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AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 11:51:04
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 12:03:32
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| @amigang
New KickStarter? Maybe with a Vampire V4 Standalone inside it would be fun! _________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 12:35:15
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 12:49:21
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| @g01df1sh
There is no '64-bit' designator like the '32-bit' one on the CD32s CD-drive lid. I think some artistic license with the CD64 name representing the successor to the CD32 would be tolerated IMHO! _________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 13:06:43
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| @amigang
It should be Amiga DVD64 or Amiga blu64 or dreaming even more Amiga HVD64 _________________ No PowerPC, No Fun Make Amiga Great Again |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 13:40:42
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| @Fransexy
I think the term 'Compact Disc' is used interchangeably to describe optical discs of all forms colloquially so I'd stick with CD-64 myself. _________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 14:18:01
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| @g01df1sh
Is the Vampire 64bit though ?. AmigaOS is not 64bit so not the best of names I feel. |
It has a 64-bit extension to my knowledge. It also has AMMX which should be 128-bit. But real Amiga games bang the hardware so it shouldn't matter that AmigaOS is only 32-bit.  |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 15:16:50
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| @Hypex
AmigaTwo LOL that name should not be copyrighted for a court battle lol _________________ A1200 ACA1232 128MB Indivison MkIICr Elbox empty Power Tower RPi3 Emulating C64 ZX Atari PS BBC Wii with Amiga emulation Vampire v4 SA |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 15:50:50
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| @amigang
It seems like a project of Phoenixconsoll beacuse:
1. It has a CD Rom, something other people would call outdated. 2. It could have a 64 bit RasPI 3b+ inside running 64Bit Linux with an Amiga emulator and AROS hosted. Last edited by OneTimer1 on 01-Apr-2019 at 03:51 PM.
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 18:20:56
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| Curious this got posted on April 1st.
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 1-Apr-2019 21:28:16
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2114
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| Yes April fools sorry guys, but still I think a little unit like this might do well if market correctly and was cheap.
_________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 4-Apr-2019 0:09:52
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| @amigang
How much would it cost to make? _________________ John 3:16 |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 4-Apr-2019 8:36:59
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| @Trekiej
Depends on how to approach the solution. I can imagine something like this with some UAE in an optimized Raspbian image should not cost more than a slot-in Blu-ray drive, added with the cost of buying the fastest Raspberry-clone available and some 3D-printed case. Oh and a USB-power-supply, SD-card and some controllers. I think some 200-ish Euros and loads of hours should get you close to owning it. _________________ Back home... |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 4-Apr-2019 10:02:39
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2114
From: Cheshire, England | | |
| Raspberry pi 3 = £35 Usb slot loading drive = £15 USB hub with power & cables for pi & drive = £20 ish microsd 8gb with Aimberry setup with cd32 emulation = £5 £75
case either 3d printed and paint = Around £80 to £100 for something this size
home made wood/plastics/glue = £20 to £50 maybe
so you could do for most likly sub £100
bit more Pro made would cost £200
indieGO console is basically all based around emulated console with dvd drive he charges £300 and is making indieGO xs which is looking pretty good small similar system
maybe for £400 we could make the CD64 a reality. Last edited by amigang on 04-Apr-2019 at 10:15 AM. Last edited by amigang on 04-Apr-2019 at 10:09 AM.
_________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 4-Apr-2019 17:20:58
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 5-Apr-2019 8:49:55
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2114
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| @phoenixkonsole
yes what Im saying is you could take my CD64 idea, charge maybe an extra £100 to make the custom case and you have yourself a CD64 for £400. _________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 5-Apr-2019 9:24:45
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| @amigang
I am guessing that you have a 3D model. _________________ John 3:16 |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 5-Apr-2019 10:18:28
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Joined: 17-Jun-2006 Posts: 835
From: Ohrid, Macedonia | | |
| @Trekiej
Designing and (probably) 3D-printing the case should not be too difficult when using a slot-loader optical-drive. It takes away the need for designing moving-parts (like the lid on the CD32). Even if you want some LEDs on a custom PCB should not break the bank.
Just come to think of it, the april's fool could turn into a nice idea. _________________ Back home... |
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 5-Apr-2019 14:28:34
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Joined: 6-May-2007 Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia | | |
| @Fransexy
In that case BD64 then. Or BR64 but in use I've only seen BD.
However discs are outdated and can be slow. Amiga RD64. 64-bit RomDisc.  Last edited by Hypex on 05-Apr-2019 at 02:29 PM.
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Re: AmigaCD64 Posted on 5-Apr-2019 14:31:02
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Joined: 6-May-2007 Posts: 11351
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| @g01df1sh
LOL. Well AmigaTwo does sound like a sequel. Perhaps a prequel and the AmigaZero is in order?  |
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