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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 23-Mar-2008 20:16:43
#221 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Aug-2003
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad

Update 27:
* Added better descriptions to some of the supported formats.
* Sometimes you overlook the most obvious, we recently got libmikmod ported to os4.
It supports these formats that TuneNet doesn't support yet:
APUN (APlayer), GDM (General DigiMusic), STM (Scream Tracker), STX (Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit) and UNI (MikMod).

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 25-Mar-2008 12:09:26
#222 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad

Fresh news!

Curty is back from his videogame adventures!
He will start working on a libsid2 based plugin tonight!
Looking forward to meet you on #amigadev tonight pal!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 25-Mar-2008 15:06:13
#223 ]
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salass00 strikes again!


Not yet a TuneNet plugin, but i have my suspicions it might become one! :D

EDIT: Salass00 haha, you knew i'd find something. Try playing a tune with the --reberb option, it gives me a whole lotta whitenoise here. Otherwize the sound output is nice!

Last edited by spotUP on 25-Mar-2008 at 03:15 PM.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 25-Mar-2008 15:47:06
#224 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Update 28:
* Added resources for playing Wonderswan Color Music!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 25-Mar-2008 16:24:46
#225 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad

Update 29:
* Added NEZPlug again, as I discovered that it supports GBR, and we don't have support for that! =)

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 12:41:21
#226 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Yay! Nice going with the KSS/MGS plugin for TuneNet!
But what happened to the other msxplug supported formats?

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 13:18:02
#227 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Here's downloads for MBM Moonblaster songs anyway...
I wonder what MPK is, OPX seems to be midi music of some sort?

MSX Moonblaster (MBM)
MSX Moonblaster FM (MBM)
MSX Moonblaster WAVE (MBM)

Last edited by spotUP on 26-Mar-2008 at 01:18 PM.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 13:30:57
#228 ]
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If you would like to listen the MPK, OPX and MBM songs, following additional sound driver files for MSX is also required.

* MPK.BIN and MPK103.BIN
o in the MPK106.LZH archive from
* MBR143.001
o in the MBM2KSS archive from
o It can be obtained from a real MSX FM-PAC cart. If FMPAC.ROM is missing, MSXplug cannot correctly play MSX-MUSIC's embedded special tones used in some OPX files but all the songs in the other formats are not effected.

I got this info from HERE!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 14:17:26
#229 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Allright TuneKSS 1.4 uploaded to os4depot with all formats supported! :D

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 14:18:27
#230 ]
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From: Finland


MBM support should be working in the v1.4 KSS plugin I just uploaded. Hopefully the other formats should be working too...

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 14:24:45
#231 ]
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From: Finland


PlayPSG32 (ported to OS4) only plays noise here.

I have also compiled a plugin from in_wsr but it doesn't generate any sound...

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 14:34:42
#232 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad

Update 30: AKA Another great day for TuneNet!
* Added BGM, KSS, MBM, MGS, MPK103/106 and OPX to the list of supported formats!
Play them with the KSS plugin!
* Added links to a nice source of PSG tunes!

Additional comments: I can't wait to hear how Moonblaster sounds! It's supposed to be a quite cool MSX format!

EDIT: May I suggest a rename of the KSS plugin to MSXPlug_Plugin to avoid confusion in the future?

Last edited by spotUP on 26-Mar-2008 at 03:01 PM.
Last edited by spotUP on 26-Mar-2008 at 02:36 PM.
Last edited by spotUP on 26-Mar-2008 at 02:35 PM.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 16:45:07
#233 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Allright! Let's try to clear up the PSG situation! :D

From the PSGPlay32 site about PSGPlay32:

Actually, it isn't even somewhat dead, but completely dead, now that my other project has taken form. STsndplay plays songs in a much more logical way, by emulating the original system, and using the real original player.

So it seems STsndplay is the way to go for PSG playback... Let's see...

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 16:52:05
#234 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


It's available here:

The actual player: stsndplay 2000-06-26
The PSG library: libpsg 2000-06-26
The CPU emulator: oCPUis 2000-06-26

All three packages are needed for stsndplay to work.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 16:59:41
#235 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


Update 31: AKA let's nail PSG once and for all!
* Added STSNDPlay back, as it's the better player for PSG files. Do not mix this one up with STSound.

EDIT: Hahah! While i researched PSG and updated the thread Salass00 was one step ahead of me! libPSG is ported and uploaded to os4depot!

Last edited by spotUP on 26-Mar-2008 at 05:02 PM.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 19:02:13
#236 ]
Elite Member
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


hmmm i dont quite get it .... does stsndplay only play .sndh files, and is .psg obsolete alltogether?

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 20:35:19
#237 ]
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From: Finland



hmmm i dont quite get it .... does stsndplay only play .sndh files, and is .psg obsolete alltogether?

I just compiled stsndplay and it doesn't play .psg files, only .sndh. If I try to play a .psg the CPU usage goes to 100% and nothing else happens after that.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 20:52:42
#238 ]
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i supected so...


well, it's nice to have a choice. maybe it plays sndh files better than the sc68 plugin.
have you compared them?

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 21:08:46
#239 ]
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From: Finland


The reason that PSGPlay32 doesn't work is because it expects an older and simpler .psg format. The files that Chris_Y pointed to seem contain an extra header at the beginning which would need to be skipped somehow, and are also zlib compressed.

Last edited by salass00 on 26-Mar-2008 at 09:10 PM.

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Re: Let's make TuneNet plugins!
Posted on 26-Mar-2008 22:00:49
#240 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad

Update 32:
* Finally, Yaaaaaaawn, I added links to the plugins used to play each format.

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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