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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 10-Nov-2018 13:58:54
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11602
From: In the village


Gateway is irrelevant, as it had no Amiga assets by the time it was sold to Acer (even the patents had expired). Whoever brings up Acer in an Amiga context probably has the dubious goal of wanting to muddy the waters.

This got me interested in reviewing wiki wars over Gateway content.

You might recall when I quoted the wiki:
Gateway purchased the Amiga assets from Escom in 1997 and since 2000, this Amiga intellectual property has been licensed to Amiga, Inc.

Which got changed immediately thereafter to:
Gateway purchased the remaining Commodore and Amiga assets from Escom in 1997.[6] It licensed the patents to Amiga, Inc. in 1998, retaining ownership over them until their eventual expiration. The trademarks and copyrights were sold by Gateway to Amiga in the same year.

atm, all references to anything Amiga are gone.
same source link I used prior

I must agree there are parties still trying to muddy the waters.


Any clue what's been going on over there from your observance?


Last edited by number6 on 10-Nov-2018 at 02:08 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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      Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantopavlor10-Nov-2018 14:44:00

Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 10-Nov-2018 12:12:38
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11602
From: In the village


I thought that the Tabor was ready to ship, and the only delay was Hyperion itself not wanting to release AmigaOS 4.1 for it. I presumed that this was for internal political reasons between Hyperion and A-EON? I.e., that this was another thing that Hyperion had deliberately inflicted upon itself.

Not exactly. There is still no audio driver and more importantly Trevor mentioned at AmiWest 2018 that the delays on bringing the h/w to market resulted in obsolescence of some parts.
These parts now had/have to be replaced.
This, in turn, means that there has not even been a production run obviously.

Beyond that, if you were to take Costel Mincea at his word, he has expressed in no uncertain terms that the only income that Tabor brings to Hyperion comes in terms of licenses. Ergo, not releasing said product does not benefit the company.
If you're referring to how Ben feels? We know better than to guess.



Last edited by number6 on 10-Nov-2018 at 12:53 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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      Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and CloantoBigD10-Nov-2018 12:22:48
          Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantone_one10-Nov-2018 17:27:41
              Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantonumber618-Nov-2018 17:48:20
                  Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantospud10119-Nov-2018 8:00:16
                      Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and CloantoSenex19-Nov-2018 18:32:46
                          Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantohth31319-Nov-2018 18:48:49
                              Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloantokolla19-Nov-2018 18:58:00
                                  Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and CloantoAmeegaGuy19-Nov-2018 23:49:32

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