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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 13-Aug-2012 20:04:45
#101 ]
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vox wrote:

If those people get OS4 and they are happy with their experience, feel free to tell us. Until then they are in no position to judge how good the system is.

But they CAN desire at AND learn about it, even PROMOTE it, or you never desired something before you have it?

Denying them right to do so is way worser.

He is talking like he actually owns the OS and debate with people who have criticize it, even though those who do that actually owns it and have some experience with OS4.x.
You should at least have used the OS for a while before he starts defending it. What he does now is to me nothing but blind fanboy behaviour.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 17-Aug-2012 10:07:51
#102 ]
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From: Northern Ireland

I see that the bottom left corner of the Top Secret box covers a drawer named Cyp???

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 17-Aug-2012 14:06:19
#103 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Perhaps that is just Cygwin.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 17-Aug-2012 19:32:17
#104 ]
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now been revealed!

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 17-Aug-2012 19:47:25
#105 ]
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



Templario wrote:
now been revealed!


Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 18-Aug-2012 15:35:06
#106 ]
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War is Warwickshire, Trevor's going to see a shakespeare play.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 27-Aug-2012 17:49:25
#107 ]
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It's about time for another hint?


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 27-Aug-2012 18:58:56
#108 ]
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From: nyc


You mean to say all these years you never even owned an NG box and dont even run os4? Wow. If you look up "fanboy" in the dictionary guess who there is a picture of?

I think there are many guys like this out there and its rather weird.

And then of course you have the anti morphos trolls who have never run Morphos in their life. So thats another funny situation..

back OT lets hope Amiwest reveals some 'secret'

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 0:44:50
#109 ]
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Joined: 14-May-2003
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From: Lake Charles, USA


Well you have anti-OS4 trolls who have never run OS4 either, so it balances out.

Actually, I've never run OS4 either, but my X1000 is on the way.

AmigaOne X1000, A4000(T), A3000, A2000, A1200(T), A1200, A500, CD32, Minimig+ARM, FPGA Arcade, Chameleon64, C-One, C128, C128D, C64C, C64, VIC-20, CBM 8032, CBM4032, Efika, Ultimate64

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 1:12:14
#110 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



Darrin wrote:

Well you have anti-OS4 trolls who have never run OS4 either, so it balances out.

Actually, I've never run OS4 either, but my X1000 is on the way.

How could you be so crazy to spend that kind of money on something you have never used before? That is insane! Ridiculous! What is wrong with you???

Wait a minute.......... I never owned OS4.x for any of my Amiga computers before buying my X1000 either, though I could have purchased it for my A4000 w/CS-PPC board, before I sold both of my CS-PPC's and went backward to just a fast 68060 for my A4000, since I never used the PPC part of the CS-PPC anyway.

I did have a chance to see the X1000 running at AmiWest Shows for two years before I made up my mind to buy one and did have the opportunity to sit down and use an X1000 during those shows for a little while. That is what convinced me that it was a good idea for ME to buy an X1000. What pushed you over the edge and made you decide to purchase an X1000 Darrin?

Last edited by amigadave on 28-Aug-2012 at 01:16 AM.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 2:13:53
#111 ]
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Actually, I've never run OS4 either, but my X1000 is on the way.

thats probably the whole reason. been there before.
What pushed you over the edge and made you decide to purchase an X1000 Darrin?

who knows, but now you are over the edge, or how do i understand that?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 3:51:40
#112 ]
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From: Lake Charles, USA


Apart from being mad?

I've been waiting for a Next Gen Amiga since I held back on the original AmigaOne. I've followed the development of OS4 and I think it has now got to the point where I can use it as an alternative to my PCs for most work.

I've backed certain hardware items with my money in the past in order to support developers (Minimig, ARM controller, C-One, FPGA Arcade, Chameleon64) and I'm also looking forward to giving something back to Hyperion for their hard work developing the OS.

Most of all, I'm getting fed up with patching my franken-amigas with various boards and add-ons. I'm looking forward to getting a fast, new Amiga which is a direct continuation of the legacy and which doesn't have to be supported using bits and pieces off eBay. In theory, this should replace my A4000 tower, although I'm going to continue to get my "Classic" fix from my FPGA based Amigas.

AmigaOne X1000, A4000(T), A3000, A2000, A1200(T), A1200, A500, CD32, Minimig+ARM, FPGA Arcade, Chameleon64, C-One, C128, C128D, C64C, C64, VIC-20, CBM 8032, CBM4032, Efika, Ultimate64

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 6:47:53
#113 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

@other Amiga loonies

I think I'm equally Amiga-mad. But I think I should support SW developers with my little hobby money, rather than spend years of hobby budget to x1000HW.

(for HW, I'm most willing to support the development of new low cost low end HW @1Ghz range)

"It's about time for another hint?"

Yes, if nothing more concrete and informative can be said.

Last edited by KimmoK on 28-Aug-2012 at 06:49 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 7:24:44
#114 ]
Super Member
Joined: 10-Apr-2003
Posts: 1370
From: Denmark


You mean to say all these years you never even owned an NG box and dont even run os4? Wow. If you look up "fanboy" in the dictionary guess who there is a picture of?

You know I take that as a compliment realize

But I did run AOS from 1.0 - 3.9 and i figure 4.0 and the NG hardware is a good continuation of the classic period. I will find out next year when I buy into the NG era. After that I will become a fanboy monster - bragging and shouting out loud how good it is all the time

You guys are sure in for a good time

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 8:48:37
#115 ]
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From: Northern Ireland

Virgin NG Amigan here too. Proud owner of my X1000
One of the aims of OS4 & X1000 was to attract new and classic Amiga users to AmigaOS4.
From a few comments here, that aim is being met.

My X1000 is the reinvestment of monies from the sale of my BPPC Towered A1200, some A1200Ds and some A600s. Those machines were all getting old and hacky. Glitches of a HW nature were beginning to appear...

I still have a nice 030 powered, indivision equipped A1200, however RuninUAE is so impressive that I can see the A1200 gathering dust.

The immediate familiarity of OS4 means that I have absolutely no doubt that the X1000 is an Amiga and that OS4 is the natural successor to OS3.9.

It's bloody quick too!!!

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 12:00:02
#116 ]
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I think as ddni (although my opinion is not interested here)

Last edited by natamix on 28-Aug-2012 at 12:00 PM.


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 12:42:52
#117 ]
AROS Core Developer
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The immediate familiarity of OS4 means that I have absolutely no doubt that the X1000 is an Amiga and that OS4 is the natural successor to OS3.9.

Same could be said about Morphos on a mac or AROS on a x86 pc.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 13:50:33
#118 ]
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Same could be said about Morphos on a mac or AROS on a x86 pc.

If they can prove their heritage...

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 13:54:56
#119 ]
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If they can prove their heritage...

which was probably the whole reason to post videos like that.
to me a proof of heritage is that aros runs on my genuine amigas. beat that..

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 13:59:18
#120 ]
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I'll never understand the reason to run AROS under 68k Amigas. It sounds like they want to re-invent the wheel.


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