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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:31:27
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Apr-2004
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


As far as I know they rejected bPlan's fixes. They "solved" the problem
by telling everyone to buy an IDE-card and not use Linux..

XE and uA1's have a newer revision of Articia which doesn't have the bugs that the older revision in Peg1 and A1-SE had.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:42:45
#42 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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Real numbers as in "more than a handfull of protos" or "dealers actully having them in stock"


The changes made in the newer Articias only fix minor issues, the main errata which made it unsellable outside the Amiga-world was left unchanged.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 10:43:04
#43 ]
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@ironfist & "blue"-ones

Here we go again ...

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 11:13:46
#44 ]
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wasn't that the last april2 fix they rejected..

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 11:29:39
#45 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2004
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So if these bugs are fixed, why doesn't Gentoo, SUSE 10, Fedora
Core or Ubuntu run on the A1?

Mr Calibra:
I think they rejected both April-fixes. Eitherway, no board in the
AmigaONE line is RoHS-compliant and will be illegal for any
company to sell within EU as of July 1st.

If Alan somehow managed to pay for these CPUs I think he
should honor the warrantee on all broken CPUs out there
before starting selling another run of AmigaONEs..

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 11:45:23
#46 ]
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Oh FFS, this is GOOD news for potential OS4 users (assuming it’s true, that is)

Why is it as soon as we get some good news a few people start moaning and complaining that its not as good as x or y or the CPU is too slow, why not use z instead i think it's better or its still 'broken hardware', you can't run *nix on it etc..

I for one hope that it’s true and more A1's of any flavour will be available to buy soon. As for the 'not having x, y & z' people all I can say is:

It a Hobbyist computer, it’s got to start with basic hardware first. I.E. we’ve got to crawl before we can walk!
Give the hardware guys as break; they are taking huge risks getting you new hardware at a price you can afford, all they seem to get in return is constant moaning about lack of progress, lack of communications or the 'low' spec's of their proposed designs.

I know it doesn’t help when they give out release dates and then add ‘two more weeks’ but you must remember many people in Amiga software and hardware do Amiga stuff in their spare time, sometimes the call of the pub/girlfriend/kids is greater than the call of the keyboard!


Rev 1D3 Amiga 1200, Apollo 1240 (40Mhz '040, 64MB RAM), Indivision MKII, Fast ATA MK V, Rapid Road USB, PCMCIA WIFI & OS 3.14

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 12:29:35
#47 ]
Joined: 22-Nov-2004
Posts: 57
From: Albuquerque, NM

Oh, and the RoHS. Maybe it's no problem for the AmigaONE. But
it was the end of the world in the OpenPegasos-discussion. You
would grow a beard in 10 seconds just by using a Pegasos..

Well that would explain this

Pegasos-II board G3/600 MHz MorphOS3.x/ 1GBRam,
Power Mac G5, Efika MorphOS3.x
SAM440ep 600Mhz AmigaOS 4.1 512
AMIGA 1200-DBOX,BLIZZARDPPC175 MHz,64MB,Mediator1200SX
VOODOO3, OS 3.9 & 4.0, Amiga CD32

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 12:29:59
#48 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland


The XE h/w is the best available. Hope it comes again with the certain fixes!
OFF the topic can somebody help after update4
as IBrowse get's locked up when trying to get a page downloaded?
I put all the .mcc + .mcp -files as some kind person told me here(from backup.)
Now IB starts but it locks up when trying a load a page.

Now AWeb is doing this job but IB....;)

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 12:37:38
#49 ]
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Hehe, correct.

Seriously though, sure it would be good for the OS4-community to have
some hardware available but I do not think the old AmigaONE series is
the answer. The other two possible manufacturers would be a much
more logic choice. Just because it's Amiga you can't break the law..
On the Pegasos-side it is currently beeing phased out and hopefully
the OSW will be available before July.

Last edited by ironfist on 19-Feb-2006 at 12:44 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 13:08:29
#50 ]
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Who said RoHS isn't a problem for the AmigaOne? Last time I checked, RoHS kicks in at July 1st, this year. Until that date, RoHS is not a problem for anyone. There's time for another batch of AmigaOnes within that timeframe, but that's about it. Now, if you want to make a business out of selling Pegasos hardware for 4 and a half months, go ahead. But I doubt it's gonna be lucrative. Especially since you're still gonna have to go through proper channels to get OS4 going on them, and by the time you're done with that, you're gonna have very little time to spare. If any. And that's why RoHS is a problem, not for the Pegasos itself, but for anyone wanting to use the existing Pegasos design as a basis for OS4-hardware in the long term.

