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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:30:25
#341 ]
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Joined: 14-Aug-2010
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From: Unknown

I can Understand that.... you are fanatic in positive way....

A last word , thanks for your great Work ! !

Maybe go and Chill out as a normal OS4 User for a few Months , then think about it again :)

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:33:02
#342 ]
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Joined: 16-Jun-2003
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From: Croatia


: (I do not know what to say .. it would be a pity to lose coders like you ..


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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:33:40
#343 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK


And what news do you have on finishing Odyssey Web Browser on OS4? I assume its still in continuous development.

You are valued across all platforms - just continue to do what you enjoy doing.

People on here are quick to say their goodbyes or whatever, to me it just seems like you are doing something 'different' that you have an interest in - am sure your excitement will return for OS4 when the OpenGL implementation (finally) arrives.

Last edited by djrikki on 08-Nov-2011 at 04:36 PM.
Last edited by djrikki on 08-Nov-2011 at 04:35 PM.


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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:38:38
#344 ]
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From: Russia



And what news do you have on finishing Odyssey Web Browser on OS4? I assume its still in continuous development.

On morphos its of course in unstopable developing by Fab, but for aos4 port: ask Ssolie why he think that is better not have it in developing, in compare with just give me that ####ing betatest access. I assume he think that TW will be there soon (2 more weeks), and he no need to worry about some strange developer, who want to be a betatester.


People on here are quick to say their goodbyes or whatever, to me it just seems like you are doing something 'different' that you have an interest in - am sure your excitement will return for OS4 when the OpenGL implementation (finally) arrives.

Its not about one more drama. Its about showing how team lead thinking. For them does not matter, have users right now normal browser or not. For them better saying "soon", "2 more weeks", "almost done" , and when developer who make port of potential browser, which ever better than TW in few areas , ask to make him betatester, he think noooo ! no no no ! Better have nothing, but nooo no no ! You can't be expection ! We have enough betatesters. Sorry. Soon, you on top of list, when its done, not now, someday, blablalb.

Its not about some drama "good buy", its just i understand now something which i do not understand before , and about which i think better than it in reality.

Last edited by kas1e on 08-Nov-2011 at 04:41 PM.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:39:15
#345 ]
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I am sure the Aros-Developers will be happy when you join

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:49:39
#346 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


i understand your frustration, but publicly berating and blackmailing the OS4 development team is hardly the best way to go about it. testers are part of a community that help in providing useful feedback. they also have to 'fit in' to the team. no one wants to work with someone who comes off as abrasive and rude. i'm not suggesting you are either of those things, of course. but sometimes the combination of your emotions and less-than-native english skills combine to give a harsh impression.

that said everyone appreciates your contributions to our community. if you choose to end OS4 development, everyone will understand. the key is to enjoy yourself. none of this should be frustrating or stressful. the second that it is, it is time to move on to another hobby you find enjoyable. you have family, work, personal life, etc. this is just a hobby. it isn't worth getting your blood pressure up.

whatever choice you make, we all wish you the best. let us know where you're headed if you do suspend your work on OS4 ports. and, yeah, if you decide to sell that pegasos, let us know that, too.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:50:27
#347 ]
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it is just a thought but I assume that Timberwolf is their main-browser now. Perhaps Solie is not very much interested in a competing browser with open sourcecode...

just a little like in lord of the rings: "my source, my source"

Last edited by OlafS25 on 08-Nov-2011 at 04:54 PM.
Last edited by OlafS25 on 08-Nov-2011 at 04:51 PM.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:55:59
#348 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


Yep, right.



I do not want to start a conspiracy-thread but I assume that Timberwolf is their main-browser now. Perhaps Solie is not very much interested in a competing browser with open sourcecode...

Dunno.. If it their main browser, then why they use muiowb at amiwest, but not TW ? Imho its not not the "ready-to-use-state" for now. As well as its brother's project, not hyperion's

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:59:08
#349 ]
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then I do not know either. It is not very logical then. Perhaps just personal/emotional decision.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 16:59:16
#350 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


"Ask ssolie why he can't make me betatester. And hes answer will mean why its time to swith to something else than os4."

He is afraid you loud mouth everyone else out of the betatester crew?

Other than that (you need a spoke person to do the talking, perhaps via some bigger developer team), I also wish you stay around.

@ssolie somewhere out there

It can not be that hard?

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:04:25
#351 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2006
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From: Oullins, France


You should really stop mentionning Ssolie in every thread.

You're trying to make him feel guilty for your leaving from the AmigaOS 4 platform.

THIS is your choice as is Ssolie's (or whoever, I do not care) choice not to have you in the Beta Test Team for now (and whatever the reason).

Many other developers for AmigaOS 4 aren't Beta Testers. They do not complain about it. maybe they asked and they were refused but they did go on working anyway on their projects.

HunoPPC is not a beta tester, he was even refused for the X1000 Beta Test and still he brought us excellent games (Secret Maryo Project and 1941 DX Dual amongst others). He still works on other projects and doesn't care at all about this Beta Tester thingie.

