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      /  Part-2 of Retro Amiga Deluxe Paint Cartoon style Animations from Old VHS tape
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Part-2 of Retro Amiga Deluxe Paint Cartoon style Animations from Old VHS tape
Posted on 28-Oct-2023 17:14:50
#1 ]
Joined: 14-Sep-2023
Posts: 21
From: Pakistan

Here i am sharing the Part 2 of VHS video of Amiga Deluxe Paint Video titleing Cartoon Style Animations
in 1990s Indian Movies Distributers both in Pakistan and India Place Overlay commercial ads on VHS movies.

They all commercial ads animations are made with Amiga Deluxe Paint Animation Software.
So please appreciate the creativity of those hardwork animators in 1990s.

Here is the link of the youtube video part 2, i made from Old VHS tape.
Retro Delure Paint Animations - Part 2

I will add more Amiga Deluxe Paint Animation videos to my channel so be touch with it.
Hope you will like it.
Happy Amiga...!


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Re: Part-2 of Retro Amiga Deluxe Paint Cartoon style Animations from Old VHS tape
Posted on 28-Oct-2023 18:02:12
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
Posts: 9615
From: Unknown


Looks quite good, nice to see Amiga computers were used in every corner of the world. Could you say, how they created the text? Simple pictures? Or is there some useable font for the Urdu alphabet (I think this one is used in Pakistan)?

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Re: Part-2 of Retro Amiga Deluxe Paint Cartoon style Animations from Old VHS tape
Posted on 29-Oct-2023 6:22:38
#3 ]
Joined: 14-Sep-2023
Posts: 21
From: Pakistan


Sadly today no one knows about amiga or commodore, even don't know about ms-dos/ win95/98/XP or 2000 the new generations are on windows 7 8 10 ...or android or ios.

Yep here is the software called "Urdu Inpage" for Urdu language, Probably they export the Urdu text images from there to DP. but I am not 100% sure about it.

Anyway touch with my channel my next video will be on Hindi and English Text ADs of Deluxe Paint Animation by indian DP animators of that time.

Many thanks for the compliment....!


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