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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 13:06:58
#321 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2657
From: Unknown


"amiga scam" gives 430000 results.

"hyperion scam" 221000

"morphos scam" a measly 27400

Whatever your point is, seems google doesn't get it

Fact: never had any product that had any relation to what is gernerally considered an "Amiga". never had any product that sold in reasonable numbers.'s actual products are laughable at best.'s licence politics is a sure way noone with 6 working brain cells will ever consider writing AA(2)-SW on a commercial basis. nver paid up on those outstanding court rulings nor on the rebate coupons they issued.

You may argue wether these points are also true for other companies in the Amiga-market, doesn't change the fact that "scam" is the only thing worth talking about

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 13:30:21
#322 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
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Caveman wrote:

Så med andre ord,vis Henry Ford i sin tid hadde brukt samme markeds strategi som Gates,så hadde det vært helt greit for deg at alle hadde T Ford i dag? Vi forbrukere må få velge selv. Det er også slik ny produkter blir drevet frem,og utvikling av disse produktene går også raskere,pga konkurranse. Konkurranse er viktig i ett markedstyrt samfunn. Det er en grunn til at vi har anti monopol lover i verden,for i ett monopol vil utvikling stagnere. Grunnen er enkel,vis en produsent ikke får konkurranse,så har han heller ingen grunn til å forbedre produktet sitt,og det vil vi forbrukere tape på. Det MS kunne ha gjort,var å komme til enighet med alle aktører i markedet,for å komme frem til en felles standard,men det MS gjorde var gjøre alt selv,og låse alt til seg,slik at alle måtte bruke Office,og alle måtte bruke Windows. Tenk hvor vi muligens kunne vært i dag,om det hadde vært ordentlig konkurranse i alle disse årene? Det er i dag umulig å vite,vi kan bare spekulere.

Det var inte Henry Fords strategi som gjorde att alla inte kör Ford idag. Det var inte heller Bill Gates strategi som gjorde att de flesta har Windows idag.
Det finns inga Fordvägar men det finns (nästan) Windowsdatorer. Microsoft är starkt förknippad med x86-standarden. När företag började använda 286 och dess uppföljare så var det med DOS och helt naturligt med Windows när det kom. Företag som börjat med ett system byter inte så lätt. Eftersom Wondows och x86 är så starkt förknippat och säljs i så stora antal så blir maskinvaran väldigt billig som gör att man säljer ännu mer osv sov. Med Ford följer inte vägarna, de finns där färdiga att användas för vilket märke som helst. Lite skillnad.

Jag är inte för den dominerade ställning som Microsoft he tvärt om, jag vill se fler AmigaOS-dialekter.


Du vet godt hva jeg mente når det kommer til Stalin.

Jag vet, jag skojade bara lite.


Det jeg prøver å si,er at jeg ønsker meg ett marked hvor jeg kan velge hvilke OS jeg vil ha,om det er Windows,MacOS,RiscOS,Haiku,AmigaOS,Linux,etc. Jeg ønsker ikke at en aktør skal eie markedet. Om Amiga hadde sittet i samme posisjon som MS gjør i dag,så ville jeg ha mislikt dette like sterkt.

Jag håller med!
Men som programmerare vill jag ha en så stor marknad som möjligt. Därför skulle jag önska att ex.vis Linux var bättre och mer enheltigt så att den fick större delen av marknaden, det hade varit kanon. Ännu bättre hade det varit om AmigaOS var ett fritt os som Linux där de olika versinerna bestämdes av en AmigOS-organisation. Ungefär som Linux. Då hade lyckan varit total.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 13:32:04
#323 ]
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pavlor wrote:

"Amiga OS" 130000 That I had not the same as you, strange ??

It is probably case sensitive (I searched for "amiga os"), interresting.


Search in search engines is a great science!

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 13:35:59
#324 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
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From: Norway


AmigaDE - 181000
AmigaOS - 294000
Amiga OS - 130000
Commodore - 10 700 000
Commodore Amiga - 341000
Commodore 64 - 2 400 000
Amigaone - 58100

I had the same as you on "Amiga OS" But i also did a search on Commodore,and Commodore Amiga. And just as i suspected,Commodore/Commodore Amiga had the best results.

When you ask people about Amiga,most of the time they don't know what it is,but this is not the case with Commodore. So the perfect name for any AmigaOS capable hardware,would be "Commodore Amiga" and not just Amiga.

