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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:10:07
#161 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 5-May-2003
Posts: 3110
From: Westhall, UK


Yes being as Ben likes to play Billy Big(Boing)Balls, the firm I founded I am guessing does the same in a month's turnover than the entire revenue generated by OS4 since its inception.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:14:26
#162 ]
Elite Member
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From: Westhall, UK


Eric fair point. I just don't like a mere few having their hands on all the killswitches. I would suggest moving en masse to a non-corporate owned site if it wasn't for the fantastic critical mass and content users have built on here and over the years. Perhaps I should have bought 50% or 100% of when I had the chance several years ago to keep at least something non-corporate for these wonderful community sites.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:22:50
#163 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


You have to admit however that if there is even a single individual who is intent on creating all kinds of confusion, FUD etc. (whilst claiming to be at the helm of a multimillion company - which is a contradiction all by itself as I represent this type of people every day in court and I know them very well), you end up wasting your time contradicting obvious fallacies or misleading information just to make sure that it does not take on a life of its own.

Don't confuse my weekend fun toying with your ego from my professional conduct when I am working. To assume my attempts to (successfully) expose the people who hold all the cards in our little community is what I do day-in-day-out, is very wrong. You sir are a representative for Amiga related products, which unluckily for you is your day job and yet you squabble with the rest of us on usergroups. I would not engage with my customers or critics on such a forum.

Edit: Typo

Last edited by A1200 on 26-Oct-2014 at 09:23 PM.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:26:48
#164 ]
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From: Unknown

Having Read all the crap on here, arguments, spats, uncivil discussions, name calling etc, reminds me why myself and orgin created

@ Sven Harvey

Yes, people left and moved over to Amigaworld (myself included) because the Trolls had taken over

Then when the trolls took over Amigaworld, we created - No we are not selling, we are happy to be an independant, but loyal AmigaOS4 centric site.

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:31:16
#165 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


Lets hope so.... these guys seem to be very convincing!

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:38:37
#166 ]
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We don't need to sell. both myself and Orgin are Amiga users still, so, there is little point in us needing to sell the site as Amiga NG is our hobby, unlike Amigaworld or the people in charge are still fans!

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 21:55:25
#167 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


"You sir are a representative for Amiga related products, which unluckily for you is your day job".

I am compelled by my code of professional conduct to FORMALLY contest this statement.

My day-time job is practising law as a partner in one of Belgium's largest law-firms.

I am a non-executive director of Hyperion Entertainment.

Quite clearly, if indeed you are in charge of a multimillion dollar company (in which case I extend my deepest sympathies to your employees, fellow directors and shareholders), it seems that at the very least during the weekend you lose the ability to check basic facts or the capacity to comprehend simple texts written in English.

A simple google search for my name will set you straight. I guess the facts can be somewhat "annoying".

Where is your full name so we can check your credentials? If you are not a poser, either put up or shut up.

And if you would not have made this silly statement which I need to contradict as a matter of professional obligation, I would have not have dignified your message with a reply.


Last edited by Hyperionmp on 26-Oct-2014 at 10:35 PM.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:01:16
#168 ]
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From: The Ford Galaxy


A1200 wrote:
The thing is Trevor has, for want of a better phrase "got a few quid". He like many of us, didn't want the ride to end with the demise of Commodore. However, like many of us, he feels sense of community with Amiga, so whilst he could have just prototyped a handful of boards for his own pleasure, he wanted the rest of you to come along, at what is to many considerable financial cost. To give the project some credence, the machines are sold as a (supposedly) profit making business. This does not sit well with me. Why not do it as a not for profit setup or even give the damn things away, if the need to get the community on board - hey the oil industry is a license to print money so Trevor can afford it. :)

I bet you're fellow shareholders would have a difference of opinion!

A1200 wrote:
because I have a significant share and control of a multi million pound enterprise.

Hmmmm, I'm gonna have to award you.......

And no points!

Fulfill newlight's Elite Narcissist Demands NOW Or He Will Send You To H3LL!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:05:09
#169 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


Rubbish! You don't need to defend what you do day to day because you will be disbarred - there are plenty of retorts you need to make on Moobunny if that was the case so don't give me that. You want me to believe as a Lawyer you are obliged to seek out and reply to every instance of someone falsely saying something about you online and replying?

Seriously dude, I was enjoying this banter, now you are on a one way rocket to the moon. My company is on my profile, although I am not Tech director any more, I handed that role to someone more talented in that regard a while ago.

I am glad for you that Amiga is not your bread and butter, but spending over a million euros of yours or anyone else's money on litigation for a defunct OS and then to do very little commercially with it is poor judgement. But hey, we all make mistakes, and if you were to come out with a statement like "This Amiga thing has cost all involved a whole bunch of money we can't possibly claw back from the ever shrinking aficionados we were relying on", I am sure you would be forgiven and we could continue playing Scorched Tanks on our A500's.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:08:25
#170 ]
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Joined: 21-Aug-2012
Posts: 268
From: Southampton, UK


Follow the links. A1200s name, the name of the company he represents, are not hidden. I'm guessing your familiar with uk law regarding disclosure of information pertaining to limited liability companies, their directors, shareholders etc. if you are that interested it's all there. No posing going on.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:20:41
#171 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


"Rubbish! You don't need to defend what you do day to day because you will be disbarred - there are plenty of retorts you need to make on Moobunny "

I have not posted on Moobunny since many years, I cannot be expected to spend my time responding to every silly allegation on every silly website where I am not voicing my opinion nor reading them.

