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How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 14:41:06
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia


This is a problem which is mounting up and annoying me. Everytime I burn a DVD+RW disc they end up write protected, read only! Huh?

I thought the point of a RW disc was that I can write on it AGAIN. Do they differ completely to CDRW's and aren't as easy to use? Well not easy to me. I have others that I am sure didn't protect themselves but I have these nice TDK 16x DVD+RW's I am trying to use and each one ends up useless. I use AmiDVD to back up some DVD files I created on the fly and alll goes well. I could even burn 1.6GB off a USB drive. That took a while! 1x DVD. Err.

Anyway, AmiDVD ghosts out all the write gadgets, FryingPan won't do anything, MakeCD, welll let's not go there. WB won't let me format them.

How do you erase a read only DVD+RW disc? Why was it made read only? I didn't see a setting. Can any OS4 software do it?

I hope you're not going to tell me I have to do it in a PC. The only decent PC I have here only has a CDRW drive and I'm not going to buy a DVDRW drive for it just to erase a stupid DVDRW disc!! Why is RW written on the label at all?!?

Can someone explain to me how a RW disc becomes R only?

Last edited by Hypex on 11-Mar-2009 at 02:41 PM.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 15:05:37
#2 ]
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Joined: 5-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown


to use a CD/DVD like it would be a floppy, you have to mount DVD+RW or DVD-RW placed in SYS:Storage/

Once mounted you have to format with the SYS:System/FormatCDRW tool (with DVDs too)


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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 15:28:58
#3 ]
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If I read this correctly, you are taking a DVD-RW/DVD+RW and burning it with a CD burner?

By virtue of the fact that it is a DVD and not a CD, you are really asking for problems

DVD and CD are not the same (same size sure, and both use red lasers - but that is about as far as it goes). CD has more in common with DVD- in terms of disk structure and layout when burning. However, you cannot burn a DVD in a CDRW drive. Given that a DVD burner costs $15-30, why not just go and get one of them to burn your DVD instead

Erasing a DVD +/- RW is the same as erasing a CD-RW, you just select the "Erase this disk" option in whatever software you are using. Of course, your problem could stem from the fact that the drive isn't going to recognise the media as a DVD -/+ RW at all since it will only see things up to CD-RW. I cannot even try burning a CD ISO to a DVD as most PC software isn't dumb enough to let you start the process, and will pop up a requester telling you to put a CD/CDRW in the drive.

Oh and DVDs are not usually multisession like CDs. You can change the booktype when burning them to make them "report" as something else, like making a DVD+R appear as DVD-ROM for older DVD drives' compatibility issues, but you will still be able to erase it as you would a CDRW with your burning software (so long as that software support DVD)

Last edited by _Steve_ on 11-Mar-2009 at 03:31 PM.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 15:30:39
#4 ]
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Joined: 6-Dec-2003
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From: Tinytown


Sounds like you're finalizing disc not only closing the session.

Last edited by fryguy on 11-Mar-2009 at 03:31 PM.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 15:31:15
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2003
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


From the read me:-

- Doesn't support multi-session.
- DVD+RWs have to be formatted, but it doesn't support formatting
them. For new DVD+RWs you have to mount DVD+RW: and use FormatCDRW for
formatting instead.
- Doesn't support DVD-R Dual-Layer, Blue Ray, HD DVD, ... burning.

So and you'll have your answer.

(ps - God I can be such a smart ass some times )

Last edited by Swoop on 11-Mar-2009 at 03:31 PM.

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 18:20:01
#6 ]
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I can't remember exactly but if you are attempting to treat your DVDRWs as a removable format don't you need to use mount reiner format or similair?

I think the idea here is it treats DVDRWs as a hot swap removable harddrive, don't know if dual layered is supported.

dunno if that helps

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 11-Mar-2009 19:19:49
#7 ]
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From: Unknown

lol! ... the most weird thread ever!


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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 8:31:48
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


lol! ... the most weird thread ever!

I know! I agree with you but after my fifth write protected DVDRW I was stuck and just had to ask even though I thought it was ridiculous myself!

to use a CD/DVD like it would be a floppy, you have to mount DVD+RW or DVD-RW placed in SYS:Storage/

I do have this mounted but I don't want to use it as a floppy, I want to use AmiDVD.