But regarding the name Amiga,you are right about that people know that brand a lot better,than Hyperion. But i do belive a good businessman would do a background check on whatever company he intend to do business with,and in this respect,i do belive their trackrecord does'nt look to good. And to run a company,you really need those businessmen invest in your company,either as a partner,or as a hardware/software developer.

Average joe,does'nt know anything about past history,and they would'nt care if they knew either. Just look at Microsoft. A lot of people don't care what laws they broke,they will love Windows no matter what. It's even hard to explain to people that there is better alternatives to IE,i know,because i have tried. you can show them the alternatives,and they see with their own eyes,how much better those other browser alternatives is,but still they choose to stick with IE. People don't like change,they tend to stick to old habbits. The marked can break those habbits,but it's very hard.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 13:51:27
#325 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Everyone i know,that had an Amiga back in the days,and used AmigaOS in some way,liked it. The main reason people switched to Windows,was because of software,and developers fleeing away from Amiga. A operating system,is'nt worth more than software it is able to run,so this leaves AmigaOS in a very tough position nowadays,not to mentioned all those other parts AmigaOS is still missing,to be considered a modern OS.

The reason I left the Amiga 1994 was that it could no longer sell the software for it. The market disappeared.


What i would wish did back then,other than hire Hyperion to port AOS,was to drive the platform forward,first of all with hardware,and then software,but i do understand they could not do this,because they did'nt have the money,and it was probably really hard,getting investors that would support this move. So i really do understand the business aspect of this AA2 thing. But the complete lack of communication with the community about this,and the complete blocking of other hardware vendors to push the platform forward,did hurt our platform badly,and AmigaOS is in a much tougher situation today,than it was back in 2000.

Done is done!
What you should do now to move up the Amiga is the first move to x86. Thereafter, should there be a virtual software that makes it possible to run other applications seamlessly into Amiga OS. If you have such a virtual power plant (one for each OS), you would ex.vis able to use Windows software offerings. Then it would have been easier and more sensible to switch from Windows to Amiga OS.
If the Amiga OS is based on a core that fits x86 so you can make a core that fits the Mac and other grains that fit more additional hardware.

AA2 is built and so it is said that it is taken from "OS5 "....


Who knows,if AmigaOS had a steady stream of new hardware coming,maybe our community would be a lot bigger today,than it is? I personally belive so.

But I am afraid that Hyperion is heading down a blind alley.
If I guessed it would only be AmigaOSx.x be used in a specially designed hardware. The hardware will be expensive and therefore severely limited to the most deeply interested in money. The market is close to zero so you get a os to sit and dream behind. I can be wrong.

Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 01:52 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:03:09
#326 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
Posts: 655
From: Norway


Jeg er litt usikker ennå,om AmigaOS ville hatt en fordel ved å være åpen nå,siden utviklingen mer eller mindre har stagnert,mye pga alt bråket rundt Amiga IP. Det beste som kunne skjedd,var om AmigaOS ble ett åpent OS i øyeblikket etter at Commodore gikk konkurs. Men siden vi idag sitter med ett lite utviklet OS,så tror jeg vi for øyeblikket trenger ett lukket OS,frem til vi har kommet oss noe opp igjen,og kanskje kommet oss over på x86,eller for eksempel ARM. Men ja,jeg ville likt ett åpent AmigaOS,men der har vi AROS,som virkelig begynner å få fremgang,noe som er veldig bra :)

Tanken bak AA2 er ikke dårlig,langt derifra. Den er veldig god. Jeg må inrømme at jeg ikke vet stort om AA2. Men jeg husker godt hvordan AmigaDE ble forklart for enn del år tilbake. Det å kunne kjøre software overalt,samme hva slags hardware eller OS,ville vært den beste løsningen for alle aktører,og forbrukere. Men ett slikt system kan ikke være lukket,men ett åpent system,hvor alle aktører har fått være med i utviklingen,og bestemmelsene bak dette systemet . Jeg er ikke programmerer,men jeg forstår godt fordelene ved ett felles system. Slik markedet er i dag,kan det ikke fortsette å være,for digitale enheter er overalt i dag,og det er nesten ingen felles løsning på disse,vis vi ser på det fra en programmerers synsvinkel. Det er en jungel av API løsninger,IDE løsninger,etc. Så jeg tror jeg forstår ditt dilema :)


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:18:06
#327 ]
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Joined: 16-Feb-2005
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From: Norway


Slik jeg har forstått,så tror jeg Hyperion sikter mot "embedded" markedet,noe som i seg selv ikke er så dumt. AmigaOne x1000,er vel mer en midlertidig utviklingsplatform,for å bringe mer interesse for AmigaOS, og håpet dems er vel at disse vil utvikle software for AmigaOS API'en,som de kan ta med seg videre inn i "embedded" markedet. Som vi vet,er ikke x86,så godt egnet på dette markedet. Selv Intel ønsker egentlig å legge denne arkitekturen bak seg,og komme med en ny,og bedre egnet løsning. Men de har samme problem som de fleste andre i bransjen,og det er software. Ny CPU arkitektur,betyr ingen software. Så heterogene software løsninger trengs i større og større grad.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:33:50
#328 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
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Kronos wrote:

"amiga scam" gives 430000 results.

