is a consequence of evolution via natural selection.

The bacteria doesn't cease to be a bacteria so that ISN'T evolution. A bacterium by it's very make up is DESIGNED to change by natural selection but it doesn't EVER become a frog like amphibian and crawl out of its petri dish

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:18:46
#116 ]
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Images in threads: Images embedded in threads should be no wider than 640 pixels, larger images should be hyperlinked.

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Please don't argue that big statements require big images. Just don't.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:21:05
#117 ]
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I guess we'll all find out on judgement day whether you ingnore the day will come or not Your defence that you weren't warned is now significantly weaker considering you have now been warned. Thanks for this spirited debate but I think the time has come to pray about a difficult situation for some family members rather than keep going in circles on this thread.

Summary: Evolution isn't proven and can't be whereas..

1) the Bible,

2) Creation

3) other historical accounts of Jesus' life,

4) the Holy Spirit,

5) miracles in the world today

6) the personal testimony from every born again Christian you have the fortune of meeting

.. together are far more than enough to convince anyone of the existance of God.

The4Points Music Video

Case closed and on with the discussion about Ransonware....

... on that note:

1) Don't open dodgy email and especially don't click on / download attachments from people that you don't know.

2) Don't use the cloud it's insecure as proven by Celebrity Fap-gate

3) Don't trust emails seemingly sent from you bank

4) Don't indulge in online pornography

And if you do get clobbered with ransonware don't pay up and take it our tech to a professional ASAP to get unlocked.

Last edited by BigD on 01-Jul-2017 at 09:26 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:30:31
#118 ]
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From: Untied Kingdom


When did I ever have "a bad experience from visiting a soul-less cathedral congregation"?
Like all theists you assume that Atheists become Atheists because we are angry about some imaginary insult in the past. There is one simple reason that I turned my back on religion and it has nothing to do with the fact that the history of religion is one unending litany of genocide. It is that I realised that there was no evidence that any of the claims made in any of the holy books, and in the case of the Christian religion the New testament could be proved false simply by reading the New Testament. If I want to find something that contradicts any claim made in the New Testament, I only need to cite another part of the same stupid book
The reason that you don't like answering my comments is that you have no honest answers to give
Who was the ruler in Judaea when Jesus was born? Was it Herod (57BC - 4BC) or was it Publius Suplicius Quirinius (AD6-AD12)
Who was the father of Joseph, husband of Mary? Was is Jacob (Matthew 1:16) or was it Heli (Luke 3:23)
Far from being closed minded, I was open minded enough to recognise these contradictions for what they were and followed the evidence which led me to change from a devout Christian to an educated and informed Atheist. You as a Christian don't even know what it is that is prohibited by the last of "The Ten Commandments"

Faith is not needed to believe the truth, faith is only needed to believe a lie. Faith is the rabbit ole of self delusion.

When in trouble, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 21:59:31
#119 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


I never turned my back on religion, or as least not on God.
Just people like BigD, "the faithful", or a great deal of organized religion.

I have a friend who is a priest (one of those oh so horrible Catholics BigD was ranting about - even though his book is a Catholic collection of separate documents).
When most of the rest of my family converted to Catholicism, my oldest sister was in a quandary over the issue of faith and some of the things in the Bible.
My friend Father Coco said to her "You know, much of this is just stories, right?"

Many people miss the point of telling stories as parables or the true intent of the documents included in the Bible.
Its not a codex intend to tell you how to attain heavenly reward, or exactly how to think or feel.

The intent is to improve your relationship with your fellow man, and your own personal peace of mind.

Its not complicated, no religion actually is.
And Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all remarkably similar in this matter and are a continuum of the same thought (pretty much, from related people).

Its just the idiots that argue over the specifics that don't get it and "miss the forest for the trees".

So please, all of you, before you dismiss those of us who DO get it, and assume we are all like our friend here, consider one core belief of the three religions I've mentioned, forgiveness.
And forgive people like BigD for their blindness, because to quote Jesus, "They know not what they do".

Last edited by iggy on 01-Jul-2017 at 10:00 PM.

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Re: Ransom Ware
Posted on 1-Jul-2017 22:00:12
#120 ]
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From: Norway

Hah.. Never thought about that. Thanks Nimrod! Im already a agnostic/atheist, but Ill freely admit I havent studied the bible.
Very intresting commentary from you.

Genesis 1:3-5

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Genesis 1:14-19

And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

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