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Re: Please stop calling AmigaOS / MorphOS a hobby os!!!!
Posted on 25-Dec-2009 15:29:39
#201 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2009
Posts: 2790
From: Italy

You have to start from the fact that Amigans like Amiga so much that they ended up using towered 4000s and 1200s instead of PCs for a long time.

Now, aside from potential expansions for Sam, what would be interesting to know is what kind of future HW would serve those Amigans well(?) Since Hyperion stated they will stay PPC than I believe the Titan platform would serve us well (it would also come with DDR3 and PCI-E).

Who would build such HW (or a similar substitute)? Hyperion says they have their partners, I don't know who they are, could be Acube or could be other entities, but in anycase, shouldn't we wait and see what they have in store for us, instead of dismissing even the idea that some new cool development could take place?

SamFlex Complete 800Mhz System + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4
Amiga 2000 DKB 2MB ChipRam GVP G-Force040 Picasso 2 OS3.9 BB2
AmigaCD 32

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Re: Please stop calling AmigaOS / MorphOS a hobby os!!!!
Posted on 25-Dec-2009 15:51:21
#202 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 9-Aug-2006
Posts: 284
From: Unknown


An OS with a user base of perhaps thousands, that runs only on specific models of commercially obsolete hardware, and that is available only by download from an obscure hobbyist website,requires manual developer actions to register-how can it be considered anything but hobby OS?

Which doesn't keep it from being quite functional and enjoyed by those users.

Someone ought to put MorphOS CDs on eBay store for those who have download issues.Many linux distros are available that way at a very modest price.

I wonder what the number of people using Breadbox the successors to PC-GEOS,which WAS a terrific OS for x86 before MS marketing shut GEOS out of the OEM field.

But PC-GEOS ,like MorphOS,was priced higher than the standard;and like MorphOS,there was a Limited(feature ,not time)Edition that allowed the user to see how good it was;and it was good.Just not enough people would pay $199 when most computers came with Windows installed.Nor did Berkely have the promotion and distribution to have PC-GEOS as an option in the thousands of little custom/generic neighborhood PC shops.(I know all too many of those shops played games with MS licensing.)

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