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Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 29-Jan-2022 21:52:47
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2114
From: Cheshire, England

So I ranted a bit on my site about why I feel Amiga / Cloanto should be doing more,

I mean they effectively become Amiga inc for three years and still no new site I feel it’s just a bit a shame and a waste to not do much with the brand or even the product they do have now. Maybe they have bigger plans once the lawsuit is settled.

But then we have got the biggest Amiga launch soon, the A500 mini, I know for many here it’s a nothing product and even to me it’s disappointing when I think what it could of been (when I look at things like the pi400 + amikit) but it still will likely be a success outside of our community and already know of friends and family asking me about it and are likely to get one.

It’s a shame that the official site isn’t there to capture this new interest and promote the Amiga brand. My site has seen a increase in traffic ever since the A500 mini announcement. I done what I can and hope the site been useful for some but just suddenly thought it a shame and kinda sad that my site has got more info than the official owners.

I don’t want to seem like I’m attack Cloanto, I just wanting them to do more and make the Amiga platform more visible, i sense there a opportunity here with the A500 mini and increasingly I feel it’s going to be another missed one.

On my site I list out some thoughts and ideas but just wonder what would you do if you where Cloanto / Amiga?

Last edited by amigang on 29-Jan-2022 at 09:55 PM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 1:07:43
#2 ]
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Joined: 13-Dec-2019
Posts: 1200

Shall we,
friend amigang,
have a small chat about means and ends?

Let's do that.

See, the great delusion of the Amiga Community, this ragtag army of ranting lunatics of which you are such an exemplary specimen, is that acquiring assets such as AmigaOS, or the Amiga brand, are
means to an end.

Simplifying for double digit IQs:
you guys think that the Mikes and Trevors of this world, want to get control of that stuff, in order to achieve some goal.

No, my naive, child-hearted friends.
To those horrid egomaniac carrion feeders, that IS the end.
Getting the stuff IS the goal.

All they want is to finally lay back in their makeshift jacuzzi tub, and in James Bond Villain fashion swirl a cheap wine in a fake crystal glass and moan "Aaaah... I own Amiga muahahahah".

In a way, those stomach-churning conmen and thieves at Hyperion were slightly better:
at least they had a goal when they stole Amigaos. To peddle it around and make money.

So, put your Cloaca dreams to rest.
And sleep, sleep peacefully my friend.



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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 1:09:40
#3 ]
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From: N-Space


Maybe they have bigger plans once the lawsuit is settled.

Probably. I don't expect much until then. I personally prefer this to A-EON's strategy of big announcements years in advance of anything actually shipping.

BTW, aren't "pancakes" and "who cares" basically the same thing?

Last edited by bison on 30-Jan-2022 at 01:11 AM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 1:42:00
#4 ]
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From: Rhode Island

Your article has some great ideas ... however those things simply don't appear overnight and must be coded and tested.

We are talking about a whole ecosystem here.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 5:22:05
#5 ]
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From: Canada


I'm sitting on the fence between "pancakes" and "who cares?".

IMHO, Cloanto won't reveal anything until they win these stupid legal battles.


Last edited by redfox on 30-Jan-2022 at 05:23 AM.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 6:35:41
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2114
From: Cheshire, England


Yes but this is kinda my point they have played a card with the A500 mini, Amiga about to be back on the high street, 100s of websites have already covered the news of the new product. People who have forgotten or never thought much about Amiga might see the product out in the wild and get one, just feel it’s a shame there not doing a bit more.

ragtag army of ranting lunatics of which you are such an exemplary specimen

You right, but it’s still fun to debate, dream, and discuss Amiga, I must lower my iq to more productive comments like

zorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooo rammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmm,m

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 8:33:49
#7 ]
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From: Unknown

Yes, yes they bloody well should. they should at least have a website up. That is not something that takes a huge effort or cost.


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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 10:17:16
#8 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway

I don’t get it, Cloanto has several web sites already, what exactly is missing?

What’s interesting is who will sue who once the THEA500 Mini is released, as there are several candidates, from AmigaKit who claim to own the string A500 as a trademark, Phil at who I bet has trademark on a logo strikingly similar to that of the THEA500 mini, to Hyperion and Cloanto, whoever side they didn’t get license from for OS components and “general” Amiga use…


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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 10:48:30
#9 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


Over the years there have been many different ideas floating around Cloanto. I remember hearing some pretty ambitious stuff back in 2011 or maybe it was 2012.

I know their main product is Amiga Forever, but for a while now they've been very focused on games. Perhaps it should be renamed to Amiga Games Forever.

My guess is that the legal action is holding things back. What those things are, I'm not entirely sure. Most likely not going to be what I would do with their assets.
Nevertheless I agree, they should be doing more.

