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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 16-Apr-2005 17:09:31
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 2-Feb-2004
Posts: 1246
From: Pennsylvania, USA



He'll galdly release the sources, but they're written in some obscure modula2 dialect, so no point i doing that. I would've loved an OS4 version of TurboText...

Really, I'd gladly accept the sources. The obscure Modula-2 dialect you refer to is "M2Sprint" which is a compiler also written by Martin. I've been using M2Sprint for years (mainly for personal shell utilities) and I still have it installed on the A4000 in my closet. I would gladly get the old A4000 out of the closet if I had the TurboText source and could at least fix the 68k version to work with OS4. Porting it to native is unlikely unless someone releases a Modula-2 compiler for OS4 but a fixed 68k version should work.

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 16-Apr-2005 17:15:34
#42 ]
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Joined: 2-Feb-2004
Posts: 1246
From: Pennsylvania, USA



BED can't load config files for me, it gives an error on every single line of the config file. It doesn't matter now, since I'm used to JanoEditors excellent tabbed window. I just changed the menu keys to be more like BlacksEditor... although you have to do that in the source code and rebuild it with JE.

You must be trying the update pack. I tried that a long time ago and didn't like some of the changes the newer author made. I've had the original BED from Aminet installed ever since. When TurboText started acting up on OS4 I just switched to BED. Give the original a try. It works for me

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 19-Apr-2005 21:46:21
#43 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown


"Also, there could be a default directory (or directories ;) ) that the user could set up as the one the program goes everytime an open or first save/save as is made.

Could you provide me with an example of how this should work?"

Didn't see your question at the time. I meant 2 diferent things. One would be the ability to define wich directory the save / save as.. requester would go to the first time a file was to be saved.

The other was that since we're naturally lazy to do back ups we could have the program saving a file to 2 (or more) diferent places at the same time (say to HD and floppy at the same time, or HD and CD when that's possible...).



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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 19-Apr-2005 21:59:41
#44 ]
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Joined: 4-May-2004
Posts: 2524
From: Uddevalla, Sweden


I suggest you check out this page then:

At the bottom there's something about the source...

Jocke 'Zerohero' Birging

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 20-Apr-2005 9:04:37
#45 ]
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Joined: 25-Aug-2003
Posts: 470
From: Lecco, Italy



Really, I'd gladly accept the sources. The obscure Modula-2 dialect you refer to is "M2Sprint" which is a compiler also written by Martin. I've been using M2Sprint for years (mainly for personal shell utilities) and I still have it installed on the A4000 in my closet. I would gladly get the old A4000 out of the closet if I had the TurboText source and could at least fix the 68k version to work with OS4. Porting it to native is unlikely unless someone releases a Modula-2 compiler for OS4 but a fixed 68k version should work.

maybe you can try out this one:


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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 20-Apr-2005 10:24:50
#46 ]
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From: Poland

Good editor? There can be only one!

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Re: A good text editor
Posted on 20-Apr-2005 12:58:56
# ]



The other day Nicomen suggested that I should check out TuitEd. I'm glad I did, because it's really awesome. Check it out here:

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