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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 23:24:51
#101 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


edit: that thread of meet.mrngr advertising limebook as os4 system is nowhere to be found

Take your pick:

[Poll] LimeBook PPC - FOR AmigaOS / MorphOS / AROS Developer - Evaluation

CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?

Anyone else got LimePC news?

etc. etc.

btw-Joel went to AmiWest 2010, the same year that Ben and the Friedens attended.



This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 23:39:04
#102 ]
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From: In the village


Seems all roads in Amigaland lead to Ben.

Decision making is one thing. The advice given that leads to such decision making is quite another...and obviously a different set of folks.

I'm starting to wonder if Fleecy got the idea of Dan Dodge was attempting an end run around Amiga Inc from someone else and just ran with it that lead to the QSSL and Amiga Inc break up via Team Amiga mailing list posts.

Well, the Sunday night chat we bump here each week although named after Asha DeVelder IS Team Amiga, so you can always just ask if anyone remembers the facts.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 0:35:41
#103 ]
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From: Unknown


thanks. im to dumb to find anything on this site.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 2:17:01
#104 ]
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number6 cheats...

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 2:29:20
#105 ]
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To all those claiming to have seen it or know someone who did. I dont believe you. If it really exsisted it would have for sure been shown by now.

The dumbest thing Hyperion ever did was kill Moana project. This is the direction os4 should have went in (like morph team did)

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 3:21:01
#106 ]
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From: In the village


To all those claiming to have seen it or know someone who did. I dont believe you.

If HJF counts then listen to AmigaRoundTable recorded right after the AmiWest announcement, but not released until much later.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 6:50:25
#107 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


I have every faith in the person who spoke to who said he had one, and no reason to doubt him at all (why would he lie? he had nothing to gain). The reason there's no photos is because there's no point publicising something you don't release... and anyway it'd just be a picture of a Limebook.

If you don't want to believe it exists then that's fine - it doesn't change anything - but it also doesn't change the fact that it does exist.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 11:03:08
#108 ]
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one moment. first there is a lot of people who have seen one, then there are a few and now you mention just one person who own one, who assumingly is a hyperion developer attempting an os4 port for this device. i though start to think we have to do with a genuine urban myth here..

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 12:19:05
#109 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


I spoke to one person who was with other people, so they will have seen it.

I was wrong about it being lots, though... I'll give you that (that's the problem with posting first thing in the morning!)!

Thing is we know the Limebook exists, and we know that getting it booting isn't the hard bit (the drivers are), so it's not a massive leap of faith.

Last edited by Spirantho on 12-Jun-2013 at 12:19 PM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 13:50:53
#110 ]
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excuse me that i may seem over insistant on details. just wanted to emphasize how such urban legends get born.
People frequently allege that such tales happened to a "friend of a friend"; so often, in fact, that "friend of a friend" ("FOAF") has become a commonly used term when recounting this type of story.

in this particular case one person, whom you obviously trust, claims to have seen something for fact. and that there were other witness present (whom you dont spoke to in person). in this particular case you in turn post here the testimony of but a one person as a fact witnessed by many/few others, although you dont actually know that for fact.

now i just want to turn your attention to a possibility, that in this as in similar cases you may be easily manipulated to believe in somenthing. as i said i actually tend to believe that the netbook was booting os4 in some way or other, but nevertheless i prefer to put the finger into the wound and then confirm that "jesus has risen again from the grave", not the other way around.

Last edited by wawa on 12-Jun-2013 at 01:51 PM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 13:51:55
#111 ]
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Well, the Sunday night chat we bump here each week although named after Asha DeVelder IS Team Amiga, so you can always just ask if anyone remembers the facts.

Haven't heard Asha's name in awhile, RIP. I doubt anyone on there would truly know, that is something would only be known to a handful of people (McBill and Fleecy) in Amiga Inc on just how Fleecy came up with the idea that Dan Dodge was trying to do an end run on Amiga Inc. Fleecy may have come up with such a paranoid idea on his own and ran with it, but I'm guessing someone fed it to him.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 13:52:06
#112 ]
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they actually come with the same broke idea [...] they admit they have given it up..

Let's be careful here: Ben, the Friedens and ssolie decided to announce a Netbook. Apparently, they didn't even bother to calculate the real production costs (they just made up a very nice sounding price). And as we know by know, they didn't plan to produce it themselves or outsource production to some entrepeneur we don't know yet - apparently, they simply assumed Trevor would throw his own money at the problem again and solve yet another mess they created.

The one who actually "admitted" anything was Trevor, though "cleaning up" would probably be a more appropriate term.

I certainly see two different, independent parties at work here - so I would rather not describe the whole lot as "them".

