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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 4:31:35
#301 ]
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SHADES wrote:
I for one personally see all this closure stuff as A BAD THING even for Hyperion who make the AMIGA OS. Why? Well, anyone looking at or for AMIGA is going to see another damaged and unreliable product. Hyperion are making that product, screams to the world, AMIGA is going down like the Titanic and wow, Hyperion just so happens to be making the OS.... It's not rocket science to figure out what people will think, heck just look at all the garbage spread here in debate! 1+1 doesn't equal a window if you have any type of logical brain.

This is stupid, I am wasting my time here lol

Con artists usually involve other people in a way that other people can't always extricate themselves from the trouble that con artists cause them.

Correlation doesn't prove causation. Just because Amiga Inc. chose Hyperion doesn't mean anything. Hyperion should get the credit and the public for Amiga Inc. shouldn't try to take credit for someone else's product.

Do you know what love in a marriage looks like? Real love means that each partner is going to do everything possible to make the marriage work. The alleged shell game between Amiga partners looks like divorce and if they were doing everything possible to bring us a product then where are the goods? If you look around the net, there are different people building their own single board computer yet there is nothing new with Amiga Inc. I tell people, if someone loves you and if someone really loves you they will do almost anything and I mean anything. When there are games involved and when people don't live up to their commitments then I question that love because someone is just stroking me to get something instead of giving me love.

Last edited by Chuckt on 13-Feb-2010 at 04:33 AM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 10:30:59
#302 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Way back,we did respect them,and we had hopes for them to bring Amiga back. They did one good thing for us back then,by hire Hyperion to port AmigaOS to PPC.
This is something i really appreciate. But all those things they did after this,is the reason Amiga has been in a standstill for years. when May died,there was no more AmigaOne Motherboards,and was blocking any attempt for any new Amiga hardware to enter the marked. So why should i respect them? Bringing us AA2? That i don't want,need or care for? I don't give a damn if it's good or anything,because i don't care.

Nice that you are selective with your ratings, that is what I miss in this forum.
I agree with being disappointed with the choices they made.
Sometimes there may be reasons unknown to strange twists. If we knew the cause of the effect we might have understood why, although we all do not agree with.

The way they chose to go with the hardware may have a statement that we do not know. Suppose they have their own stuff going on that they invested a lot of money on? I do not believe it myself but no one can know the current situation.

AA2, we talked about many times. Here's how I see it: AA2 is not for the Amiga people, it is to get a revenue stream from Amiga Inc. That's it! Those who are not interested in AA2 can ignore it or at least stop teasing on it. I tested the AA2 and many other similar software. AA2 beat them all if we disregard the AA2 not yet have good tools to build with. Hyperion had been with AA2 exactly what it looks like they had been celebrated. Ratings are not restricted here, they are extremely colored by peer pressure and what is politically correct to think.
So, leave AA2 outside Discussion.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 10:44:41
#303 ]
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I qoutar not your post, it becomes too much

I'm not so good at English so I do not understand all of your expression.

Microsoft Windows is a great operating system. I ran WinXP from 2003 to 2010. Not a single Blue Screen of Death or something else wrong, I had over 7 years. It will take a long time for Hyperion to reach the levels of MS Windows on nearly all points. So is there and is nothing to discuss about.
Bil Gates is a very generous person. He donates more money to the U countries than many developed industrial countries. All credit to him. The people in the United States must be very proud to have him as a citizen.

A tip for you: Scrub your way to express yourself, it serves you in!

Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 11:20 AM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 10:54:58
#304 ]
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From: Norway


What i would really want,is that the US justice dep, would take a close look on how and co run their business. Because i suspect there is something illegal going on behind those doors.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 10:55:23
#305 ]
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MacSociety wrote:


retro wrote:

the snowman maker is gone on hollyday...

I am new to Amiga and keep seeing this reference to Mr. Snowman. .

Can someone tell me what the heck that means?

I keep getting visions of creepy ass snowmen now.


Ignoring the childish comments some have. They are probably not as old as their chairman mischief is a bit thin.

The snowman maker is a program that lets you create images before Christmas. Just for fun for many but not so good for those who expect Amiga soft / hardware.
The reason for this snowman and all other mobile phone applications have been on the website is to withdraw money so they can get this particular Amiga soft / hardware. Nothing wrong with that.

