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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:14:27
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


he's not rewriting history. at the time of the netbook announcement at amiwest 2011, ben hermans was no longer involved with A-EON. trevor announced that year that A-EON had been reincorporated in the UK, with matthew leaman of amigakit as a partner.

in 2010 A-EON CVBA was still registered in belgium. by 2011 ben had left and A-EON, Ltd., was registered in the UK. maybe trevor can correct me; i could always have heard it incorrectly. you'll find trevor talking about it in his amiwest 2011 presentation, which should be available on youtube and/or

-- eliyahu

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:21:36
#42 ]
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Unless you can back that statement up, it is just FUD / misinformation and does A-EON Technology Ltd a huge disservice.

You forgot to call him a troll and show him the door


I seem to recall the complete opposite to this.

You recall wrong:


A-EON is independent company established to finance the development of new high specification AmigaOne hardware. The principals include Trevor Dickinson, Tony Moorley and Ben Hermans.

(source: )

You could also verify this information using public databases about Belgian companies back then - but the one I used about a year ago doesn't list the (now defunct) "A-EON Technology CVBA" anymore.


it [...] does A-EON Technology Ltd a huge disservice.

Apparently, Trevor Dickinson agrees with you - which is why he shut down the original A-EON incarnation in Belgium and created A-Eon Technology Ltd. which is based in Cardiff, Wales and allegedly does no longer feature any principal called Ben Hermans.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:23:43
#43 ]
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im not saying none else was involved. i just say mr. hermans (of hyperion) was. and only lately you linked me to a video stating that all about x1k wasnt personally trevors but mr. hermans idea (thanks again for providing it once more). im not saying netbook fiasco is trevors fault. on the contrary. i honor him for trying to avoid another disaster for the community all alone, before anybody else even knew exactly or tried to realize. he seems truly a tragic character, he cant free himself (why?) but he still protects the unaware..

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:28:23
#44 ]
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he's not rewriting history. at the time of the netbook announcement at amiwest 2011, ben hermans was no longer involved with A-EON. trevor announced that year that A-EON had been reincorporated in the UK, with matthew leaman of amigakit as a partner.

your getting it all wrong. none is blaming trevor for netbook fiasco.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:40:20
#45 ]
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From: Sandy, Utah. USA

thread, thread, go away, don't come again another day.

There was never a formal announcement made that an OS4 laptop was going into production. No pre-orders, no formal news release, etc.

There was only mention that work had been done towards it, just like there was OS4 work done on other past hardware devices that won't ever be released.

Last edited by logicalheart on 11-Jun-2013 at 12:42 AM.
Last edited by logicalheart on 11-Jun-2013 at 12:41 AM.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 0:58:51
#46 ]
AROS Core Developer
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You forgot to call him a troll and show him the door

Good point. :)


Last edited by terminills on 11-Jun-2013 at 01:09 AM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:00:43
#47 ]
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kaspersky reports a nasty link, whether an intention or a joke, please refrain..

Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 01:01 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:12:47
#48 ]
AROS Core Developer
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hrmm not sure how a direct link to an image could be an issue but eset didn't have the same issue :P

Anyway changed the image.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:23:09
#49 ]
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nows working right..

edit.. except there is no boing ball hole smashed in it..

Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 01:24 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:26:02
#50 ]
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From: Sandy, Utah. USA

Please don't damage the door. I'm hoping to purchase it at a used price when they are done with it here.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:27:52
#51 ]
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From: S.Wales


Thing is: the failing is not about semantics, the failing is actually the non delivery of OS4 enabled Limebooks.

I realise that but it's more or less confirmed that it's not happening and I don't really expect anything to come directly from Hyperion. Ben doesn't exactly give much away.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:30:38
#52 ]
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its even more worthy as soon as we r finished with it. ever heard of unique value? thats art! even if it ranges at destruction.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:36:04
#53 ]
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Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 09:34 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:44:53
#54 ]
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From: S.Wales


p. A £500 OS4 enabled Limebook is better than no product and a broken promise

Better if people just get a Sam now or MorphOS or AROS enabled laptop. I don't think Limebook is good enough now.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 1:55:27
#55 ]
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Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 09:34 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 2:11:25
#56 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Apr-2003
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From: nyc

For all you guys saying "its not a laptop its a netbook" you need to stop using the drugs you are taking lol...

So, are you guys calling hyperion liars (which is what a few people tried to get me to do to permaban me) ????

Its pretty obvious it was strictly a publicity stunt that was timed to co-incide with the Morphos laptop support announcements (which was real and has been delivered)

Still til this day NOT ONE SCREENSHOT . ZERO PROOF. If they have any credibility whatsoever, they would admit it was a stunt, or show some proof. That bs is tiresome. Whats the point? why alienate the fanboy customer base? (which is hard to do) when will the fanboys wake up and hold these companies accountable so we can move forward and live in reality?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 2:16:37
#57 ]
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From: S.Wales


Its pretty obvious it was strictly a publicity stunt that was timed to co-incide with the Morphos laptop support announcements (which was real and has been delivered)

I'm not sure about that. It's obvious to anyone that the Limebook coudln't come near the performance of a G4 laptop with R200/R300 GPU.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 2:18:13
#58 ]
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From: nyc


Hmm so strictly a random co-incidence? I think not... and time has told the story. However i've been wrong before and could be wrong now. I'd love to hear from the people responsible for this "announcement" but naturally they will never respond..and by that lack of response you kinda get the idea

Last edited by realize on 11-Jun-2013 at 02:20 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 2:24:29
#59 ]
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From: S.Wales


Trevor confirmed that it was at least being considered. Whatever you think of Hyperion I think most agree that Trevor is a credible source. Maybe there was an element of me too but I don't think it was purely smoke.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 7:55:22
#60 ]
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Joined: 4-Jun-2004
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


It's not a conspiracy. Lots of people have seen the netbook running.

People shouldn't forget that to get the target £500 price, someone needs to place an order of a few thousand or so to restart production.

I'm guessing no-one wants to spend half a million squid on a laptop that may sell a few dozen....

(Edit for typo)

Last edited by Spirantho on 11-Jun-2013 at 09:28 PM.

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