So you see, it's not always about braindead arguments, sometimes stuff have reasons.

Btw, I'm still looking for AGP and SLOT1 connectors which fulfill the RoHS directive. Tyco claims to have them, but they're specifically listed as "tin/lead over nickel", so I honestly think they've frelled up their database.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 14:01:00
#51 ]
Joined: 1-Nov-2005
Posts: 58
From: Manchester UK

Savans post was perfectly put.

You guys would believe anything, if someone claimed the Amigaone cured cancer i bet they would sell out instantly.

That is 100% true, post something on an Amiga forum and the majority lap it up.

Last edited by OldTimeUser on 19-Feb-2006 at 02:03 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 14:37:17
#52 ]
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From: The Netherlands

Just reminding everyone here to stay on topic. Bringing up old dirt is not needed. That has been discussed to death. Funny to see users that only posts in "these" kind of threads. Just lurking around for months till such a topic comes up in which they can bring up the same old stuff they always do. Boring, really.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 14:39:24
#53 ]
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From: The Netherlands


Could be.. He has experience in using other board-designs before..

Oh never heard this one before. C'mon post something interesting or something that only has been said 100 times. The next A1 is not a Peg.


Last edited by Coder on 19-Feb-2006 at 02:40 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:08:13
#54 ]
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From: Londinium


OldTimeUser wrote:
Savans post was perfectly put.

You guys would believe anything, if someone claimed the Amigaone cured cancer i bet they would sell out instantly.

That is 100% true, post something on an Amiga forum and the majority lap it up.

You are kidding surely? Amiga users must be the most skeptical computer users out there.

Last edited by amigacooke on 19-Feb-2006 at 03:09 PM.
Last edited by amigacooke on 19-Feb-2006 at 03:08 PM.

Time to give up now I think

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:09:11
#55 ]
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There's enough supply of 7447s, they should use them instead

If they could then it would make sense for them to have done so wouldn't it.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:18:52
#56 ]
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Oh, yes there are. Genesi sold the G3 long after the A1XE was sold.....

Tell you what then, you phone up Alan at Eyetech and yell him what he should be doing to get the A! boards to the market place, what processor model they should be using and where they can get ample supply from. You can email Eyetech at this address When you have an answer you can post it here so we can all see it.

Alan himself said it would be cheaper to pay every A1-user 500 GBP instead of selling the A1

An you seem to have forgotton how much money has been tied up in A! boards that are just sat in a warehouse somewhere waiting for a supply of processors.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:48:56
#57 ]
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From: S.Wales


The next A1 is not a Peg.

It is more or less a Peg 1 though. No one seems to mention that the Peg 1 was just a re-designed Teron. Different board layout, processor slot instead of socket and IEEE 1394 on board, but more or less the same system.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:51:27
#58 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2003
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From: Scottsdale, AZ


Argh... (all I have to say)

--- OK ---

Well, I just add the word to the gosip here ;)


Well, well, asuming there's one out there, who's working on the µA1 (e.g. the PCI bus interfacing, ArticaS, USB, etc), has recently announced G4 upgrades for current A1s and is working on a next gen AmigaOne...

Putting this things together, I would guess, it might be ready around mid of the year.

outch, outch, ducking...ok ok...

AmigaOne XE G3/933/VIA/FM801/R200 (fixed),
G3SE/600/Voodoo3/Sil680/RTL8139/SBLive! (noiseless!)
XE/G4 (broken 7450/800)

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:57:31
#59 ]
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If they could then it would make sense for them to have done so wouldn't it.

So, let's see. They want to use a discontinued and ancient PPC that they cannot find. Hm, and you keep telling me that the problem is the lack of processors. Sorry, if they cannot use the 7447, there's something obviously wrong with the hardware.

I'm not sure but I think that there were prototypes of 7447 based CPU cards. If they work ok, there's no reason whatsoever not to use them and the "lack of processors" arguement is a cheap excuse.

Oh, and even if the 7447 does not work, the various 750 models certainly do. What? Do you believe that the industry has somehow run out of PPC processors, altogether?

Last edited by AMiGR on 19-Feb-2006 at 04:01 PM.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 15:58:47
#60 ]
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amigacooke wrote:

You are kidding surely? Amiga users must be the most skeptical computer users out there.

Only compared to the less skeptical ones, the general population puts the things we wait for on vaporware lists with Duke Nukem Forever, or make up terms like "Amiga Persecution Complex" to describe us. Most people not involved with Amiga's in any way see us as an object of ridicule.

Last edited by T_Bone on 19-Feb-2006 at 03:59 PM.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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