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 13:56:54
#113 ]
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remember it was Ben who was advising McBill on the contract between BBRV-MOS and Amiga Inc for "AmigaOS4" in which BBRV/MOS folks lose control

Please don't post statements that try to make it sound like "the BBRV folks" loosing control over anything is a bad thing. It isn't.

Getting rid of "the BBRV folks" (love that term) was the best thing that ever happened to MOS. If only we could get of our version of "the BBRV folks".

Does anybody have a good enough relationship with ssolie to convince him to take the site hostage? That would be a good start.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 14:12:03
#114 ]
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Q. In the future, do you plan to produce other AmigaOne models ? For example a laptop or a small version of the X1000 ?

I would like to think that the A1-X1000 will be the first of many high specification AmigaOne computers but the development of future models is very much dependent on the success of the A1-X1000. Personally, I believe there would be a market for an "Amiga Netbook" but it would have to come with software to support mainstream social networking applications that people have come to expect. We are trying to address this by assisting software developers wherever possible. The Amiga developer community is also very active and programs like Timberwolf (Firefox) and Open Office are currently being ported to AmigaOS 4. The other main problem for any Amiga hardware development is economy of scale. It is very difficult to compete with the sheer volume of cheap x86 Netbooks that have flooded onto the market. However, I have always believed no problem is insurmountable but first of all we need to make sure the A1-X1000 computer is a success.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 14:16:28
#115 ]
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I do not know what "A1-X1000 computer is a success." here means. Perhaps not making losses (expecially for Trevor). I do not think that there will be any new hardware before 4.2.. Perhaps it (the sales of 4.2. update) will be a test to see how much real interest is left.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 14:25:44
#116 ]
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Let's be careful here: Ben, the Friedens and ssolie decided to announce a Netbook. Apparently, they didn't even bother to calculate the real production costs (they just made up a very nice sounding price). And as we know by know, they didn't plan to produce it themselves or outsource production to some entrepeneur we don't know yet - apparently, they simply assumed Trevor would throw his own money at the problem again and solve yet another mess they created.

The one who actually "admitted" anything was Trevor, though "cleaning up" would probably be a more appropriate term.

I certainly see two different, independent parties at work here - so I would rather not describe the whole lot as "them".

i fully agree. have always referred to hyperion (or whoever claimst to represent them) as "them" in this case. i totally differentiate between "them" and trevor, whom i so far cant lay any blame on (except maybe being ill advised), and who always tried to be upright and honest (towards the community), but also loyal and not damaging os4 initiatives, which is very reasonable on his part, and therefore walking this knife-blade he may got under the crossfire sometimes.

Last edited by wawa on 12-Jun-2013 at 02:26 PM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 15:21:59
#117 ]
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Getting rid of "the BBRV folks" (love that term) was the best thing that ever happened to MOS. If only we could get of our version of "the BBRV folks".

Please quote what I actually posted and not what you want me to have said. I said, "BBRV/MOS folks" which would include Ralph and the rest of the MOS Devs plus Bill and Raquel.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 16:06:04
#118 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


Don't worry, I know exactly what you mean! I tend to be very dubious as well whenever anybody says they know someone who knew someone who met someone down the pub whose mum once looked after the goldfish for someone who once met a bloke who said something. :)

If people don't want to believe me, that's fine. All I know is that it's true, but of course you don't know that because you're only hearing it from me. :)

The only thing I will say is this: The Limebook exists. We know this. Getting OS4 to boot (but not do much else) isn't that hard at all, as it's all PPC. You just need a VESA driver and a basic IDE driver, pretty much, and that'll boot it. Would Hyperion announce it if they had nothing at all to show for it? Of course not, they'd just lose respect. They're not stupid.

Anyone who doesn't believe me is free to do so.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 16:23:57
#119 ]
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But I understand not why they not simply say it was stopped because hardware too expensive and not good enough for todays needs. It had stopped all speculations and would have done less harm than the long silence (with people again and again asking for it). Of course it would have been better not to announce it at all (perhaps it was motivated by the announcements of the MorphOS-Team before Amiwest and they wanted to say "we have something too". I remember people here discussing all the time about what type it is and what people can do with it).

Clear speak with saying what the situation is and what they do and if they change plans communicating that too. They make it easy for people disliking them to attack them and their politics/strategy. With them I mean (in first case) Hyperion and not Acube or a-eon.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 12-Jun-2013 at 04:24 PM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 12-Jun-2013 17:09:17
#120 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


I agree completely.
I do take issue with people calling Hyperion a bunch of liars (they're not - they've delivered a lot of good stuff over the years), but I concur completely with what you say. They should have actually said "Due to circumstances beyond our control, the price of the netbook has now tripled, and we don't think that it's worthwhile continuing development" - or whatever it is that happened. Given they announced it, they should really have announced the lack of it too, in my opinion.

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