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This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 30-Oct-2023 18:25:18
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2004
Posts: 3668
From: Unknown

This forum needs moderators NOW! because the current threads since 2-3 years are are making this forum boring and useless, and making people stay away from it, it is a shame that this pioneering forum in the Amiga hobby is suffering from a lack of moderators, a very low quality forum, the flight of fans, and therefore against seeing misleading advertising or supposed fans putting things that have nothing to do with the hobby.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 30-Oct-2023 18:52:19
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1742
From: Melbourne, Australia


I come here almost every day, and sometimes multiple times a day. It’s my very favourite forum. Not just favourite Amiga forum, but my favourite forum among all forums. And as a frequent reader and contributor to conversations, I certainly do not experience any suffering, and my interlocutors have never complained of me causing their suffering.

It’s like that favourite pub or bar where one goes to hang out with the beloved regulars, and the occasional irregular. It’s fine and fun as it is. If it’s not to your liking, there are certainly other options available on the free internet.

The last thing this forum needs is a discussion nazi.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 7:22:54
#3 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England


I think Qbit is pushing his luck a little, I don’t mind the odd weird off topic thing, it kinda adds to the charter of the place but he is maybe over doing it.

This place for a while feel like it needs a few more mods and some more users would be nice. It’s also my fav forum of Amiga world.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 9:28:14
#4 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


amigang wrote:

I think Qbit is pushing his luck a little...

Yeah, Qbit has his episodes, but we’ve all pretty much learned to filter him out.

I don’t care for exclusive clubs. I like that Qbit has an outlet for his particular flavor of existentialism. If we can’t tolerate the occasional bout of weird posts, what does that say about us?

All the way, with 68k

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 10:04:16
#5 ]
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From: Australia


If we can’t tolerate the occasional bout of weird posts, what does that say about us?

What does it say about someone who is intolerant of a grown man acting like an absolute imbecile for the sake of attention who constantly ignores being told that even within this very forum site there's other places for it, even when told very politely, and that same attention seeker knows this and ignores it purposely?

It says there's a shred of sanity in us and that we're not children, nor are we here to entertain stupidity. There's dedicated forums for that.
Nigh on everyone who joins this forum is here for a specific hobby.

To enable that behavior is the act of scum.
Like a parent not scolding their children for poor and/or socially unacceptable behavior.
He's intellectually and mentally in the ballpark of a 6 year old and should probably have to have permission from an adult before he even gets online and should be supervised.

Last edited by fishy_fis on 31-Oct-2023 at 10:09 AM.
Last edited by fishy_fis on 31-Oct-2023 at 10:08 AM.
Last edited by fishy_fis on 31-Oct-2023 at 10:06 AM.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 10:37:25
#6 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2004
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From: Unknown


Forum nazi?? I remember when in this forum the Amiga fans wrote news about games, programs and projects, or new people who came to learn, because this forum wan't nazi it was serious and credible, now it is well, you words about discussion nazi, says it all.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 10:39:29
#7 ]
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If we can’t tolerate the occasional bout of weird posts, what does that say about us?

That has become common a few years ago, nowadays to find out about Amiga news you have to visit other forums, etc.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 10:44:08
#8 ]
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From: Germany



fishy_fis wrote:

If we can’t tolerate the occasional bout of weird posts, what does that say about us?

What does it say about someone who is intolerant of a grown man acting like an absolute imbecile for the sake of attention who constantly ignores being told that even within this very forum site there's other places for it, even when told very politely, and that same attention seeker knows this and ignores it purposely?

It says there's a shred of sanity in us and that we're not children, nor are we here to entertain stupidity. There's dedicated forums for that.
Nigh on everyone who joins this forum is here for a specific hobby.

To enable that behavior is the act of scum.
Like a parent not scolding their children for poor and/or socially unacceptable behavior.
He's intellectually and mentally in the ballpark of a 6 year old and should probably have to have permission from an adult before he even gets online and should be supervised.


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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 12:34:06
#9 ]
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Joined: 30-Jun-2008
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From: Melbourne, Australia

@Templario, @fishy_fis

Qbit is harmless. Each of us is responsible for our own emotional state. If Qbit’s translated from Portuguese and miscategorised ramblings irk you so much, that sounds like a you problem.

However, I’m prepared to make you a deal.
When there’s actual steady news concerning our favourite alternative computing system to be shared on this forum, I’ll happily sign your petition for more moderators on
Hell I’ll even kick in some $ for a GoFundMe campaign to get a paid moderator.

Right now, is just that empty space in front of some store where we like to congregate. It’s a hang-out. Given the state of affairs, that’s a pretty good thing.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 14:32:58
#10 ]
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that is because most people today are on discord channels, also most activity is on discord now. If you look at most forums and compare activity you see also a reduction in activity

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 15:09:13
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2007
Posts: 2199
From: Kansas

Templario Quote:

Forum nazi?? I remember when in this forum the Amiga fans wrote news about games, programs and projects, or new people who came to learn, because this forum wasn't nazi it was serious and credible, now it is well, you words about discussion nazi, says it all.