Once mounted you have to format with the SYS:System/FormatCDRW tool (with DVDs too)

Which I also tried as [vaguely] indicated but it doesn't give me an option to format it. It treats it like a DVDROM. Same as AmiDVD and FryingPAn. They all think it's a DVDROM or DVD+-R!

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 8:50:42
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


If I read this correctly, you are taking a DVD-RW/DVD+RW and burning it with a CD burner?

I knew it was too late to post but I was upset and wanted to do it before bed. I can see I missed a few specifics there.

Okay, now, no no no I am using a DVD burner. Otherwise I wouldn't have ended up burning a DVD+RW at all!

BTW trying to burn a DVD in a CD drive will result in errors. Not a coaster, but the DVD software will give back an error as it should.

Now I quite enjoyed the jokes following (and would have done the same) but as you see are now in vain.

DVD and CD are not the same (same size sure,

Hang on, I thought CD went up to 700MB and DVD's were 4.3GB on average?

Erasing a DVD +/- RW is the same as erasing a CD-RW, you just select the "Erase this disk" option in whatever software you are using.

I can't! It wont let me! All the software takes that option away.

I cannot even try burning a CD ISO to a DVD

IIRC I did this once, since it is just a disc image, written to the start of the disc.

Oh and DVDs are not usually multisession like CDs. You can change the booktype when burning them to make them "report" as something else, like making a DVD+R appear as DVD-ROM for older DVD drives' compatibility issues, but you will still be able to erase it as you would a CDRW with your burning software (so long as that software support DVD)

As I cleared up, I am using DVD software to burn a DVD+RW in a DVD burner. But, once I have burnt to a DVD+RW I can't burn to it again, I am not able to erase it. The DVD software won't let me erase it!

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 8:59:06
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Sounds like you're finalizing disc not only closing the session.

How do I choose? AmiDVD doesn't seem to give me any option to do otherwise. But why would it do this for some discs and not others.

I need to find my older DVD+RW's (somehow I prefer the plus) and see if AmiDVD treats them the same. I am sure I have had no trouble up too now. What is the probability that TDK have packaged DVD+R discs in place of DVD+RW discs?

In fact the case/discs don't call them DVD+RW. They call them DVD +R, with RW in the corner. Could these be a different kind of DVD+RW? Write once DVD+RW? Now I am being ridiculous!

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 9:03:52
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


- DVD+RWs have to be formatted, but it doesn't support formatting
them. For new DVD+RWs you have to mount DVD+RW: and use FormatCDRW for
formatting instead.

Well the manual just seems wrong for a start! Two nights ago I put in a fresh unburnt DVD+RW and AmiDVD gave the option of "Erase DVD". To which I did so and then burnt some data to it. Or so I thought.

Now last night I go to erase it and burn again and I can't erase it!

The suggestion to FormatCDRW it also does not work as it won't let me do it. Again:

Last edited by Hypex on 12-Mar-2009 at 12:43 PM.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 9:41:06
#12 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
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If I read this correctly, you are taking a DVD-RW/DVD+RW and burning it with a CD burner?

Honestly. How did you get THAT from what he posted?

It's obvious he's treating DVD+RW as DVD+R. Thus the correct solution is to stop using a DVD+R application and start using the DVD+RW system instead.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 10:04:09
#13 ]
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Joined: 14-May-2003
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I have noticed that you don't need to erase a DVD+RW, just write it again. Atleast with Fryingpan.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 10:10:15
#14 ]
Elite Member
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Honestly. How did you get THAT from what he posted?

That also did cross my mind.

It's obvious he's treating DVD+RW as DVD+R. Thus the correct solution is to stop using a DVD+R application and start using the DVD+RW system instead.

Now how do I do that? What uisng the DVD+RW system?

I am infact thinking that the RW on label is infact a lie or there to confuse me and these are only DVD+R. Which means I have wasted 5 and 5 are missing, wherever they went.

The RW must mean they are Readable and Writable only onnce. And now thanks to a write error AmiDVD picked up last night I have burned my first coster since I started CD burning twn years ago! What a blow!! Danm it!

