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How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 22-May-2024 9:44:18
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 12-Aug-2003
Posts: 1080
From: United States of Europe

Steps to Required to make Radeon HD 7XXX work.

1. Update UBoot. UBoot 1.3.1g 04-Dec-2020 updater.
2. Get transparent PCI-PCIe bridge, with a P17C9X chip. It supports 66mhz bus.
3. Get PCIe x1 - PCIe x16 riser adapter.
4. Get compatible Radeon HD card.
5. Get A-EON's Enhancer Software 2.2 and install it.
6. Add text MODULE Kickstart/RadeonHD.chip to SYS:Kickstart/kicklayout file, just after MODULE Kickstrat/PCIGraphics.card.
7. Install Hardware, it just should work now.

NOTE. Brige card with PEX 8111 chip worked without a problems. It said it shouldn't work with Flex.

Last edited by utri007 on 22-May-2024 at 09:49 PM.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 24-May-2024 16:23:19
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


The Enhancer included install scripts that modify Kicklayout so I don't know why they don't use them.

Anyway, a friend has a Flex he intended to upgrade from a HD5450 to a HD7770 or R7 240. Both fail with his PEX8112 bridge. On OS4.

They do however show Uboot but that is rather short of what is required. Only a P17C9X is said to work but these are more expensive and harder to find than PEX now. Or more expensive anyway. Perhaps the PEX8111 works but not the later revision.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 24-May-2024 22:31:50
#3 ]
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From: United States of Europe


Here, video show both brides and speed comparison.

With PEX chip read is read is 21mb/s and write is 15/mbs, when with P17C9X read is 28mb/s and write 39mb/s. Base for a rage mem test.

Has your friend updated uBoot?

Last edited by utri007 on 24-May-2024 at 10:32 PM.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 25-May-2024 6:11:38
#4 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
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From: Unknown

nice. good to see that on sam440 still decent cards working.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 25-May-2024 6:43:45
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Yes UBoot was updated. Well, UBoot can setup the cards. OS4 fails.

It's complex because a PCI bridge is needed. And even more so when the riser is involved. So it's a big mess with a HD card plugged into the riser, the riser plugged into the bridge, the bridge plugged into a PCI slot and power plugged into the riser and graphic card. It's no wonder it works at all! OS4 however cannot work with it. Black screen. The OS4 driver could just be incompatible.

The P17C9X is said to be needed. And a PEX8111 known not to work in failed configurations. See this and following posts on page here:

Last edited by Hypex on 25-May-2024 at 06:45 AM.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 25-May-2024 10:55:40
#6 ]
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From: United States of Europe


I had no problem with PEX card. I would say that problem is Radeon HD card. I have one Radeon HD card which displays uBoot bot not OS. Youtube video you can see PEX card and OS loaded.

I have Enhancer Plus with Radeon HD V2. driver. Would it be that problem with PEX chip is because V3 driver?

Bridge with P17C9X chip is not a mess as it connects to riser card with the cable. I case is big enough it Radeon HD fits nicely bottom of case.

With PEX chip installation is also easy, no rise is needed, but problem might be a location of DVI/HDMI port. Write speed is almost on third when compared to P17C9X bridge.

Last edited by utri007 on 25-May-2024 at 12:49 PM.
Last edited by utri007 on 25-May-2024 at 11:28 AM.
Last edited by utri007 on 25-May-2024 at 10:58 AM.
Last edited by utri007 on 25-May-2024 at 10:56 AM.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 26-May-2024 14:33:44
#7 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


It is a Radeon HD v3.7 driver but the latest was recommended. I have noticed a v2 driver in my collection at one point. Could be worth trying that. Thanks for the hint.

The riser was used for power injection. But I saw it in a friends already cramped case. The graphics card was sitting at this odd angle in a slot just sitting on the bottom of the case. I didn't know what it was. Then a USB3 cable connected it to the PCIe bridge. It just looked like a bad hack!

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 26-May-2024 16:52:38
#8 ]
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From: United States of Europe


Here how my Radeon HD7750 is fitted. It sits just fine under motherboard.

Sorry bad quality.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 30-May-2024 2:31:42
#9 ]
Elite Member
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Yes I see that and it's even screwed in the back. But imagine a small case where that cannot be done. Where the graphic card must sit oddly on the bottom of the case with cables in the way all over it.

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Re: How to: Radeon HD7XXX with Sam 440ep Flex
Posted on 30-May-2024 11:32:03
#10 ]
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Joined: 12-Aug-2003
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From: United States of Europe


I don't need to imagine small case. Sam Flex was originally small case, I changed it bigger case, when I got Radeon HD working with it. after all it is just few euros and 15 minits time.

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