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Poll : Will you buy a full size RGL Amiga console?
Yes, it's a no brainer
Yes, depending on the cost
Almost definitely
Maybe especially if I can't get a Classic up and running
No, emulation is not what I want/happy with Classic machines
No, THEA500 Mini is enough!
No, I prefer other FPGA solutions like the Vampire SA, Mister and A600 GS
Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 12:33:47
#21 ]
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Joined: 16-Oct-2009
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From: UK

If it takes up as much desk space as a real A500 then I will have to give it a miss; its just not practical. A600 size (but with all keys) would be much less likely to end up being put in lofts or basements after a few weeks or months IMHO.

Last edited by Tpod on 06-Nov-2023 at 12:35 PM.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 13:41:51
#22 ]
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I figure the Amiga 500 Maxi as we now have to start calling it combined with something like Amikit sideloaded would be a welcome shot in the arm the 68K Amiga scene needs.

It's more likely to be an A600 form factor IMHO. Maybe they'll officially partner with the Pandory/AMiNIMiga teams to unlock more IO and networking functionality?

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 14:04:55
#23 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


I agree with having a wedge case. Even if with a full Amiga keyboard layout w/ num pad, the overall case can be smaller (narrower and shorter) than the A500 boogie board.

There might be some legal aspects in not referring to it as a “Computer” and therefore calling it a “Console” instead.
I don’t care what they call it as long as it walks and quacks like an A1200 with 060 + RTG + networking (sans floppy drive and ancient IO). 9-pin ports for old mouses and controllers, optional.

It just sucks that I have to wait a whole year, but I understand it’s a small team, and I’d rather they get it right.

Last edited by agami on 06-Nov-2023 at 02:58 PM.

All the way, with 68k

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a proper keyboard
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 21:40:30
#24 ]
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@outrun1978 & kolla

A real Amiga USB keyboard would be nice, and it should be something more than just a standard USB Keyboard with some additional key caps, like this:

People seems to have forgotten how an Amiga keyboard used to look.

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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 21:42:43
#25 ]
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It would be interesting if they use fpga and allow clockport and expansion port ..

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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 22:36:27
#26 ]
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I was thinking the concept that Amiga X / Amux had for a emulated Amiga was quite good, so the computer / machine would be in the power brick and the keyboards would be just a usb device, with maybe added 9pin joystick converter, I think that on its own would sell really well, plus the deign was kind like a slim a1200.

Here an old site covering it.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 6-Nov-2023 23:12:28
#27 ]
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At least a simple case inspired by Amiga's PSU.

There might be a reason why the announced the announcement it so early, the A600GS is coming.

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Re: a proper keyboard
Posted on 7-Nov-2023 13:48:27
#28 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


Not exactly the Amiga layout, but acceptable.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: A Full Size Amiga Console on its way from RGL!
Posted on 7-Nov-2023 13:49:58
#29 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


amigang wrote:

Here an old site covering it.

Very cool concept. I like the direction of thinking.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: a proper keyboard
Posted on 8-Nov-2023 20:59:01
#30 ]
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agami wrote:

Not exactly the Amiga layout, but acceptable.

The layout is a disappointment to me, they just made some new key caps that's all and didn't adjust anything on the key codes.

Please have a look at the number block of a real Amiga, if you are a 'C' programmer you will love the position of the brackets there, the Amiga has a 'help' key that's not existing on the 'custom' keyboard. The Amiga has a LED in the caps lock key and not the cheap 'put that LED somewhere else' hack you will find on standard keyboards.

At least they provide some extra keys for localization.

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