"hyperion scam" 221000

"morphos scam" a measly 27400

Whatever your point is, seems google doesn't get it

When looking at intervals and you have "Amiga" and "Scam" was in his way of searching you can get hits for both "Scam" and "Amiga". Therefore, it becomes more hits then.

The safest way to search to see an indication of inresse is to search the entire website address example:


Fact: never had any product that had any relation to what is gernerally considered an "Amiga".

Now, you probably read a little history amiga!

Quote: never had any product that sold in reasonable numbers.

If we stick to the path embarked on the Hyperion and Amiga Inc. released earlier on, there will be no question of large volumes of sales. Yes, AA came up in the largest sales were in the current situation. AA2 would probably come up in even larger volumes of sales.

Quote:'s actual products are laughable at best.

By AA Amiga Inc has developed some simple programs that are still sold.
TAO went bankrupt and then they would no longer AA. They then began to develop its own AA named AA2. It was picked from an, as, recently launched in-house operating systems.
In the case of OS as it was planned to sell just AmigaOS4.x. When it became clear that Hyperion betrayed their clients when they had no OS in its portfolio. To change direction with the recording so heavy software takes a long time.

One can also ask what Hyperion has more than AmgaOS4.x?
A handful of games ported from 80-90s!

I understand them, but those games would of course have no income until now. An approach similar to Amiga Inc.

Quote:'s licence politics is a sure way noone with 6 working brain cells will ever consider writing AA(2)-SW on a commercial basis.

You mean SDA for AA2?
Actually, this is of course nothing of interest to the Amiga community, so I do not understand why we so often take up this and other things that have to do with AA2. could it be that the interest is rather large?
Have you read their SDA from Greg Sigel?
If I were to produce AA2 program, I would sign it than to sell yourself. Then I can devote myself entirely to programming, while it sells incredibly more than I could cope.
"/../ DEVELOPER will pay a royalty equal to sixty percent 60 %/../ "

Quote: nver paid up on those outstanding court rulings nor on the rebate coupons they issued.

Do we know?
If not then it is wrong if you do not get paid.


You may argue wether these points are also true for other companies in the Amiga-market, doesn't change the fact that "scam" is the only thing worth talking about

The story behind why they say "scam" in the context of Amiga Inc, we know. I also have an understanding of Amiga Inc's conduct.
Otherwise the risk is that you may eat up the word "scam" in the future

Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 02:36 PM.
Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 02:35 PM.
Last edited by linnar on 13-Feb-2010 at 02:34 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:43:14
#329 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Jeg er litt usikker ennå,om AmigaOS ville hatt en fordel ved å være åpen nå,siden utviklingen mer eller mindre har stagnert,mye pga alt bråket rundt Amiga IP. Det beste som kunne skjedd,var om AmigaOS ble ett åpent OS i øyeblikket etter at Commodore gikk konkurs. Men siden vi idag sitter med ett lite utviklet OS,så tror jeg vi for øyeblikket trenger ett lukket OS,frem til vi har kommet oss noe opp igjen,og kanskje kommet oss over på x86,eller for eksempel ARM. Men ja,jeg ville likt ett åpent AmigaOS,men der har vi AROS,som virkelig begynner å få fremgang,noe som er veldig bra :)

Tanken bak AA2 er ikke dårlig,langt derifra. Den er veldig god. Jeg må inrømme at jeg ikke vet stort om AA2. Men jeg husker godt hvordan AmigaDE ble forklart for enn del år tilbake. Det å kunne kjøre software overalt,samme hva slags hardware eller OS,ville vært den beste løsningen for alle aktører,og forbrukere. Men ett slikt system kan ikke være lukket,men ett åpent system,hvor alle aktører har fått være med i utviklingen,og bestemmelsene bak dette systemet . Jeg er ikke programmerer,men jeg forstår godt fordelene ved ett felles system. Slik markedet er i dag,kan det ikke fortsette å være,for digitale enheter er overalt i dag,og det er nesten ingen felles løsning på disse,vis vi ser på det fra en programmerers synsvinkel. Det er en jungel av API løsninger,IDE løsninger,etc. Så jeg tror jeg forstår ditt dilema :)