After WWII there were brainwashed Germans who longed for the return of Nazi Germany. There are brainwashed Russians who long for the return of the Soviet Union as can be seen in some Ukraine War symbolism (brainwashed Putin wants to return to Czar times and there is symbolism of that too). These were times of prosperity and strong national unity that marked a high in their warped perspective. These empires were far from a golden age and unsustainable false hopes like the PPC AmigaNOne attempt. AmigaNOne users may remember the time fondly but the attempt was flawed and never had legs to stand on without higher sales volumes. AmigaNOne users created an elitist cult which was oppressive of the majority of Amiga users and suppressed creativity and ideas outside of the cult. While AmigaNOne users may miss the propaganda and at least small scale development from better days, many of us find AmigaNG forums like this more open now. I believe more moderation on this forum would be good as no moderation borders on anarchy but I don't want to see a return to the AmigaNOne era. I would have likely been banned for this post years ago.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 16:06:48
#12 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown

I don't speak about the Qbit case and the "other" or the same person, for example the weird advertising campaigns, now when I could see the thread "How much this 2d cartoon animation close to 8bit Pixel Art ?" I doubted if it was serious or another campaign to sell us something, and yes now of current topics three have no sense or spirit Amiga.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 16:07:45
#13 ]
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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 16:10:08
#14 ]
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I think it is a problem to have to be on Discord, Facebook, Instagram, etc., looking for Amiga information just because the oldest forum has been abandoned to its fate and has lost prestige among the community.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 17:49:02
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Canada

IMHO we don't need more moderation. We just need to be sensible and respectful.

I personally welcome news about updates and advances to any and all amiga flavours.


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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 31-Oct-2023 18:17:50
#16 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



redfox wrote:
IMHO we don't need more moderation. We just need to be sensible and respectful.

I personally welcome news about updates and advances to any and all amiga flavours.


The irony though: became quite a place like the old moobunny, which back in the days had been quite the anti concept of

I think the internet needs both: the free and self organized sites. These often work well (nettiquette is often still more than a word), but also fail sometimes, hence we also need protected areas. once was heavily protected, now it's free.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 1-Nov-2023 0:09:41
#17 ]
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Joined: 30-Mar-2022
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I remember when in this forum the Amiga fans wrote news about games, programs and projects

Back in those days there were actually news games and programs to talk about.
Since then popularity has waned and development has largely stalled.

Times have changed and a chill hangout is all that remains. Because what else is there to talk about? That a DOS command got a new flag or some minor bugfix is some program?

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 1-Nov-2023 9:12:43
#18 ]
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that there is less to talk about is certainly one reason, at least regarding NG. This site was about NG mainly most of the time. Classic orientated sites like eab have a lot of activity. Also language specific sites like a1k (german) have a lot of activity. And activity has shifted to social media. NG is more or less dead today. On 68k you get both new hardware and software.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 1-Nov-2023 11:13:30
#19 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
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Before I buy mm in 2009 I believe in anti ppc propaganda of some people.
I believe in all this rubbish written by individuals that never had it.

I buy mm in 2009 for mos and change my opinion of Amiga NG.
Amiga PPC/NG is something like my Amiga 1200 from commodore only better
because thousand times faster.
Amiga NG is Amiga that Commodore could have made around 1999 if still exist.
Real not emulator.
At least as fast as affordable pc around 1999
Have at least as fast 2d as affordable pc around 1999
Have at least as fast 3d as affordable pc around 1999
Have standard mmu
Have standard fpu
Amiga NG has everything that I want to have in Amiga around 1999
Decent www up to some time and decent movie players where also nice things.
I regret that I don't buy amiga NG earlier.

I buy Amiga One because it cost as much as amiga 1200 with 030 and sd.
but it has fast 2d,3d and fpu.

I use Amiga One as a toy, as as nice thing to remind me good times around 2000.
I don't expect anything more. It is just many times better amiga 1200.

Most annoying thing on this site is the anti ppc propagada.
spreading false information about hardware that you not have
is pure criminal activity punishable by law
and should be forbidden on this site.

Last edited by _Steve_ on 05-Nov-2023 at 03:43 PM.

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Re: This forum needs moderators NOW!
Posted on 1-Nov-2023 12:16:06
#20 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


PPC is a dead end for consumer use. That's not propaganda. It's a fact. Unless you want to be stuck on an expensive, niche CPU that excludes most sensible hobbyists on cost grounds alone, at least. One for which the most recent "new" hardware you've waited literally years for, ends up with an incompatible FPU. What part of any of that is not true?

I have a lot of affection for OS4. But if it stays a PPC exclusive due to some kind of stupid cultist mentality, it deserves to die. Same goes for MorphOS.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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