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A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 17-Jun-2024 15:42:28
#1 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.751 (12.07.2024) :

Add CD support to systemv46 config and enable mounting of ISO images in AmiBench via the "Insert New Disk" item in the PAUSE MENU. Note: Users who have customised AmiBench screen mode may want to back up their settings before updating.

Add password and username retrieval buttons to the Amisphere login panel.
Pressing these will enable the user to have their username emailed to their
account email and perform a password reset if they for get their password.

Pause Menu and sub windows now "grab" the mouse pointer preventing accidentally transferring focus back to amiberry when its paused.

Last edited by amigakit on 12-Jul-2024 at 10:41 AM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 19-Jun-2024 2:23:47
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 2-Dec-2003
Posts: 699
From: Sandy, Utah. USA


Thank you. I have just pre-ordered one.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 19-Jun-2024 8:42:53
#3 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2006
Posts: 1523
From: Visalia, California


Good to see you around, Lars! It's been years since your presentation at CommVEx.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
June 22-23 Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2024 -

Last edited by RobertB on 19-Jun-2024 at 08:43 AM.
Last edited by RobertB on 19-Jun-2024 at 08:43 AM.

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 24-Jun-2024 14:45:05
#4 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.719 (24.06.2024):

Add display of hard disk file details to HDFGame class.
Extended HardDisk class to display the filename when a drive is a drawer or hard disk file.
Improve layout and fone size of hard disk details rows.
Add an implement the Replace Hard Disk button in the HDFGame edit menu.

Reorder Add File Chooser filters to put HDF second.

Add startup sound service

Update click sound

Add display of CD32 disk image and replace Disk Image functionality.
Fix issue where setting up cutomise memory widgets would trigger the game edited state and enable the USE SAVE buttons

Add Turbo CD to CD32

Add custom memory options to all classes that need them.

Add HDFGame class.
Add HDF Filter to Add Game File Chooser.

Adapt WHDBoot code in Amiberry and in AMOS GamebootLoader to use JST

Add text.datatype and ascii.datatype

Last edited by amigakit on 24-Jun-2024 at 02:46 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 26-Jun-2024 1:30:34
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3130
From: Trondheim, Norway



So it’s AmiBerry, no more mysteries left.


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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 26-Jun-2024 8:12:52
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6370
From: S.Wales


yes, it's mentioned in the user manual.

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 12:06:59
#7 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:


The yellow button was still mapped to RETURN during startup, so no longer started AmiBench as this had been changed to F12
In the joystick handler keep track of the last key press emitted and clear when released.
When the joystick handler switches to JOYSTICK_MODE_GAME_RUNNING and the above is set emit a release code for that key, to prevent the host OS initiating key repeat....
This fixes the instantly closing PAUSE MENU in some games.

Saving amisphere credentials would only work if credentials had previously been saved as the save credentials flag itself was not saved ...
The save flag is now saved separately to the credentials avoiding the catch 22
When save is not set any previously saved credentials are purged from disk when AmiSphereUser is destructed. (ie. at program exit and on user logout).

Minor changes to improve interaction with A600GS GUI

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 14:36:31
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3130
From: Trondheim, Norway



Do you version software components like this too?

I liked Karlos idea of "epoch" like prefix number, impliicit 0. for 68k legacy components… build numbers don’t need to be in version string, but can go in comment. Update came lots of rebuilds of same old versions, would have been nice with build number/build date)


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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 4-Jul-2024 8:51:08
#9 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



Do you version software components like this too?

Only the main system is versioned in this fashion, it's a linux app after all.

68k components all have standard amiga style version strings.

AmiBerry has it's own version string based on the upstream version and with a "patchlevel" to indicate which local changes it includes.

The most important thing with the version numbers is that they are meaningful and unique. The latter is admittedly problematic given so many variants on the amiga theme exist these days....

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 13:51:30
#10 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.745 (09.07.2024):

* Address race condition when setting up the detection and driver initialisation of the DB9 Joystick ports.

* Add C:Date to SystemV46

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 17:50:33
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3130
From: Trondheim, Norway


Only the main system is versioned in this fashion, it's a linux app after all.

Hm, ok - strange to use versioning so confusingly similar to 68k native AmigaOS components for a piece of Linux software. But whatever…


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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 12-Jul-2024 11:49:35
#12 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.751 (12.07.2024) :

Add CD support to systemv46 config and enable mounting of ISO images in AmiBench via the "Insert New Disk" item in the PAUSE MENU. Note: Users who have customised AmiBench screen mode may want to back up their settings before updating.

Add password and username retrieval buttons to the Amisphere login panel.
Pressing these will enable the user to have their username emailed to their
account email and perform a password reset if they for get their password.