There are very interesting in all languages.
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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:02:23
#306 ]
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And I will invite him to my house...

If yopu invite Bill McEwen into your house just think about how many batches of $50 may go missing. He is a thief, unfortunately not [yet] convicted for his crimes.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:03:47
#307 ]
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From: Norway


Bil Gates is a very generous person. He donates more money to the U countries than many developed industrial countries. All credit to him. The people in the United States must be very proud to have him as a citizen.

And to get this money,he broke the anti-monopoly laws several times. And locking everyone into HIS OS and his products,so they did'nt have any other choice than Windows. This does'nt smell like a US citizen,but more like a totalitarian like Stalin.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:16:19
#308 ]
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If yopu invite Bill McEwen into your house just think about how many batches of $50 may go missing. He is a thief, unfortunately not [yet] convicted for his crimes.

He can stole every $ he finds in my house...

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:19:28
#309 ]
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Chuckt wrote:


linnar wrote:

I know what you are saying and agree with some but not all.
But that's not what this is about, it is about understanding cause and effect.
It's unlikely Bill McEwen who caused it to be the most vomit. I think those things are mostly over his control. I also think that Bill McEwen used as a wall between the audience and themselves.

I do not know if they do not answer the phone. What I heard so they answered, at least for about a year ago. I know they read the mail I have received answers every time except the last time. I have also read others who received answers to their email.
I believe that some time has taken time out and during that time "rearranged its forces".


I won't be buying anything from Amiga, Inc.

In accounting terms, an accountant stays away from the impiety or appearance of evil.

In law enforcement terms, if an officer thinks you're doing something wrong then it is going to take forever to clear your name.

In management terms, faith is a little more than blind faith. Faith is faith plus a little more. When people ask me to do something important for them, I tell them when I'm going to do it, how I'm going to do it and I do it.

To me, Amiga Inc are alleged con artists and allegedly half mafia.

Have you ever talked to a con artist? They figure you're gullible just for talking to them and then they try to figure out what they can get away with. Then you go hopping down the bunny trail together. The bunny trails never stop and it is one game after another. The skeptic's job is to derail the train and see how it runs. Amiga Inc. for all intents and purposes derailed itself.

When I heard about the A1's, I took the cautious route. I waited because the first year car always has problems and I waited for the second generation to come out. Their failure is my diagnostic; there is no need to buy. Unless Amiga Inc pays their creditors back, there is no need for me to regard them as honest. Love your neighbor and don't buy from Amiga Inc. until they pay their neighbor back 'so the whole world may know'.


Amiga community is a very small group of people. If they do not buy the Amiga Inc. so the damage is very limited. For people out in real life, I think think the Amiga community is they who pose the greatest harm to the Amiga culture.
Amiga Inc had significantly more visitors to its website than Hyperion. If you search for Amiga Inc and Hyperion (full name must be printed) will leave the Amiga Inc. Hyperion far behind: 184,000 hits 13,600,000 hits

This is a great way to show who the people outside the Amiga community knows best.

If you search for os:

AmigaOS 426,000 hits
AmigaDE 4,930,000 hits

AA2 960,000 hits
Heretic II 453,000 hits (games usually generate an awful lot of hits)

All the hits are not right but you can get a small indication of the popularity is.
Amiga Community means very little to Amiga Inc's future right now.

This does not mean I do not think about Hyperion's products, they are very good at programmer and pick up interesting products.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:22:34
#310 ]
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Caveman wrote:

What i would really want,is that the US justice dep, would take a close look on how and co run their business. Because i suspect there is something illegal going on behind those doors.

Do not worry, it has already been a number of times!

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:25:20
#311 ]
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Google gives another numbers:
"AmigaDE" 177000
"AmigaOS" 293 000
"Amiga OS" 392 000

Your AmigaDE contains, amiga de (in Spanish...) etc...

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:29:26
#312 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Bil Gates is a very generous person. He donates more money to the U countries than many developed industrial countries. All credit to him. The people in the United States must be very proud to have him as a citizen.

And to get this money,he broke the anti-monopoly laws several times. And locking everyone into HIS OS and his products,so they did'nt have any other choice than Windows. This does'nt smell like a US citizen,but more like a totalitarian like Stalin.

Companies like Microsoft tend always to protect their products and their markets. All companies do the same solid in other areas.

I did not know that Stalin had a operativssytem?!

EDIT: You are not easy to read Swedish, so I changed to English ....

Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 11:42 AM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:36:33
#313 ]
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pavlor wrote:

Google gives another numbers:
"AmigaDE" 177000
"AmigaOS" 293 000
"Amiga OS" 392 000

Your AmigaDE contains, amiga de (in Spanish...) etc...

You are absolutely right!
I get the same results as you!

But one must remember that AmigaOS talks about now, while the AmigaDE was talk of several years ago. In addition, there was never an AmigaDE operating system.

"Amiga DE" 4370000 That I just searched on
"Amiga OS" 130000 That I had not the same as you, strange ??

It might not be searching for a double name for it is a bit strange results.

Fun search:
"Snowman maker" 20.800

I read some of the links Snowman maker and he is much more popular outside than inside the Amiga community.

Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 11:44 AM.
Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 11:40 AM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:50:04
#314 ]
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From: Norway


Så med andre ord,vis Henry Ford i sin tid hadde brukt samme markeds strategi som Gates,så hadde det vært helt greit for deg at alle hadde T Ford i dag? Vi forbrukere må få velge selv. Det er også slik ny produkter blir drevet frem,og utvikling av disse produktene går også raskere,pga konkurranse. Konkurranse er viktig i ett markedstyrt samfunn. Det er en grunn til at vi har anti monopol lover i verden,for i ett monopol vil utvikling stagnere. Grunnen er enkel,vis en produsent ikke får konkurranse,så har han heller ingen grunn til å forbedre produktet sitt,og det vil vi forbrukere tape på. Det MS kunne ha gjort,var å komme til enighet med alle aktører i markedet,for å komme frem til en felles standard,men det MS gjorde var gjøre alt selv,og låse alt til seg,slik at alle måtte bruke Office,og alle måtte bruke Windows. Tenk hvor vi muligens kunne vært i dag,om det hadde vært ordentlig konkurranse i alle disse årene? Det er i dag umulig å vite,vi kan bare spekulere.

Du vet godt hva jeg mente når det kommer til Stalin.

Det jeg prøver å si,er at jeg ønsker meg ett marked hvor jeg kan velge hvilke OS jeg vil ha,om det er Windows,MacOS,RiscOS,Haiku,AmigaOS,Linux,etc. Jeg ønsker ikke at en aktør skal eie markedet. Om Amiga hadde sittet i samme posisjon som MS gjør i dag,så ville jeg ha mislikt dette like sterkt.

Last edited by Caveman on 13-Feb-2010 at 11:56 AM.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:54:37
#315 ]
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"Amiga OS" 130000 That I had not the same as you, strange ??

It is probably case sensitive (I searched for "amiga os"), interresting.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 11:56:52
#316 ]
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Hej lidi, take chci mit neco z vasi historicke debaty!

(People, I also would like to take part in your discussion about history.)

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 12:06:10
#317 ]
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Tak se do toho pustíme??

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 12:07:43
#318 ]
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It was only about how the marked is today,and what i would like to change about it
To explain shortly,i want a marked,where every important standard is open,like for example a document format(which is finally here) and that we could choose whatever OS we would like to run,without those artificial limits that rules todays computer marked. I would also like if i could choose whatever hardware i wanted,with whatever CPU i wanted,but that would be a much harder goal to reach,of a number of reasons.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 12:17:02
#319 ]
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Bud vitan!

May be your computer experience more stable than subject of this thread.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 12:29:18
#320 ]
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Everyone i know,that had an Amiga back in the days,and used AmigaOS in some way,liked it. The main reason people switched to Windows,was because of software,and developers fleeing away from Amiga. A operating system,is'nt worth more than software it is able to run,so this leaves AmigaOS in a very tough position nowadays,not to mentioned all those other parts AmigaOS is still missing,to be considered a modern OS.

What i would wish did back then,other than hire Hyperion to port AOS,was to drive the platform forward,first of all with hardware,and then software,but i do understand they could not do this,because they did'nt have the money,and it was probably really hard,getting investors that would support this move. So i really do understand the business aspect of this AA2 thing. But the complete lack of communication with the community about this,and the complete blocking of other hardware vendors to push the platform forward,did hurt our platform badly,and AmigaOS is in a much tougher situation today,than it was back in 2000.

Who knows,if AmigaOS had a steady stream of new hardware coming,maybe our community would be a lot bigger today,than it is? I personally belive so.


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