Corto (DosBox, Sonic) isn't a Beta Tester either, he never asked for it. And DosBox is really enjoyable.

I could name a lot more and I'm glad that all these developers do not react as you do beause there would not be many developers left on AmigaOS 4.

Now if you do not want to develop for AmigaOS 4 anymore, I'm ok with this. You brought us many jewels (MUI-OWB and MUI-Mplayer amongst others) but I'll be able to live without them and wait for the development of TimberWolf and DvPlayer.

I do not follow you on the way you behave saying and thinking that because of Hyperion, we will loos you. It's not Hyperion's fault, it's you own decision, just assume it is, please.

Bashing Hyperion in every post won't help you in anyway. But let me get this straight : if you behaviour stays the same, you'll encounter the same problems whatever system you choose to program for.

And a last thing : even if all AmigaOS 4 users asked Ssolie (or whoever) to integrate you in the Beta Tester Team, it would never happened just because of the way you brought this subject in such a rude way.

Sorry pal, you took the worst way to reach your goal.

Now it's up to you to decide whether you go on with this kind of trantrum or you let away this childish situation and we erase totally this mess to start a news begining.

Sorry for this long post (and the potential mistakes, english not being my native language).

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:06:18
#352 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


Btw, did you works in any team ? I works in teams (and in work for money, and even on os4 stuff back in past with some devels/users).

Did you think that "being rude and harish" are reasson to lose developer and compare it with just giving that crappy betatest access ?


He is afraid you loud mouth everyone else out of the betatester crew?

Its his problems, if he can't understand ppls normally, or talk with other users/devs, with who i works before.


It can not be that hard?

Its very hard ! Hyperion not need any new betatesters currently, sorry ! :)

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:07:46
#353 ]
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From: Russia


Many other developers for AmigaOS 4 aren't Beta Testers. They do not complain about it. maybe they asked and they were refused but they did go on working anyway on their projects.

But i do.


You should really stop mentionning Ssolie in every thread.

You're trying to make him feel guilty for your leaving from the AmigaOS 4 platform.

Its him who not make me betatester. Its because of his decission i choice to not worry about aos4. I mean excatly because of his decission. All the other thinks just puts at top when i make my choice, but the main one : he not make me betatester, with words "why you should be exception". I shouldn't, and let's its be like this. Because of this i just do my choices.

I can't say that he guilty or whatever, but its he reject me lately, and that was my main reassons to make my choice.

Last edited by kas1e on 08-Nov-2011 at 05:33 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 08-Nov-2011 at 05:30 PM.
Last edited by kas1e on 08-Nov-2011 at 05:09 PM.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:12:18
#354 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


Btw, did you works in any team ? I works in teams (and in work for money, and even on os4 stuff back in past with some devels/users).

Did you think that "being rude and harish" are reasson to lose developer and compare it with just giving that crappy betatest access ?

you mean within the amiga community? no. i'm just a simple end-user here. but i've worked within engineering teams my entire professional life. it took me time to internalize that sometimes you have to 'bite your tongue' for the greater good. if it won't accomplish anything, then don't say it. all the more so if it will accomplish the opposite of what you had hoped.

human beings are, unfortunately, emotional beings. which means that even when you know you're right, and everyone else knows you're right, if you present it in a harsh manner, sometimes the 'powers that be' will say no. not because you are wrong, but because you are viewed as unpleasant to work with. and with all of the work-related issues a team lead has to deal with, introducing personality problems within the team are the last thing they would want to add. it's just a waste of everyone's time.

i have no idea about why the developers, thus far, haven't invited you to become a tester. i do know that airing your frustrations here will only put the goal further off into the distance, if indeed you care about it that much. like i said earlier, this should be fun. it shouldn't matter what some group of developers some where feels. you should be enjoying yourself, and if you're not, try something else. there's lots in the amiga community to choose from, certainly.

-- eliyahu

Last edited by eliyahu on 08-Nov-2011 at 05:16 PM.

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:15:18
#355 ]
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From: Russia


Yep, that all right

Anyway, i think we all say what we all want to say, better to stop that discusion imho, because the more we talk, the worse answers is.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:16:27
#356 ]
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i think he already has made his decision and just wants to get rid off his frustration (otherwise he certainly would not gone in the public)

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:27:54
#357 ]
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Sure. If it all was just fine and ok, why even i should explain all of this in forum. I of course disappointed totally myself, and when ppls start to ask me in PMs and in Mail "will you continue to make Fab's ports on aos4 better", i think that better if i will explain my choices right here. And ppls will not have false hopes.

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:30:18
#358 ]
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everyone will understand that...

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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:35:57
#359 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia


Plz can you upload your source code (MUI OWB and MUI MPlayer) on OS4Depot ?

So others might give a look at ..


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Re: mui-mplayer on amigaos4 thread / progress
Posted on 8-Nov-2011 17:37:11
#360 ]
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Sure. Will do it today.

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