Pause Menu and sub windows now "grab" the mouse pointer preventing accidentally transferring focus back to amiberry when its paused.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 19-Jul-2024 16:19:59
#13 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.765 (19.07.2024):

Fix USBMount Config issues causing quirky file permissions on USB drives


Add a short delay before initialisation GPIO to allow the low level drivers to finish startup. Should fix DB9 Joystick initialisation.

Add Restart Menu option to shutdown to allow a rapid soft restart of the main A600GS Menu.

Changing model in a class with no memory options (eg AmiBench) would cause a segfault. FIXED.

Internal fixes and improvements to the build system.

Last edited by amigakit on 26-Jul-2024 at 06:21 PM.
Last edited by amigakit on 26-Jul-2024 at 04:53 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 26-Jul-2024 17:31:06
#14 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.776 (26.07.2024):

Merge with latest AmiBerry release, retaining the threaded SDL rendering for performance.
A couple of small fixes for valgrind.
The Status bar was overwriting the end of the SDL surface by 1 line, causing crashes when the Surfaces were freed. FIXED.
Add a custom RTG screen mode to support "Future Attractions"
Add improved error handling and reporting to the update process.
Fix up left over GUI locks after update failures (and occasionally success!)

The GPIOCtrl object could be disposed off uninitialised if the application exited very soon after startup, typically when passed an incorrect command-line arg, that only happens in testing. FIXED

Improve handling of incorrect arguments, catching the correct exception in the on_cmd() signal handler.

Build script tweaks
Wrong flag was tested for reinstalling programs

When the start button on gamepad was pressed as the "any key to start" the joystick handler would switch modes, leaving a trailing key down event that would trigger autorepeat. FIXED.

Update archive unpacking errors now throw exceptions, for error reporting through the previously fixed mechanism

Add SYS:Prefs/Time and SYS:System/TimeGuard to allow time setting independent of the host machine.
Setup InstallerNG
Some config changes to support "Future Attractions"

Add Games directory to support "Future Attractions"

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 29-Jul-2024 0:52:49
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2530
From: Chicago, IL


It's nice that frequent updates are coming out. Very cool to see such great progress, congrats.

Last edited by DiscreetFX on 29-Jul-2024 at 12:53 AM.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 30-Jul-2024 9:26:54
#16 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Apr-2003
Posts: 1089
From: Unknown

Maybe I missed an update or news item, but will there be a library or an other way that exposes the ARM CPU to the Amiga OS?

Will there also, in the future, be more System software that will transition directly to ARM?
I guess what I am asking for, will the Amiga OS in the future become ARM native?


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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 30-Jul-2024 10:39:07
#17 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568



It will be a slow journey to move increasing more components from 68K to ARM within AmiBench. It is a goal of this project to do so. It has taken us two years to get to this release point and there are many development objectives to achieve. The datatype system is the next candidate to move functions to native ARM.



Last edited by amigakit on 30-Jul-2024 at 10:39 AM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 31-Jul-2024 20:04:05
#18 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Apr-2003
Posts: 1089
From: Unknown


That is so awesome.
I got a mail that mine is being shipped:)


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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 2-Aug-2024 15:00:19
#19 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

The following software updates for the A600GS have been uploaded today through the in-built live update system. They are available to download for all registered AmiSphere users:

46.1.792 (02.08.2024):

Add special handling for backing up from INSTALL archives

Using SDL_Renderer settings to add support for scaling P96 screens to fit the display.
Add a specific patch for display the VGP screen at correct aspect.
Set default to write_log to true for __A600GS__
Fix bug where scanning of P96 modes might abort.

Add GetPASoundCardMute(index) to query the mute status of an audio sink.
Use above to keep PauseMenu mute button in sync with sound card.
Add game panel mute button top right.
Now checks for a600gs update version via public URL when not logged in.

Use fork and exec to launch kickstart helpers. Rather than system and escaping so that any weird filename a will work as expected.

Display the a600gs firmware and image version bottom left on login screen
Fix up logic for displaying available updates when not logged in.

Clean up logging and remove some redundant output
No longer set audio volume when changing sink, let Pulse do the work for us.

Improve handling of duplicate directory names when installing games and apps.
Add a new function to extract a more human readable title from a ADF filename or similar.

Verify file size of downloaded file matches file size returned by file manager.
Discard file and abort update if the above test fails.

AB-Dock no longer crashes on exit.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS Software Updates
Posted on 28-Aug-2024 20:30:19
#20 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

A new update to Amibench is imminent for the A600GS. It contains our new Type command and updates to Dir and List commands. Further commands are being developed.

The new Type command has all standard options including MULTI handle multi-assigns if a patch like TrueMultiAssigns isn’t running. The WIDTH option if given 0 as a parameter will use the entire width of the console window for hex output. Our developer has also added the HEADER option to improve the output when printing the contents of multiple files.

Last edited by amigakit on 28-Aug-2024 at 08:38 PM.
Last edited by amigakit on 28-Aug-2024 at 08:31 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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