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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:14:47
#181 ]
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you can preorder already the card and the core will be available in just few weeks

Where are the X5000 you want to buy? Do you also think it is Vapor because only few machines exist?

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:17:37
#182 ]
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two weeks is too short but as I understand the problems are sorted out so the core really will be available in few weeks

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:23:55
#183 ]
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Where are the X5000 you want to buy?

Collecting dust at AmigaKit since mid 2015.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:37:18
#184 ]
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not entirely true

at least one board is running MorphOS

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:48:03
#185 ]
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I thought betatester boards don´t count.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Dec-2015 23:55:19
#186 ]
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the most famous "Vapor" board "Natami" also existed (and as far as I know exists) at about 10 people but it could never be bought so people called it Vapor. If you use the same definition on other projects also X5000 qualifies. I do not say it is Vapor (as I do not say that about the Vampire 2 cards) but if people use that phrase they must be consequent there

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 9:02:54
#187 ]
Joined: 19-May-2006
Posts: 77
From: Poland


I don´t think SysInfo works under OS4...

Unfortunately SysInfo does not work under OS4.

A1200 BlizzardPPC BVision FastATA Eth 3Com, EFIKA5K2

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 9:19:11
#188 ]
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Advantage of Vampire over NG systems is that it can run all/most
68k software not only "system friendly" so a fair comparison would
be UAE on NG running same 060 demo and same on Vampire 2.

Petunia and Trance are strange way to compare things.If Doom is
used then it should be used in completely emulated environment.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 9:19:39
#189 ]
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New video (OS3.5 and few games - nice look at compatibilty)

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 9:21:20
#190 ]
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Petunia and Trance are strange way to compare things.


Doom is used then it should be used in completely emulated environment.


That is very purpose of NG: you don´t have to use UAE for OS compliant software.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:14:29
#191 ]
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Well if for no other reason then because same code will run
in same environment.Chipsets slow things down on real Amiga
too and screen is not drawn with graphics card that wasn't
still in design when Amigas were no more.

Apart from that you can also use native NG ports of Doom but
it should (I hope) be 200 times faster that way.Even when emulated
fully it should be much faster but I'm just curious how much.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:29:07
#192 ]
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could it be that you always select benchmarks that favor NG as a "BAF"?

then I would simply choose something that needs UAE

BTW nice video... thanks

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:32:18
#193 ]
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What you *COULD* do is massive instruction-level parallelism. e.g. Intel's recent offerings have 4-issue cores with lots of execution units, branch prediction, speculative execution, etc.

Intel and AMD are limited by to the poor design of x86 code, but they've managed to make it fast due to tons of research that compensate for the deep pipelines needed to translate x86 into simpler microops.

After a certain point, spending more transistors on single-threaded execution gets you fewer gains than adding another core, but if you were limited to only *one* thread, you could try some interesting things that have never been done before.

In the past, single-core processors have never gone beyond 4-issue (e.g. the PPC 604e). That was the most they could do with the limited number of transistors.

Still, that was the main reason that the 604e was faster than the 603e at the same clock speed. It was a price/performance tradeoff because the 604e used far more transistors on a larger die.

Later on, when they had the transistors, they went multicore, because going from 4-issue to 5-issue ate more die space for the logic than you would gain by going parallel with more cores.

Most specialized problems that have such data-dependent code that they can't be multithreaded are better served by custom ASICs that only handle a single algorithm, but if you wanted to run generalized single-threaded code very, very fast, adding more execution units in the core is the best you can do.

The only superscalar 68k CPU we have an example of is the 68060. Like the original Pentium, it had a simple 2-issue core that, assuming the right execution units were available and the code was not data-dependent, it could execute two instructions at once.

An FPGA is of course much slower than actual hard-burned silicon, but given that is what we have to work with, if we have gates to spare we could use them to add more execution units, branch predictors, etc. and increase performance far beyond what is currently available.

The idea of an 8-issue core in normal processor development is crazy, as the gains over a 4-issue core would be small in comparison to adding more cores, but if your sole aim was to run a single generalized computing thread as much as possible (i.e. general code rather than a single algorithm), your only option is to burn transistors against the diminishing returns.

With a big enough FPGA, you could make a pretty damn fast 68k Amiga, until you reached the limits of transistor size (quantum mechanics) and light speed (relativity).

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:34:44
#194 ]
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it is completely uninteresting if OS compliant code theoretical runs faster on Petunia/Trance than on the new board. Most games hack the hardware and do not run without chipset. WHDLoad does not run without chipset. Most 68k libraries f.e. all that were graphic/game related and not part of the OS were also needing chipset. Even many applications need the chipset. Only some of the newer applications and few games are running OS compliant and only using OS routines. Simple as that...

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:40:50
#195 ]
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In fact, what I'd love to see is the "Ultimate Amiga" immortalized in the fastest CPU that humanity can accomplished in non-quantum-computing architecture. If the Amiga is not forgotten, someday someone will burn an ASIC where that will happen.

If someone someday figures out how to make generalized quantum computing a real thing, then all bets are off, but by then we will probably expanding across the universe thanks to ships powered by the EmDrive. =)

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:43:56
#196 ]
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I still don´t get what you mean.

Apart from that you can also use native NG ports of Doom but

I benchmarked many ports of Doom...

All on Core i5-2500K 3.3 GHz WinUAE/OS4 (3.2.0 Beta16):

ADoomWOS: cca 180 FPS
PrBoom: cca 180 FPS
ADoom 68k (Petunia): cca 60 FPS
ADoom 68k (Interpretive): 9.7 FPS (that is like my A1200/68030 50 MHz )

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:44:35
#197 ]
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Yes so to those who want remaining 95% of titles it's either
UAE or a real thing.Interesting to note that pushed and JITED
Winuae with RTG runs Quake as fast as real G3 233 Mac more or
less depending on hardware.And I mean 68k Quake.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:44:53
#198 ]
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then I would simply choose something that needs UAE

Now you know my mastery of benchmark forging!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:48:02
#199 ]
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WHDLoad does not run without chipset.

Right. I have my own "benchmark" for UAE: Lionheart. If this game runs at full speed without audio errors, then host hardware is capable enough for Amiga games.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 12-Dec-2015 10:48:06
#200 ]
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Those numbers seem low.You are using OS4 classic emulated
in WnUAE on PC right ?

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