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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:31:52
#181 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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you write "AmigaOS"-User and not "Amiga"-User. So you are not a amigian but a amigosian?

You wrote Windows, not IBM compatible PC. So I wrote AmigaOS, not Amiga.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:35:25
#182 ]
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AmiCygnix is not emulation

well then, the linux compatibility layer, whatever, apparently it costs performance and the applications still need to be ported to it.

And of course, why use AROS when Windows offers all applications you need?

or linux? in business world decisions will not be made based on sentiment. we in private have such a privilege.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:36:30
#183 ]
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I have the impression that you would never enjoy something (emotionally) that is not labelled AmigaOS...

How another one said to me... if Aros succeeds (and AmigaOS looses) they would leave the market (and that was someone from a software-company). Strange attitude to me.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:37:18
#184 ]
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You wrote Windows, not IBM compatible PC. So I wrote AmigaOS, not Amiga.

i start to suspect im the only serious amiga user in this thread.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:38:10
#185 ]
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I have the impression that you would never enjoy something (emotionally) that is not labelled AmigaOS...

relax, i think he just likes to argue.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:38:10
#186 ]
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depends on your definition of "serious amiga user"

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:39:21
#187 ]
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well a user of an amiga computer, of course. .;)
and "serious" as in "everyday".

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 17:40:28
#188 ]
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We will (and cannot) convince everyone...

But the discussion was offtopic

Last edited by OlafS25 on 28-Aug-2012 at 05:43 PM.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 18:00:54
#189 ]
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im not sure if it matters if we convince anybody in here.

edit: (but what needs to be told must be told)

Last edited by wawa on 28-Aug-2012 at 06:04 PM.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 18:02:39
#190 ]
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Make love not war!


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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 18:05:43
#191 ]
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No problem

Last edited by OlafS25 on 28-Aug-2012 at 06:06 PM.

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Re: A-Eon Secrete Files?
Posted on 28-Aug-2012 18:29:01
#192 ]
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On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 11:39:17
#193 ]
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Third tab (Cyr...) seems to be new prototype board based on 4x e500mc cores (P3041?).


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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 12:40:27
#194 ]
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Havent seen that interview before.

Good presentation by Trevor!

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 13:31:21
#195 ]
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Took me a while to notice it, but I agree. It says A-EON Cyrus in the graphics on the slide there.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 14:03:07
#196 ]
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From: Isselburg,Germany

What is "Cyrus"?

Last edited by tommysammy on 03-Nov-2012 at 02:03 PM.


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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 14:09:09
#197 ]
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Do try to follow the thread.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 16:26:33
#198 ]
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From: Isselburg,Germany



tommysammy wrote:
What is "Cyrus"?

Cyrus is the name of the new motherboard with Freescale CPU or not?


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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 16:40:30
#199 ]
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so i read all these posts to find out more about the secret files. Most of the pages are about how people need to grow up.


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Re: A-Eon Secret Files?
Posted on 3-Nov-2012 17:16:34
#200 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland


Yes. Please grow up and be kind. I know that I'll not never grow up anymore.
(Not tall and hopefully not width also;)

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