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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:06:58
#81 ]
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You just don't listen. When Alan started talking about supply problems of the G3, Genesi was still selling them without any problems..

There was a time when Atari had problems getting memory chips but Commodore were ok, why? because they ordered more in advance.

Last edited by Jeffshepherd on 19-Feb-2006 at 10:13 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:18:27
#82 ]
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From: The Netherlands


What do you mean with "new" hardware, though?

I was talking about the batch of boards that did not had a cpu yet and well any plans of producing a new batch of boards.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:21:29
#83 ]
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I don't really understand what you mean. Are you saying that
Alan has been in legal disputes and therefore has no money
left to pay the CPUs?

Nope. Keeping low because of legal disputes. Sort of waiting for the storm to go by and after that see what you wanna do.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:21:48
#84 ]
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Any idea exactly what the legal problem is?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:22:22
#85 ]
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Nor did Eyetech to start with did they.

What the hell!? Wasn't it you that supported the "no-cpus" arguement up to some minutes ago!?


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:27:50
#86 ]
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Wasn't it you that supported the "no-cpus" arguement up to some minutes ago!?

Yes it was. The first batch had CPUs didnt it, I was talking about the current batch.

Last edited by Jeffshepherd on 19-Feb-2006 at 10:28 PM.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:29:14
#87 ]
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Money. It's always about money. If someone has a dollar left why not sue for that dollar also. Sure Eyetech could have done things better in the past on some issues but it seems Eyetech have become this "take the piss out" subject for some people. If they bring out the leftover batch of boards and make plans to continue I can only say that they would deserve some major credit. Really. I would already have packed my bags and got the hell out of this "business". Don't forget that without Eyetech there would not be any hardware and OS.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:34:03
#88 ]
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Don't forget that without Eyetech there would not be any hardware and OS.

Quite right!! People should give them a break. There have been far to many "Eyetech have walked away" posts from people who dont have a clue what is really going on.

Do you know who this legal dispute is with?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:38:25
#89 ]
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the batch of boards that did not had a cpu yet

Is there *ANY* firm indication that such a batch exists? Because this all seems to come from here,
and that says
So at the moment we are out of stock, we have mostly paid for the next batch and the manufacturer has everything lined up for production except the cpu's.
I will post here when we receive them.

Note that "everything lined up for production" does not mean "production has been done, except for CPU modules". And AFAIK, Alan hasn't posted anything about receiving CPUs, either.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 22:48:39
#90 ]
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Actually my believe was that there was still a remaining batch of boards without cpu's. And they would bring this out and maybe that was the last thing they would do. Or maybe continue. But I cannot say for sure that those boards really exist.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 19-Feb-2006 23:14:38
#91 ]
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Actually my believe was that there was still a remaining batch of boards without cpu's.

I get the impression that's just one of those things which have been repeated often enough to be "believed" without any grounding in reality. I have seen this said many times, but never by Alan. I have seen (completely unsupported) assertions, too, that such boards have been shipped to dealers, and charged for, but never from a dealer.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 18:04:59
#92 ]
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And now do you understand why the audio chip had to be taken off? Even after 2 years there are still people here spouting their useless crap.

Let's hope the AmigaOne machines are sold again in the next few months.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 18:56:24
#93 ]
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Could be true that it is not true. All I know is that there "should be" a batch of boards left. Time will tell.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 19:03:30
#94 ]
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Jeffshepherd wrote:

Don't forget that without Eyetech there would not be any hardware and OS.

Quite right!! People should give them a break. There have been far to many "Eyetech have walked away" posts from people who dont have a clue what is really going on.

Do you know who this legal dispute is with?

If the same people was informed about Eyetechs situation they could understand
it better, when you don't have that information about what's going on it seems like
they just walked away.

Not so hard to understand really (Not taking trolls into count).

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 20:06:37
#95 ]
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That's b0ll0cks, sorry to say that.

The sound chip was not working and they probably had no indication that it would work at any point. Chips cost money. There's no reason for a non-working chip to be paid for by Eyetech or anyone.

Last edited by AMiGR on 20-Feb-2006 at 08:10 PM.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 20:17:19
#96 ]
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when you don't have that information about what's going on it seems like they just walked away.

At the same time, lack of information doesn't mean they have walked away. If Eyetech had walked away I'm sure they would have issued a atatement saying so.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 20:17:55
#97 ]
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Do you know who this legal dispute is with?

Yes and it isnt nice at all...

IceStar Media Ltd.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 20:48:48
#98 ]
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It's good old legal disputes.

I didn't think Eyetech had any. They didn't have any over the production of the boards before - what has changed since?


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 20:53:56
#99 ]
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You just made my point. Again.....and again...and, well, yes, AGAIN!!

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 20-Feb-2006 21:10:53
#100 ]
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You may say it a million times, it won't make it more true than it currently is. I'm not slamming the AmigaOne here, I'm stating my own interpretation of some facts. If you refuse to accept that, the discussion is over, since you can clearly not tolerate people with an opinion different to yours. I'm a potential customer, I'm not here to lick anyone's you know what, if I have something critical to say, I will do so. I do not do that to provoke and I never did but we're **NEVER** gonna get any better if we refuse to accept the errors of the past. Fair enough if you refuse to accept the fact that Eyetech's way of handling things was not good (and no, I'm not saying that I'd do it any better, chances are that I'd screw up in less than a day), just don't expect things to get any better that way. Yes, Alan invested his own money on this and I respect this. This doesn't make him exempt from all criticism.

Last edited by AMiGR on 20-Feb-2006 at 09:38 PM.
Last edited by AMiGR on 20-Feb-2006 at 09:12 PM.


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