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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 1-Jul-2008 9:02:55
#41 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


Have you made the ext2/etxt3 partition bootable by accident?
Even if you added EXT2FileSystem to the RDB, the two checkboxes 'automount' and 'bootable' shouldn't be set for the linux partition!
I don't think that a reinstall of OS 3.9 or OS 4.0 is necessary. Get to the bootmenu and disable every device except for the OS 3.9 partition. Then it should hopefully boot again, so you can verify your HDToolbox settings.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 1-Jul-2008 16:34:34
#42 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 14-Apr-2004
Posts: 103
From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Thanks you just saved me a reinstall.

Disabling all the other volumes did the trick.

The ext2 partition was not bootable but was set to automount. That and using HD toolbox on OS3.9 screwed everything up.

Now to mounting the ext2 partition on OS 4.0 Classic.

I will try the same procedure as on OS3.9. Maby that will work.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 1-Jul-2008 17:39:50
#43 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


Good to hear that!
Now that you already have EXT2FileSystem on your RDB, you can try without GiggleDisk/mountfile and just activate the partition using SYS:Tools/Mounter on OS 3.9 or OS 4.0 - only td64patch still has to be started before (when using scsi.device)...

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 5-Jul-2008 2:33:04
#44 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia


The version of GiggleDisk on Aminet (V1.17) is a little bit buggy... Try V1.19 from

Aha. Thanks for the tip. I hate it when there are different version lying around like that. Now it is fair enough for a new release that Aminet hasn't got that latest, but when the software has a major bug as I discovered it should be updated ASAP.

I consider Aminet to be a central server where I can download all Amiga software and the major choice for 68k releases.

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