Håller med det mesta!
Orsaken att Amiga Inc agerat som de gjort beror på att de betalt $5 milj för rätten att ge ut ett os o Amiga's namn mm.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:47:44
#330 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Slik jeg har forstått,så tror jeg Hyperion sikter mot "embedded" markedet,noe som i seg selv ikke er så dumt. AmigaOne x1000,er vel mer en midlertidig utviklingsplatform,for å bringe mer interesse for AmigaOS, og håpet dems er vel at disse vil utvikle software for AmigaOS API'en,som de kan ta med seg videre inn i "embedded" markedet. Som vi vet,er ikke x86,så godt egnet på dette markedet. Selv Intel ønsker egentlig å legge denne arkitekturen bak seg,og komme med en ny,og bedre egnet løsning. Men de har samme problem som de fleste andre i bransjen,og det er software. Ny CPU arkitektur,betyr ingen software. Så heterogene software løsninger trengs i større og større grad.

Jo, det är riktigt, tror jag också.
Jag tror faktikst att den enda vägen till framgång för en liten aktör är att använda de större aktörernas hårdvara, alltså x86. Både MS och Linux är där och snart tror jag vi har en till aktör där.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 14:48:11
#331 ]
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linnar wrote:


Chuckt wrote:

linnar wrote:


Amiga community is a very small group of people. If they do not buy the Amiga Inc. so the damage is very limited. For people out in real life, I think think the Amiga community is they who pose the greatest harm to the Amiga culture.
Amiga Inc had significantly more visitors to its website than Hyperion. If you search for Amiga Inc and Hyperion (full name must be printed) will leave the Amiga Inc. Hyperion far behind: 184,000 hits 13,600,000 hits

This is a great way to show who the people outside the Amiga community knows best.

If you search for os:

AmigaOS 426,000 hits
AmigaDE 4,930,000 hits

AA2 960,000 hits
Heretic II 453,000 hits (games usually generate an awful lot of hits)

All the hits are not right but you can get a small indication of the popularity is.
Amiga Community means very little to Amiga Inc's future right now.

This does not mean I do not think about Hyperion's products, they are very good at programmer and pick up interesting products.


When Amiga gets those hits, it is because people are searching for Amiga and not Bill McEwen.

Jack Tramiel, the engineers and a lot of untold people behind Commodore made Amiga a household name because their investors got the money to buy Amiga. It is technology like the 68000 chip from Motorolla which was probably produced because of the government (space program).

Bill McEwen is an Amiga wannabe and his company is lights and mirrors with products that don't work anymore. MY Amiga 500 worked for ten years and I can't say that for the A1's. Commodore was in business a lot longer than Bill McEwen.

I wish to build a single board computer and the reaction from retired electrical engineers who work with microcontrollers is that it is a lot of work for one person and you need a company where people actually answer the phones and not just one employee and an empty warehouse.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 15:16:52
#332 ]
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From: Norway


Grunnen til at Hyperion fremdeles befinner seg på PPC arkitekturen,har antageligvis flere årsaker. En av dem er tiden det vil ta å portere AmigaOS over på annen CPU arkitektur,og kostnadene ved dette.

Nå tror jeg egentlig at Hyperion har ett ønske om å komme seg over på x86 eller ARM,selv om de ikke sier dette. Grunnen til at jeg tror dette,er enkel, PPC er svært lite brukt i det markedet Hyperion sikter mot,og derfor ville det være en logisk strategi for dem,å komme seg vekk fra PPC. Ikke fordi PPC er en dårlig arkitektur,tvert i mot. Men markedet tilsier at de må portere.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 15:28:39
#333 ]
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Kronos wrote:

"amiga scam" gives 430000 results.

"hyperion scam" 221000

"morphos scam" a measly 27400

Whatever your point is, seems google doesn't get it

Fact: never had any product that had any relation to what is gernerally considered an "Amiga". never had any product that sold in reasonable numbers.'s actual products are laughable at best.'s licence politics is a sure way noone with 6 working brain cells will ever consider writing AA(2)-SW on a commercial basis. nver paid up on those outstanding court rulings nor on the rebate coupons they issued.

