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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:45:55
#161 ]
Elite Member
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When you have enough memory you do not need VM (even on Windows). 64bit support is in the works and memory protection too (but I am not one of the "system developers")

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:46:47
#162 ]
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Open a thesaurus.

Last edited by Phantom on 28-Aug-2012 at 04:47 PM.


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:47:20
#163 ]
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thank you I will

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:49:58
#164 ]
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Today, I would not use my A1200 even with new CPU card as main computer, it has its age and deserves some rest. However, I would probably consider buying semi-modern PowerPC card to run OS4, only to have it inside. For real work I use other computers.

who talks of using it as a main computer? but if you consider a computer that gets turned on almost every day for few hours, then my a4k is one of my main computers. i dont give it rest, why should i? instead you could use aros probably as main computer as much as an os4 machine or more, but it exceeds my current interest to be honest.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:55:28
#165 ]
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64bit support is in the works and memory protection too

Sure, and X1000 will be sold for 100 USD.

...then I would buy 10 (2 for me and 8 for my friends)

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 16:59:41
#166 ]
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well 64bit aros version is there:
i have not tried it out but its there for ages and its being worked on, or what do you mean?

what concerns memory protection, most of crashes that i experience on aros are likely due to aros bugs or incompatibility, but it isnt that easy meanwhile to bring the system down. mostly you can suspend the offending application via requester, similarly to gream ripper i guess.

Last edited by wawa on 28-Aug-2012 at 05:02 PM.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:00:10
#167 ]
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pavlor wrote:

Sure, and X1000 will be sold for 100 USD.

REALLY? Then I will buy a bunch of X1000 for my business.


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:03:27
#168 ]
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even then you will need at least basic productivity software to run on it. and im not sure if 68k applications count.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:07:36
#169 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

@aros 64bit + memoryprotection offtopic matter

Any study material on how aros will be taken to 64bit+SMP+MP future?

(IMHO, it should be the main branch, even if it would mean ditching current 68k + ARM and PPC flavours. No need to build more shackles to past, other flavours have enough already.)

Last edited by KimmoK on 28-Aug-2012 at 05:08 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:07:50
#170 ]
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even then you will need at least basic productivity software to run on it. and im not sure if 68k applications count.

There are AmiCygnix apps (AbiWord, Gnumeric, Gimp) and of course Linux.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:10:07
#171 ]
AROS Core Developer
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(IMHO, it should be the main branch, even if it would mean ditching current 68k + ARM and PPC flavours. No need to build more shackles to past, other flavours have enough already.)

It's in the ABIv1 branch. How it will be implemented only time will tell.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:10:39
#172 ]
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Counts or not, depends on the business.


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:18:36
#173 ]
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There are AmiCygnix apps (AbiWord, Gnumeric, Gimp) and of course Linux.

yeah, i did know that you will come up with that too. it was told a thousand times, but somehow it gets ignored all the time: so why on earth do you need a costly, slow and hardly supported machine to run the few (clumsy by itself, i know gimp) linux applications even slower because on emulation. you can buy x86 linux machine for the fraction of price and have access to a vaste amout of software that will never be available on ppc let alone any amiga brand, let alone os4 amicygnix..

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:19:52
#174 ]
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and what business do you run?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:21:45
#175 ]
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nice price-drop

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:22:08
#176 ]
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I'm sorry, but I can't say more.


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:22:36
#177 ]
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even slower because on emulation

AmiCygnix is not emulation.

you can buy x86 linux machine for the fraction of price

For 100 USD even X1000 would be atractive.

And of course, why use AROS when Windows offers all applications you need?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:24:29
#178 ]
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Why use AOS (3.1./3.9./4.1 or 25) when you can use Windows?

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:26:47
#179 ]
Elite Member
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Why use AOS (3.1./3.9./4.1 or 25) when you can use Windows?

I´m AmigaOS user not Windows user. I will use AmigaOS until it is possible.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:28:58
#180 ]
Elite Member
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Yes me too . But I define "Amiga" a little wider than you (and not connected to 68k/PPC)

Oh interesting... you write "AmigaOS"-User and not "Amiga"-User. So you are not a amigian but a amigosian?

Last edited by OlafS25 on 28-Aug-2012 at 05:30 PM.

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