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 10:32:31
#15 ]
Elite Member
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From: Greensborough, Australia


I have noticed that you don't need to erase a DVD+RW, just write it again. Atleast with Fryingpan.

I have noticed that I now regret this thread. Looks like despite the RW on the label they are infact only R's.

I accidently bought some DVD-R's recently but I knew they weren't RW's. What is next, perhaps I can change this thread to DVD manufacturers who put misleading RW letters on their labels? Is it actually standard to put RW on the label when it really isn't an RW? I've never seen this before.

What a mongrel!

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 10:33:43
#16 ]
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Joined: 23-Jun-2005
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I am infact thinking that the RW on label is infact a lie or there to confuse me and these are only DVD+R. Which means I have wasted 5 and 5 are missing, wherever they went.

It's not a lie, the problem still lies between the chair and the keyboard ;)

I've never used AmiDVD, but are you really sure it's able to handle rewritable discs, and do you actually have a DVD-burner that can handle them (although I'm guessing most DVD-burners are RW-compatible)?

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 11:10:04
#17 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2003
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


OK, so far testing only with AmiDVD. First and foremost, from my readme quote AmiDVD only supports single session writes, therefore you have to re-format the disk, effectively erasing it, before you can burn to it again. This is the steps I have done so far:-

1. Checked DVD+RW dosdriver was installed and mounted.

2. Inserted DVD+RW. A cheap (Tesco) 4x disc.

3. Double click system:FormatCDRW
Volume name of "Empty", and selected quick format.
I got the message: "background format running", and then "format completed".
and a drive icon named empty was displayed on workbench.

4. Opened AmiDVD.
Selected "on the fly"
Selected source as volume "AudioFiles:" a size of 1263.9mb.
Changed the volume name to "AudioFiles"
The size gadget then shows "1,252mb 3,231mb free"

5. Selected burn image tab.
Selected the available BurnDVD+RW tab.
Burn was succesful and voume Audiofiles appeared on workbench.

6. I checked burn was correct by comparing in DOpus.

7. I then repeated step 3.

8. I then repeated steps 4 to 6, but using my OS4.1 partition of 305.9mb.

I would presume I could do this adinfinitum, but twice was enough.

I wonder if you have a hardware problem. I had an AOpen 16x DVD writer which was supposed to write dual layer 2.4x DVD+R discs, but I couldn't get AmiDVD to write to them, or even recognise such discs. I have now swapped that out for a Sony DVD writer and I can now write DL discs, without any problems.

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 11:14:52
#18 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2003
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


I have noticed that I now regret this thread. Looks like despite the RW on the label they are infact only R's.

In that case, I shall refrain from further testing!!

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 12:40:03
#19 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


It's not a lie, the problem still lies between the chair and the keyboard ;)

Now c,mon, that's an old one.

I've never used AmiDVD, but are you really sure it's able to handle rewritable discs, and do you actually have a DVD-burner that can handle them (although I'm guessing most DVD-burners are RW-compatible)?

I'm glad you asked these. The answers are yes and yes.

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Re: How do I write enable my DVD+RW disc?!
Posted on 12-Mar-2009 13:18:59
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Thank you for al the testing. Which was quite extensive I think.

Now a few comments.

1. 2. 3. Double click system:FormatCDRW

And stop. Today I located a Backup I had made on a DVD "floppy." I backed it up back to my HD just in case then went into AmiDVD. I didn't need to FormatCDRW it. IIRC I didn't even need AmiDVD to erase it. I'm pretty sure I could burn to it straight away.

Burn was succesful and voume Audiofiles appeared on workbench.

Well my test burn on the cheap 4x backup disc worked fine, confirming it is a DVD+RW.

But one thing I don't get is a freshly burnt xDRW on my Workbench. In fact I almost made a thread about it. I always have to eject the disc and then reinsert it for Workbench to notice. This has always annoyed me. Even DiskChange in the shell is ignored.

I wonder if you have a hardware problem.

My DVD burner did cause trouble at the start. Being a Pioneer OS4 and UBoot didn't like it. I had to switch of interrupts. And enable them in the user startup.

But I have worked out there is a hardware problem. In the disc. It's in fact missing a W in the material. It may have RW on the front but they are DVD+R's!

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