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Re: Retro Games Limited - THEA500 Mini - Future?
Posted on 18-Sep-2024 23:10:09
#161 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3146
From: Trondheim, Norway


For me the deciding factor is the keyboard. If it’s truly an Amiga keyboard with Amiga layout, then yes - if not, meh.


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Re: Retro Games Limited - THEA500 Mini - Future?
Posted on 19-Sep-2024 3:00:33
#162 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1750
From: Melbourne, Australia


kolla wrote:

For me the deciding factor is the keyboard. If it’s truly an Amiga keyboard with Amiga layout, then yes - if not, meh.


All the way, with 68k

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Re: Retro Games Limited - THEA500 Mini - Future?
Posted on 20-Sep-2024 18:41:03
#163 ]
New Member
Joined: 20-May-2017
Posts: 6
From: Unknown


still owning an A1200 and A600 but never using them as emulation simply outperforms those. No need to even think about rgb_to_hdmi or whatever. Therefore it doesn't matter to me what is "under the hood", just the result on screen counts to me.
Having a complete pseudo-"Amiga" in an AMIGA-looking case with no need for external keyboard attracts me.


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