You may argue wether these points are also true for other companies in the Amiga-market, doesn't change the fact that "scam" is the only thing worth talking about

I found this quote over at Software Hut:

"August 30 Update - Eyetech is no longer making Amiga One boards of any kind. While there is a few (very few) boards being talked about on some message boards and web sites, these boards are old, were DOA, are missing processors etc.. We will not be selling these as it is not in the best interest of our customers. HOWEVER, we have heard a new company may be making a major announcement on new hardware that is OS 4 compliant. "

When your dealer doesn't trust them then you can't convince your friends and family that it is a trusted computer. You have to move on to save face.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 17:08:03
#334 ]
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When Amiga gets those hits, it is because people are searching for Amiga and not Bill McEwen.

Jack Tramiel, the engineers and a lot of untold people behind Commodore made Amiga a household name because their investors got the money to buy Amiga. It is technology like the 68000 chip from Motorolla which was probably produced because of the government (space program).

Bill McEwen is an Amiga wannabe and his company is lights and mirrors with products that don't work anymore. MY Amiga 500 worked for ten years and I can't say that for the A1's. Commodore was in business a lot longer than Bill McEwen.

I wish to build a single board computer and the reaction from retired electrical engineers who work with microcontrollers is that it is a lot of work for one person and you need a company where people actually answer the phones and not just one employee and an empty warehouse.

Yes, I agree.
But it has not always been so that you do not answer the phone.
I think they have rearranged the whole concept since early 2009.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 17:10:24
#335 ]
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Caveman wrote:

Grunnen til at Hyperion fremdeles befinner seg på PPC arkitekturen,har antageligvis flere årsaker. En av dem er tiden det vil ta å portere AmigaOS over på annen CPU arkitektur,og kostnadene ved dette.

Nå tror jeg egentlig at Hyperion har ett ønske om å komme seg over på x86 eller ARM,selv om de ikke sier dette. Grunnen til at jeg tror dette,er enkel, PPC er svært lite brukt i det markedet Hyperion sikter mot,og derfor ville det være en logisk strategi for dem,å komme seg vekk fra PPC. Ikke fordi PPC er en dårlig arkitektur,tvert i mot. Men markedet tilsier at de må portere.

Jag tror samma! Men det är lite mystiskt med Hyperion om vad de vill och inte vill.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 17:49:50
#336 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2002
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From: Italy


Microsoft Windows is a great operating system

Ah ah ah ah! Windows is a joke not even an OS. You have just been luckly or you're just blind. Windows stablity sucks, usabilty is even wrost, structure and included softwares are pathetic. Mac or Linux are 1000 times better. And i'm not comparing it to AmigaOS. A computer/OS experience is not "i had no blue screen of death".

Amiga Inc is a group ot thieves they even don't deserve space in database with this long thread!

Last edited by ikir on 13-Feb-2010 at 05:57 PM.
Last edited by ikir on 13-Feb-2010 at 05:56 PM.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 17:53:29
#337 ]
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Ah ah ah ah! Windows is a joke not even an OS. You have just been luckly or you're just blind. Windows stablity sucks, usabilty is even wrost, structure and included softwares are pathetic. Linux or Linux are 1000 times better. And i'm not comparing it to AmigaOS. A computer/OS experience is not "i had no blue screen of death".


I use Windows Vista nearly everyday without problems. You must be joking! It is year 2010, not 1995. Please, don´t repeat again this senseless form of propaganda.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 17:55:23
#338 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Dec-2006
Posts: 1075
From: Dunes of Uridia


Did a quick search of on GoDaddy, it came up with this message...


This domain name has been suspended due to invalid Whois information.

If you are the registrant of this domain name please contact us at:"

Any ideas?


"i am home"

Last edited by QuBe on 13-Feb-2010 at 05:59 PM.
Last edited by QuBe on 13-Feb-2010 at 05:58 PM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 18:01:37
#339 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2002
Posts: 5647
From: Italy


No it sucks, for most things even now Im a IT tech guy and i must work against Windows every week. Same thing: if you are lucky it doesn't mean Windows is usually stable. Anyway it is embarassing for standards support, software included, usability and much more things.


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Re: down?
Posted on 13-Feb-2010 18:17:58
#340 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 15-Oct-2008
Posts: 171
From: Texas


If you have Windows 7 avoid update (KB-971033).

Last edited by TheKorn on 13-Feb-2010 at 07:02 PM.
Last edited by TheKorn on 13-Feb-2010 at 06:21 PM.

Raptor BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 3.9 / Pegasos II 4.1 F.E.

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