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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:15:04
#61 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Aug-2003
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From: Under The Moon - Howling in the Blue Grass

I will believe it when . . . ? ? ?

Every month it seems there is something coming down the pipeline, but . . . . nothing seems to show up.

It is fun to Speculate but, "Belief = Reality" where "Speculate = Vaporware"

I will believe it when I can buy it ! (not pre-order!)

Avatar babe - Monica Bellucci.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:36:04
#62 ]
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Joined: 17-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown


All im saying is that if there is a pin compatible PPC then it woul dmake sense for Eyetech to use it. As you seem to feel there are compatible processors available then you should take this matter up with Eyetech. Perhaps their is a compatible PPC that they are trying to get hold of, i guess we will findout if this is correct in a few months time???

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:41:39
#63 ]
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From: Canada


I own a Micro A1 as well. Personally, I think it would be great if this rumour was true, but noone in the know will confirm or deny it.

That is why I said ... (let's just say I will be very surprised if this happens)

Meanwhile, I have installed update #4. In general, I am very happy with my MicroA1 and very pleased with OS4 update #4. There are a few niggles of course, some of which are being discussed in the various threads.

IMHO, it would be great to see more AmigaOnes on the market ... as long as that does not stop development of the other boards.

Micro A1: IBM 750GX PPC 800Mhz, 256MB RAM, 40Gb HDD, OS4 update #4

Last edited by redfox on 19-Feb-2006 at 05:35 PM.
Last edited by redfox on 19-Feb-2006 at 04:54 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:46:22
#64 ]
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A pin compatible PPC? What are you talking about? The AmigaOne uses CPU *CARDS*, the chips do not need to be pin compatible! For god's sake! If they cannot produce different CPU cards, sorry but they have no hope whatsoever to do ANYTHING in the market.

Now, if you want to wait a few months time, fair enough. I'll be here. I do not find this situation amusing at all but please, stop being so naive. People kept calling me a troll 'cause I was saying that there's absolutely no chance that the Amy' would be released in 2005. Guess what? It's February 2006 now.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:49:26
#65 ]
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The AmigaOne uses CPU *CARDS*,

Forgive my ignorance but what plugs into these CPU cards? If it is CPUs then are these cards designed to take certain models of PPC processors?

If they cannot produce different CPU cards

I would assume the cards you talk about have already been manufactured for the processor/s that are used in existing A1s. Perhaps Eyetech have taken the decission to redesign them but who knows? I don't and neither do you so perhaps instead of biting my head off it would be a good idea to findout what Eyetech are doing?

Last edited by Jeffshepherd on 19-Feb-2006 at 04:53 PM.
Last edited by Jeffshepherd on 19-Feb-2006 at 04:53 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:56:31
#66 ]
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From: Beds, UK


So, let's see. They want to use a discontinued and ancient PPC that they cannot find. Hm, and you keep telling me that the problem is the lack of processors.

How's this for a thought.

Troika (or ACK, one of the two anyway) are supposed to also be making replacement CPU boards for the AmigaOnes. Perhaps this has happened, and they are going to send some to Eyetech, who will then be able to sell their boards.

Surely this is a good scenario for everyone? Alan gets to sell some boards that were previously CPU-less. Troika gets to make some money while they continue development of their mobo. Users can buy hardware, and Hyperion will be able to sell some more copies of OS4.

This is assuming the hold-up on the MicroA1 was indeed the CPU, which may or may not be the case.


Last edited by Chris_Y on 19-Feb-2006 at 04:57 PM.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 16:59:31
#67 ]
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From: Canada


I will believe it when I can buy it ! (not pre-order!)

I agree.

Last edited by redfox on 19-Feb-2006 at 05:01 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 17:11:37
#68 ]
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Forgive my ignorance but what plugs into these CPU cards? If it is CPUs then are these cards designed to take certain models of PPC processors?

The very point of a CPU card is to make sure that a board isn't tied to a specific processor. The cards themselves should be easy to design, else there's no point for the concept to exist, at all.

I would assume the cards you talk about have already been manufactured for the processor/s that are used in existing A1s. Perhaps Eyetech have taken the decission to redesign them but who knows? I don't and neither do you so perhaps instead of biting my head off it would be a good idea to findout what Eyetech are doing?

