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A1200 possible broken corner of chip?
Posted on 13-Oct-2024 23:49:45
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 1-Mar-2004
Posts: 296
From: Sweden, Bjärred

Hello all, I have a very strange behaviour on my A1200 with Indivision AGA MK 3.

I have stripped down my A1200 to original and even gotten original 3.1 Rom from 1995.

I have two Indivision AGA MK 3 and have the exact same issue on both of them, So I'm pretty sure it must be my A1200 that act strange.

The problem is that when I activate the live configuration the Indivision behaves like I'm holding down the left mouse button the whole time, So I can't move the picture left and right, I can only zoom in and out.

The strange thing is that when I'm in Workbench the mouse acts totally normal.

I looked closely at the chip that indivision connects to and I saw that it looked a little strange in one corner, should it look like it does in this picture?

Last edited by jonssonj on 13-Oct-2024 at 11:53 PM.

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Re: A1200 possible broken corner of chip?
Posted on 14-Oct-2024 21:48:44
#2 ]
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Joined: 3-Aug-2015
Posts: 1057
From: Unknown


> I have stripped down my A1200 to original and even gotten original 3.1 Rom from 1995.

Is it working?

[_] Yes
[_] No
[_] No I can't describe the error

> I looked closely at the chip that indivision connects to and I saw that it looked a little
> strange in one corner, should it look like it does in this picture?

It doesn't look damaged.

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Re: A1200 possible broken corner of chip?
Posted on 15-Oct-2024 14:38:42
#3 ]
Joined: 31-Aug-2023
Posts: 20
From: Unknown


I don't see any damage to the chip. The photo is quite dark on the corner I think you're indicating, but even so unless the chip were pried open, fractured, or missing a pin, then a small amount of edge wear to a corner on the carrier isn't going to affect anything.

Looking at the product you mention (Indivision AGA MK 3) it seems to require quite a bit of force to connect to the chips involved. Can you specify exactly which chip this is in your photo? I suspect it is the CIA.

If your A1200 works properly without the Indivision AGA MK 3, I suspect the problem may be the mechanical force of the connector is somehow aggravating a flaw on the chip pins, perhaps a cold solder joint or similar, or maybe one of the pins is seated such that it isn't making a good connection with the Indivision AGA MK 3 connector. This would mean any Individision AGA MK 3 connected could cause the problem since they all seem to use the same connector.

Last edited by AmiRich on 15-Oct-2024 at 02:41 PM.

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Re: A1200 possible broken corner of chip?
Posted on 15-Oct-2024 19:05:39
#4 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 1-Mar-2004
Posts: 296
From: Sweden, Bjärred


Thanks for your answer, Yes that can be it, that there is a cold solderjoint on one or more legs. And yes, it is the CIA chip I think, the one next to the white keyboard connector. I have a solder heatgun, I guess I could get some flux and spread it out on the solder joints and then heat it up with the solder heatgun and see if that helps.

The Indivision works except the live configuration.

I will try to prod carefully on all of the pins and see if someone moves.


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