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Poll : What is the single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Lower the price of the operating system dramatically while retaining its planned, future features
Encourage hardware manufacturers to launch super low cost, entry level AmigaOS compatible hardware
Provide official AmigaOS emulation software for x86/Intel-platforms similar to AmigaForever
Raise the price of AmigaOS and pave way for so called "killer features" unique to the operating system
Official advertising for AmigaOS and AmigaOS-hardware at popular mainstream web sites and newspapers
Crowd source funding: Hyperion should find new users by asking for funding on popular sites such as Kickstarter
Some other factor (elaborate in the forum thread)
Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 12:30:44
#21 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1185
From: Belgium

Well, i give you the solution:

1. The Classic users are waiting for cheap powerful hardware for 4.1.

2. The Emulation users are waiting for an easy emulation of 4.1

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 14:20:56
#22 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 868
From: United Kingdom


Reduce the Price of hardware.

Hyperion Entertainment does not make hardware.

The cost of Hardware is the deciding factor, the price of AmigaOS4 is added to it.

All Amiga camps need to work together on a common Hardware

platform each with their minimum requirements.

A universal Amiga hardware architecture.

My suggestion is create a dumb motherboard thats dirt cheap, but expandable.

But the base price for dumb motherboard cannot be exceeded - say $100

Want USB - add a card, networking- add a card, graphics - add a card.

Have fixed price points in different hardware stages.

ONLY one Amiga model - Basic model (powerful and cheap)

But we need to hire someone with experience in building computers and experience with Chinese manufacturers/companies.

Last edited by asymetrix on 21-Oct-2012 at 02:24 PM.

Download 499.26 Mbps, 659.94 Mbps Upload :)

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 14:32:37
#23 ]
Elite Member
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From: Norway


It already exists: Sam440ep flex, but it’s not what people wont clearly.
People want something that is powerful and cheap and that’s the problem.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 15:04:48
#24 ]
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From: Unknown


I think that multicore support in AmigOS is the key to bring the price/performance ratio down to a level that might attract more classic users to NG.
Then how about a dual or quad core machine in the Sam440ep-flex price range .


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

It already exists: Sam440ep flex, but it’s not what people wont clearly.
People want something that is powerful and cheap and that’s the problem.

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 15:56:53
#25 ]
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From: Satellite Beach, FL USA


The cost is irrelevant. They could charge $10,000 USD for the X1000 and do well ... if they had the consumer interest and advertising that Apple has for the iPhone, for example .. a radically overpriced toy.
Its all about public image, advertising and marketing. When people become convinced they need something, many people see a higher price tag as proof of the greater value of that item. People are binge spenders. They just need to be convinced that a certain product is the "in thing" and cost becomes a minor detail.

If they come out with a $300 AmigaOne netbook, yes, they will get more users - what, perhaps another 1000 to 2000 or so? If they advertise the AmigaOne X1000 on television or through massive media campaigns, they will get possible 10,000 or more people with a lot of money and fond memories of Amigas who will take a chance at it. But the product had better be stable or the backlash will do more harm than good.

AmigaOne uA1-c 512M RAM - Only Amiga Makes It Possible!
Check my blog AmigaOne Computing

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 16:26:42
#26 ]
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The current X1000 batch (Third batch) may be the last production acording to Trevor.
A new more commercially viable design to follow.

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 16:54:35
#27 ]
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From: Norway


Port to x86


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:05:37
#28 ]
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From: CRO


or ARM... I think an ultra cheap A8 or A9 powered board would be a perfect match for OS4. Same goes for the AMD APUs series, even Hondo would be great.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:11:38
#29 ]
Elite Member
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From: Toronto, Canada

the people that want it already have it i know many amigans that still use their classics on a regular basis and are just waiting for OS4.1 to mature enough to jump on board i.e full internet browser, office suite, 3D gaming etc.

The way I see it is only the hard core amigans are willing to pay top dollar for a beta product. Show all the classic users that they can use a stable and modern AmigaOS for their every day needs and only then will they come on board.

Last edited by klx300r on 21-Oct-2012 at 05:18 PM.

