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Poll : So who is definitely buying the AmigaOne X1000 when it comes out?
Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 7-Oct-2010 14:24:46
#121 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
Posts: 2077
From: Grimsby, UK


*commodore other crap polls bump*


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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 7-Oct-2010 14:34:26
#122 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Jul-2009
Posts: 1059
From: Unknown


It did succeed in the past with cutting age hardware and totally owning the video market, a decent lead in computer image manipulation and a cutting edge OS that was more user friendly than any of it's competitors. Why would it succeed today when *none* of those are true?

Obviously those who are using or used OS4 tend to wish that it makes it well this time. Winning it big time against all odds. Others cant see any chance to win -- it didnt win yesterday so why would it win today? There could be 1000:1 ratio for yes votes or vice versa yet it wouldnt convince either side to change mind (or me, I am obviously on the negative side).

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 7-Oct-2010 15:00:38
#123 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2010
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From: Unknown


Well, if you'd like to point out where A-Eon or anyone else involved with the X1000 has suggested that it will immediately leap to the position the Amiga held in 1990, that'd be good.

We've been over the X1000's reason for being many times now. Its not supposed to recapture the professional video market and it isn't meant to be a mass-market machine for your grandma. Its meant to test the market for a powerful AmigaOS machine and Varisys have taken the opportunity to test a unique hardware idea of theirs at the same time. If you're just going to keep pointing out that it isn't a Video Toaster or whatever, we're never going to get anywhere with the discussion.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 20-Oct-2010 15:18:23
#124 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
Posts: 2077
From: Grimsby, UK

* the go-away commodore usa we don't need you BUMP!!*

Last edited by djrikki on 20-Oct-2010 at 04:03 PM.


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