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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 23:53:21
#21 ]
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Legion wrote:

If the Troika board beats them to market, there won't be much point. Comparable specs for $200 to $300 cheaper.

So why the frown?

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 23:58:55
#22 ]
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PulsatingQuasar wrote:

That was not Eyetech's fault! Eyetech always believed it would work.

It was the bloody crap spouted over severall forums by severall persons that caused the chip to be removed.

It was removed under political pressure.

I don't know anything about the sound issue, but I got a kick out of your take on it.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 0:44:49
#23 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA



Raziel wrote:

Take a look here!

Thanks for the link. I downloaded a driver once, but never got any sound.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:01:09
#24 ]
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I'd rather have the A1XE with its AGP slot (even though its dog slow) and more PCI slots. I also prefer PS/2 mice and keyboard at this point.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:15:34
#25 ]
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Haha, there are PowerPC CPUs everywhere including G3!

There isnt enough supply of the type needed for the A1 boards.

It won't arrive.

How do you know exactly? Can you see in to the future? Tell you what, why dont you phone or email Eyetech and ask what is happening.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:15:46
#26 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


I think an updated A1XE board would be nice if..

1. they fix the VIA IDE, or intergrate a Silicon Image 0680 card into the mobo
2. USB problems are fixed, and maybe updated to version 2.0
3. they ship with a faster CPU Module

.. and then when they advertise this board, they just need to make sure they mention that it wont run Linux 100% reliably with DMA switched on. It has to be marketed as an AmigaOS4 board.

I'm not sure wether using AC97 audio is such a good idea. I havent made my mind up yet. Yes it would be great to save money and a PCI slot, no it wont be great having substandard audio. I'm sure it would do for a large portion of the user base though.

It would be nice if they could get the price down. It would seem unlikely though if they've had to do more development implementing changes in my wishlist above.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:20:31
#27 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA



syrtran wrote:

Go to OS4Depot and download the VIA 686B drivers.

Oh, I see that this is v5.3 which is released a day after v5.2. I only installed the first one. Maybe v5.2 did not work for me. Thanks, I will try the newer v5.3.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:24:32
#28 ]
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If this is true, then it is very good.
We need hardware to run OS4 on.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:33:58
#29 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA



jahc wrote:

I think an updated A1XE board would be nice if..

1. they fix the VIA IDE, or intergrate a Silicon Image 0680 card into the mobo
2. USB problems are fixed, and maybe updated to version 2.0
3. they ship with a faster CPU Module

1. - is a must
2. - is a must, but no "maybe" on USB 2.0. 2.0 is a must also.
3. - is a must
I will lay my money down if this is so.


It would be nice if they could get the price down. It would seem unlikely though if they've had to do more development implementing changes in my wishlist above.

Sad, but most likely true.

Last edited by Moxee on 19-Feb-2006 at 01:47 AM.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 1:47:58
#30 ]
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There's enough supply of 7447s, they should use them instead.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 3:21:31
#31 ]
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will be ready for sale in the next few months

What about RoHS? It's coming up in about four month. If the uA1 design isn't RoHS compliant ... not much time left for a final production run or to build working mainboards from the remaining inventory of northbridges, fabricated PCBs etc.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 7:41:17
#32 ]
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Not if they already paid for other modules which didn't arrive.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 8:06:53
#33 ]
Joined: 19-Jan-2004
Posts: 49
From: Vernon BC, Canada

I hope that the new motherboards are AmigaOne XC's! I also hope that PPC's will finally become more readily available, now that Apple is going x86, and won't be hogging the supply anymore!


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 9:45:50
#34 ]
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The changes you want would require a mayor rework of the PCB, something way out of scope for Eyetech (and no, Eyetech did NOT design the A1-SE/XE, the only (co-)payed someone at Atum-group to make some minor changes to the Teron-boards done by the same person).

Even if Eyetech would find someone, what would be the benefits of it ? The board is unsellable outside Amiga (and no a few 100 to 1000 boards sold here are not enough) and MAI is MIA.


If Alan had perpayed those CPUs at IBM he would have either gotten them or a suitable replacement.
If he had prepayed them at a dealer, there is no point in waiting any longer as he has obviously been scammed.

Personally I think those missing CPUs sound like a rather thin made-up excuse, unless we are talking about very low number here (< 50).


The chances of any of the 2 (3 if you count Eyetech) bedroom-HW-companies bringing HW onto the market in 2006 (in real numbers) is very slim (just look how must of these projects, even by respectable companies/persons have ended in the past 10 years), and even if, we would still be takling about overpriced, hard_to_get and underpowered HW.

Last edited by Kronos on 19-Feb-2006 at 09:48 AM.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 9:57:04
#35 ]
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Sorry, I simply HAVE to bite.

Real numbers? As opposed to imaginary numbers?

Or did you really mean "in quantities higher than the number I'm thinking of right now but will not tell you because I reserve the right to change it after I know how many they sell, so that I don't have to acknowledge their success" ?

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:04:48
#36 ]
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"There isnt enough supply of the type needed for the A1 boards."
Oh, yes there are. Genesi sold the G3 long after the A1XE was sold. They
never had any problems with it. They just ditched it in favour of the G4.
Can't understand why Alan doesn't do the same. Maybe ArticiaS
doesn't work well with G4's? Like the problems bPlan had with their
Pegasos I G4 protoype. It worked, sort of. We ran on
it for over a year, but certain commands in Linux would just freak
it out. The Pegasos I G3 never had these problems.

"How do you know exactly? Can you see in to the future?"
Yes I can. I'm psychic.

Alan himself said it would be cheaper to pay every A1-user 500 GBP
instead of selling the A1. Why would he possibly try this again?
He can't be that stupid!

Oh, and the RoHS. Maybe it's no problem for the AmigaONE. But
it was the end of the world in the OpenPegasos-discussion. You
would grow a beard in 10 seconds just by using a Pegasos..

He would have to sell this for half a year from USA. AFAIK there
is some RoHS directive starting in USA in 2007.

Last edited by ironfist on 19-Feb-2006 at 10:06 AM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:10:16
#37 ]
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The AONE is not RoHS compatible.. Maybe the new Aone is a OpenPegasos......

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:12:51
#38 ]
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"Maybe the new Aone is a OpenPegasos."

Could be.. He has experience in using other board-designs before..

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:15:49
#39 ]
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yep they copied the april-fix:es

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:21:56
#40 ]
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As far as I know they rejected bPlan's fixes. They "solved" the problem
by telling everyone to buy an IDE-card and not use Linux..

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