AQA (Amiga Quality Audio) is (mainly) a collection of CPU-based audio playback tools for classic Amigas that stream stereo audio samples from mass storage devices through the Paula chip also at frequencies way beyond the canonical 28 kHz of the Amiga or the 44.1 kHz of CDs (e.g. 96 kHz), and with a resolution of 8 or 14 bits. AQA is therefore suitable for listening to high-quality music even on the good old classic Amigas.
Basic usage workflow: 1. save the audio data to listen to as uncompressed stereo 8- or 16-bit WAV files; 2. convert the WAV files to AQA files with cWAV*; 3. stream the AQA files with sAQA*.
Further details in the manual, which includes also some technical information for the curious ones.
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