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Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 10-Sep-2024 18:03:58
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 16-Oct-2009
Posts: 166
From: UK

Just wondering, can I safely use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga joystick port? Cable description 'Split a DB9 9 pin female connector into two DB9 9 pin male connectors.'

The idea is just to have it plugged into the joystick port then have a standard Amiga joystick plugged into one of the splitters male ends & a Competition Pro Pad (Honey Bee CD32) plugged into the other. Not trying to use them both at the same time, it's just so I can choose the best controller for the job (depending on which game obviously) without unplugging.

As a side query, am I right in thinking attempting to use a splitter on the mouse port could lead to issues (due to the way the mouse works)?

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 10-Sep-2024 20:06:12
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Joystick ports are parallel port. not serial,

So NO, you can’t just buy a serial cable splitter, from the store.

You need to make your own splitter for Amiga, if its safe, well.. as long as its just parallel connected switches, there should be no issue, there is 5VDC output, not sure how many amps, you can pull from it.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 12-Sep-2024 at 06:45 PM.

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 10-Sep-2024 23:04:23
#3 ]
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Thanks for clearing that up, I suspected it was probably a no go, I knew you can't just plug a PC serial mouse in as it's a different pin allocation/protocol. I was just thinking of the cable providing a straight through connection but didn't think about GND or anything else come to that.

I already have a couple of switchers (A9209 Switcher - Vector ©1992), it's a really ugly looking thing sticking out the front of my A2000 (so generally only use one on the A1200); I was trying to come up with something better. I'll probably try my other idea ... get hold of some large white heat shrink for the Switcher & attach it to an Amiga compatible DB9 Port Cable Saver/Extender to reduce strain on the port as well as improve the look.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 11-Sep-2024 4:38:13
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Interesting idea. Depends on the wiring of the cable. If it's wiring for serial in mind then no. If it's straight through and intended for DB9 it should work. But a switcher would be a safer option. I have a small plastic switcher box that would be out of production now. However you can still get other switchers like this one below. More pricey than a splitter cable but designed to for a joystick port in mind.

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 11-Sep-2024 11:39:55
#5 ]
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That switcher certainty looks neater than mine.

I find DB9/Serial cables a bit confusing to be honest. You can get get Straight through 'Serial' EGA extension cables which I guess are okay on Amiga Joystick Port, then Null Modem Cables which are not okay. Then there is DTE & DCE … if you have some old DB9/Serial cables kicking around & you don't remember what you brought the things for, how exactly are you supposed to tell the difference .

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 12-Sep-2024 18:12:54
#6 ]
Elite Member
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


You should use some already proven solutions like e.g.
(havent tested by myself)

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 16:51:32
#7 ]
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From: Norway


and its connected to the paralell port

it can't be used on analog serial joysticks.

Amiga 4x Player Joystick Serial Adapter 2x Additional DB9 Ports

oh… I wonder why Serial adapter is connected to the parallel port, well because he has no freaking clue about what he is selling.

Here is scarry story, Macintosh users used to connect parallel printers to SCSI ports.
guess what happens?

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 05:51 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 05:07 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 17:54:40
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Serial only needs 3 wires, RX,DX and GND,
and a normal null modem cable has pin 2 conncted to pin 3, and pin 3 connected to pin 2.

So thats NOT a good idea.

DB9 / RS232 serial has this pinout.

Pin 1. DCD.
Pin 2. RXD
Pin 3. TXD
Pin 4. DTR
Pin 5. GND
Pin 6. DSR
Pin 7. RTS
Pin 8. CTS
Pin 9. RI

For extender cable you need all pins connected.

DB9 / Digital Amiga/Atari Joystick,
has 4 directions and 2 fire buttons, and there is 5VDC and GND.
So at least 7 of 9 pins must be connected. As most joysticks only have one fire button.

Pin 1. Up.
Pin 2. Down
Pin 3. Left
Pin 4. Right
Pin 5. +5 VDC
Pin 6. Button 2
Pin 7. N/A.
Pin 8. GND
Pin 9. Button 1

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 06:10 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 06:09 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 06:05 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Sep-2024 at 05:58 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 18:34:28
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


This one I have tested, and works perfectly

Its 9 GBP I doubt making it can be much cheaper and is riskier

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 22:59:18
#10 ]
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Joined: 16-Oct-2009
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From: UK


Thanks for the info, I have a clearer picture now – should help me figure out what some of my cables actually are! Yeah the trouble with Db9/serial cables is it's not just pretty ignorant potential customers (like me) that's the issue, the sellers themselves can have no idea what exactly they're selling!

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 23:00:16
#11 ]
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Wasn't really looking for a 4 player adapter, I'm sure I have one tucked away somewhere anyway. Coolnovelties are pretty good, I've brought a couple of things from them too.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 14-Sep-2024 23:11:06
#12 ]
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From: UK

I've given up the idea of messing about with splitter cables, going with my other idea now (see post #3). Ordered a heat gun & some large white heat shrink for my A9209 Switcher; should look fine (& good to make use of what I have already).

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 15-Sep-2024 0:14:35
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Well this adapter gives you 4 ports in total, I am not aware of any game that would need 6 :D

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 18-Sep-2024 14:33:54
#14 ]
Elite Member
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From: Greensborough, Australia


That switcher looks better then mine as well now mine's fallen apart.

It looks to me that because of sharing the same plugs and cables that the serial and parallel designation was used interchangeably. Now if the cable was really straight through that's fine. But is it misleading as the hard connections and protocols are totally different.

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Re: Safe to use a DB9 serial splitter cable on an Amiga Joystick port?
Posted on 18-Sep-2024 14:39:19
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Here is scarry story, Macintosh users used to connect parallel printers to SCSI ports. guess what happens?

Didn't they understand the SCSI symbol?

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