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:16:06
#30 ]
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From: Manitoba, Canada


Main needs to reach more people?
Modern 2012 pro wordprocessor-native to AOS4
Modern drawing programs like: SketchBook Pro, Manga Studio
Modern image processing LIke: PostWorkShop Pro, Adobe elements.or photoshop
Modern 3d modelling programs I use Daz, Poser, Cheetah and Terragen
MOdern spread sheet software
Modern data base software
The word processor and spread sheet and data base would be good in a modern office suite

Those are examples of the types of programs needed. Without fully native software of these types Amiga remains a dwindling fanboy computer. Hey I got 2 of them so I'm a fanboy, but it would be nice to grow up.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:20:30
# ]


If what people say is true, that OS4 will never move away from PPC, then I don't believe there's much they can do but keep existing customers happy and on-board. The subscription model is a good example of that. It'll probably put off more newcomers than it attracts, but with so few newcomers it makes more sense to focus on your current users.

If Hyperion can stabilise their income and fund more updates at a price customers are happy with, then that seems the best way forward. It rather flies in the face of this 50,000 user idea, but I don't think that's a serious aim anyway.


Last edited by clebin on 21-Oct-2012 at 05:25 PM.
Last edited by clebin on 21-Oct-2012 at 05:22 PM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:25:54
#32 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France


At those that answered super-low cost hardware, what will you do with a 400Mhz hardware? Complain probably.

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:28:06
#33 ]
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Joined: 2-Sep-2010
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From: CRO


it' almost 2013.... 400 MHz is laughable even on cheaper phones.


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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 17:56:02
#34 ]
Elite Member
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They could charge $10,000 USD for the X1000 and do well ...

wow! thats the statement of the year. good to know, everybody interested in os4 hardware has 10000$ dollars at his daily disposal. sure, why not?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 18:10:16
#35 ]
Elite Member
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From: Norway


I doubt riches people (half percentage of population) are actually Amiga users, things might looked bit different now.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Oct-2012 at 06:11 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 18:22:19
#36 ]
Elite Member
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couldnt care less for them. they may as well let develop a genuine computer each one just for himself, as far as im concerned.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 20:08:23
#37 ]
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Some other factor (elaborate in the forum thread)

Port it to x86 and sell it for 10$ pe Copy

Or bette:

Sell an Aros distro under the Name AmigaOS , because CUSA might be first with the new 'Amiga')

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 20:40:17
#38 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


I do not believe x86 HW could be cheaper than PPC. Especially not on the low end.

One of the core resons is that I can not see a way to deliver stable + reliable system for small niche without developing custom HW that can be controlled 100%.

We just need 1Ghz PPC built from those cheap PPC chips + RadeonHD for graphics.

(and architecture change would cost way too much, better leave x86 for AROS)

One way to run AOS4 PPC cheaply on x86 device is to make it run on a PCMCIA based 1Ghz PPC attached to x86 host. Or attach via USB.

Last edited by KimmoK on 21-Oct-2012 at 08:45 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 21-Oct-2012 at 08:44 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 20:46:09
#39 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2012
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From: Norway


Im one of those that have A1200+030 accelerator that got it connected up for the odd run
down nostalgica road. I read this site more or less daily, but cant bring myself to get a
sam460 or X1000 due to the lack of basic software.
On my a1200 i got the best wordprocessors and spreadsheets, whicH i used alot in the early
These days ive grown far too accustomed with dual 23 inch monitors while doing officework to be able to justify getting a OS4 machine.
Even Amikit thru Amiga Forever that got good resolution isnt "good" enough beyond thefun of it
due to the Amiga browsers are not good enough, nor are the Office solution.

Can i afford it? Easily, but im not spending x thousands on something that doesnt have the basics down.

I loath IOS/Apple, and not very happy with Windows either, so increasingly switching to linux.
Would love to buy AOS hardware, but atm It would feel like charity...

Last edited by Overflow on 21-Oct-2012 at 08:48 PM.

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Re: [POLL] Single most important factor to reach 50k AmigaOS users?
Posted on 21-Oct-2012 21:23:37
#40 ]
Elite Member
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From: Norway


AmigaOS4.1 is not the best choice for office work at your daytime job, but for writing a few letters and doing some spreadsheets you can do that, and no you’re not forced to use old, office applications, you have some alternatives, AbiWord, GnuNumeric and Ignition, you can also view powerpoint and pdf’s, and then you have Google Docs, and Google tools work in OWB Web-browser.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 21-Oct-2012 at 10:56 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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