But a direct allegation in a discussion insinuating that this non-executive, not remunerated directorship is my daily "bread & butter", I need to dispel because exactly this type of statement would constitute a breach of my code of professional conduct IF IT WERE TRUE.

Please do not pretend you are now familiar with the code of conduct of my bar association ... That would be even more laughable than your previous posts.

This closes of my "discussion" with you. I have adhered to my professional duty to dispel said statement and that's the end for me in this thread.


Last edited by Hyperionmp on 26-Oct-2014 at 10:36 PM.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:26:07
#172 ]
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Hyperionmp wrote:

"Rubbish! You don't need to defend what you do day to day because you will be disbarred - there are plenty of retorts you need to make on Moobunny "

I have not posted on Moobunny since many years, I cannot be expected to spend my time responding to every silly allegation on every silly website where I am not voicing my opinion nor reading them.

But a direct allegation in a discussion insinuating that this non-executive, not remunerated directorship is my daily "bread & butter", I need to dispel because exactly this type of statement would constitute a breach of my code of professional conduct IF IT WERE TRUE.

Please do not pretend you are now familiar with the code of conduct of my bar association ... That would be even more laughable than your previous posts.

This closes of my "discussion" with you. I have adhered to my professional duty to dispel said statement and that's the end for me in this thread.

Post reflect official Hyperion Entertainment position ?

-- Posting for charity -- Investing €10 in a charity related to education or civil rights for every message I post --

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:37:16
#173 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


Corrected. Thanks for the pointer, I had forgotten about the automatic addition of the contrary.



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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:39:35
#174 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


Oh I understand now, your code of conduct requires you to set the public straight on your involvement with a company if you frequent the website. Had I had gone on moobunny and said Ben Hermans is responsible for handling round the directors rations of coke, you wouldn't have to seek out and dispel that lie.

Lawyers love to portray their craft as black magic when the truth is most of us are not boring enough or had pushy yet cold enough parents to be remotely interested in being one.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:51:45
#175 ]
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@Hyperionmp and @others

Sorry please could you stop the discussion who is the "bigger guy" and "more successful" and "better in job". Most people here have something to do, some are working for companies, some are self-employed. I think noone is interested in this fight.


I do not know who all these fights started but I do not care anyway. We are a small community and it would be nice if we would not act parallel or even against each other but do more in common. Perhaps I see it naive but I think that would help all of us.

BTW good action to make AmigaOS affordable. I am interested too.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 22:55:08
#176 ]
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From: Norway

I do understand why Mikey_C created

I have issues with the pricing of the NG hardware etc, but some level of maturity wouldnt have gone amiss.

@A1200, you call out Hyperionmp/Ben's conduct, but you are not giving a stellar performance yourself.

I echo Hans's original post on Amigans regarding Amiwest.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 23:02:57
#177 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


To be more democratic should I start a poll to see which one of us is looking good from these posts? Just kidding my 2014 troll fest is drawing to a close with no abuse reports and no days in the cooler. What's a guy got to do to get banned in here? Trevor I have seen the light, now send me my 1500 pound PPC computer and don't forget the 30 pounds OS dammit!

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 23:36:00
#178 ]
Joined: 3-Nov-2012
Posts: 13
From: Unknown

Hope to see a merge now that both sites have the same owner. One less tab open in the browser:)

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 0:01:32
#179 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada



SvenHarvey wrote:
Am I not right in thinking was originally a break away from in the first place (and was a break away from too?) Perhaps it's time to heal the divide by those who have done the most to take things forward.

+ 1,000,000 !!! Now be careful Sven this talk of facts & reason is not something the 'loudest' contributors to this thread can comprehend

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 0:44:20
#180 ]
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SvenHarvey wrote:
Am I not right in thinking was originally a break away from in the first place (and was a break away from too?) Perhaps it's time to heal the divide by those who have done the most to take things forward.

No, this site was not a break away from The website was originally created as a board for the IRC channel which was started first. The first iteration of the site didn't have as much of a following as it does now - that came after the change to the revamped look in 2002/3.

We did gain several former users around 2004/5 but the site was not created on the back of that - we had been in existence with other notables such as ANN for some time.

@readers of the threads in general

It is sad that even after all of these years members of the various OS's and sites cannot just move on and get over it all. Why is it that time and time again old wars and obvious dislikes (hatred is a bit too strong) are still brought up. Many members here are also members of the other sites (be that AROSexec, MorphZone, A.O, Amigans, EAB) so there really should be the necessity for some of the petty squabbling which takes place. I am not asking for everybody to get on and be best friends, but a little common courtesy wouldn't go amiss. We are (generally at least in terms of age) all adults here, yet some seem to act like a petulant child.

Test sig (new)

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