Side note:
I know your handle AmigaNG is pronounced Amiga en gee, but my brain always reads it as Ami-Gang.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 13:38:52
#10 ]
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From: UK

@amigang has NEVER been a relevant URL for the Amiga community. What makes you think it will change now in the middle of a court case? We are lucky that Retro Games have been able to navigate the legal minefield to release the A500 Mini and all the rest of the Amiga development etc is a bonus! The Apollo Team have had to forge their own way with ApolloOS despite the great work done on AmigaOS 3.2. It is ALL a compromise but we are edging forwards! At least the lawyers get paid! Heaven forbid if they couldn't get a new BMW/Audi every year

For the next year at least, this is the new URL that we should be directing EVERYONE outside our community to:

If Cloanto had any sense they'd direct to it too!

Last edited by BigD on 30-Jan-2022 at 01:43 PM.
Last edited by BigD on 30-Jan-2022 at 01:41 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 15:16:29
#11 ]
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From: N-Space


My guess is that the legal action is holding things back.

This isn't just a guess: Mike alluded to that in an interview a few years back.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 19:24:23
#12 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Amiga Inc used to advertise for AmigaOS3.5 and 3.9 before partnership whit Hagge & Partner broke up, after the Amiga XL / amithlon scandal.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 19:45:57
#13 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


What more do you want.


On a more serious note they are somewhat limited by the 2009 settlement agreement in what they can do. Basically limited to what we've seen so far in terms of Emulation products or some branded item of hardware. A retro console could have already happened years before if McBill and co weren't so feckless.

Last edited by Rob on 30-Jan-2022 at 08:45 PM.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 20:33:22
#14 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Rob Quote:

What more do you want.


Your link is/was broken.

Rob Quote:

On a more serious note they are somewhat limited by the 2009 settlement agreement in what they can do. Basically limited to what we've seen so far in terms of Emulation products or some branded item of hardware. A retro console could have already happened years before if McBill and co weren't so feckless.

The new Amiga Corporation should be much less limited after Amiga Inc. was bought than Cloanto was. They could be doing more as the Hyperion AmigaOS is not necessary with other options existing but the situation adds uncertainty. In my opinion, A-Eon and AmigaKit are the ones stuck in the middle with more limited options. The individuals involved should be extra careful what they say with the lawsuits and it may be cheaper to say nothing rather than pay to run everything public past a lawyer first. Maybe they are busy negotiating behind the scenes. Maybe there will be a new book when all this is over. The silence is not helping the Amiga but neither are the lawsuits.

Last edited by matthey on 30-Jan-2022 at 08:36 PM.
Last edited by matthey on 30-Jan-2022 at 08:35 PM.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 21:21:55
#15 ]
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From: S.Wales


Fixed the link. I don't how a space got in there.

The main constriction is that they can't sell a product called Amiga with Amiga OS or anything that tries to re-create it.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 30-Jan-2022 22:16:51
#16 ]
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From: N-Space


Maybe there will be a new book when all this is over.

I'd rather have a new Amiga.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 31-Jan-2022 10:58:28
#17 ]
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My guess is that the legal action is holding things back

Legal actions can be a show-stopper for many comanies, with economic resources being placed on attorneys instead of coders, and BTW developing things under a disputed name can be a risk, since you're risking - at least - to earn nothing from them.

And you can't really know how a legal dispute will end, until the judge's decision comes.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 1-Feb-2022 1:18:11
#18 ]
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From: Greater Los Angeles Area


I said yes mainly because I really would like for Cloanto to improve Amiga Forever KX light.

With some tweaking is possible to install it on a regular PC, navigate the net and few other things. But really there could / should be much more.

I think I know what other people may say on that - just use Aros on a PC.

True enough - but the Amiga Forever KX Light gives you 3.X workbench which, to me, feel closer to the classic Amiga than Aros.

Also, that is something Cloanto could work on without being impacted by any pending legal case.

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 1-Feb-2022 10:26:47
#19 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England


BTW, aren't "pancakes" and "who cares" basically the same thing?

I know but Pancakes is for people who want fun and dont take things to seriously, the funny thing about "who care" vote is really you likely shouldn't be clicking on a thread about the topic or making the effort to even place your vote if you really dont care.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Cloanto should be doing more
Posted on 1-Feb-2022 14:19:57
#20 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


please read

Then remember that during negotiation with Intellivision, I wrote my interpretation of all documentation on their home forums and stated my conclusion, which the CEO confirmed publically in a posting following mine.
In summary, although the "filing" for the Amiga trademark (uspto) by Cloanto was recognized, the Amiga ownership of Cloanto was -not-.

It will be difficult to do anything with an IP that the outside world (through licensing opportunities) refuses to recognize until the lawsuits are resolved.

This applies even to website content, as has been stated prior on this website.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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