The only part of them that is likely to have been manufactured is the PCB. The PPC processor is BGA, I don't think that anyone would fully produce a CPU card and then wait for the CPU, to have to pass the entire board from another go in the oven.

Last edited by AMiGR on 19-Feb-2006 at 05:13 PM.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 17:32:18
#69 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe


Nice thought!

Didn't Eyetech also have a bunch of XE's they didn't sell because the IDE and USB issue popped up? Maybe these can be sold now also.

But indeed, untill it can actually be bought, all three baords are as of now vapour.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
A1200 PPC

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 17:51:31
#70 ]
Joined: 1-Nov-2005
Posts: 58
From: Manchester UK


You are kidding surely? Amiga users must be the most skeptical computer users out there.

You would have thought so, but it looks like the more you #### on Amiga users the more they come back for more.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 20:18:50
#71 ]
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All I can say is that I read on here that the problem is a lack of suitable processors. Because the quantity Eyetech want is only small IBM aren't particularly eager to supply them. I believe that is what Eyetech have said the reason is and if it were possible to use another model PPC why haven't Eyetech done so?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 20:38:40
#72 ]
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All I can say is that I read on here that the problem is a lack of suitable processors. Because the quantity Eyetech want is only small IBM aren't particularly eager to supply them.

And why could (and still can) Genesi get them? At the time that Eyetech started talking about the lack of CPUs, Genesi was only producing quantities comparable to the AmigaOne production runs, yet they had no problem obtaining 750CXe or 7447 chips.

I believe that is what Eyetech have said the reason is and if it were possible to use another model PPC why haven't Eyetech done so?

Three possible reasons:
1) They cannot afford to pay someone to design another CPU card.

- They are dead.

2) They cannot afford to make another production run and the CPU arguement is an excuse

- They are dead.

3) The 7447 doesn't work with the ArticiaS for some reason.

- I will assume that this is not the case with their implementation, bPlan claimed that it didn't but Eyetech claimed that it did, I give them the benefit of doubt.

Last edited by AMiGR on 19-Feb-2006 at 08:44 PM.
Last edited by AMiGR on 19-Feb-2006 at 08:39 PM.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:25:45
#73 ]
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Jeffshepherd: If they have such problems with small quantities
then why the fsck don't they contact another supplier? IBM doesn't
sell 50 CPUs to anyone. They have distributors for that.

If the current distributor can't supply Eyetech has all the power to
switch supplier. But hey, this is the Amiga world. You can never be
bad to anyone, specially not your suppliers. And you have to
apologize before you charge for something you sell to end-users..

My theory is Alan doesn't have the money to buy the CPUs. That's
the only logical explanation for this.

"It is more or less a Peg 1 though. No one seems to mention that the
Peg 1 was just a re-designed Teron. Different board layout, processor
slot instead of socket and IEEE 1394 on board, but more or less the
same system."

Different southbridge, different size, different network controller,
different sound chip..

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:28:58
#74 ]
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From: The Netherlands


My theory is Alan doesn't have the money to buy the CPUs. That's
the only logical explanation for this.

That is not the reason Eyetech is not bringing out new hardware. It's good old legal disputes.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:37:11
#75 ]
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That is not the reason Eyetech is not bringing out new hardware. It's good old legal disputes.

Hm? That's the first time I hear anything about this. What do you mean with "new" hardware, though? Because the ArticiaP based boards are impossible to produce... since there is no ArticiaP.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:38:07
#76 ]
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And why could (and still can) Genesi get them?

Genesi use freescale not IBM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:41:33
#77 ]
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Muh? As does Eyetech, the G4s are all Freescale processors. IBM makes the G3 (750) line and my Pegasos1 has a 750CXe, as do all G3 Pegs.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:42:53
#78 ]
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IBM produce the G3 and Freescale the G4. Genesi used the G3
together with G4 before it ditched it for a complete move to G4
and AltiVec. They never had any supply problems with the G3.

I don't really understand what you mean. Are you saying that
Alan has been in legal disputes and therefore has no money
left to pay the CPUs?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:47:22
#79 ]
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They never had any supply problems with the G3.

Nor did Eyetech to start with did they.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 21:52:43
#80 ]
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You just don't listen. When Alan started talking about supply problems
of the G3, Genesi was still selling them without any problems..

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