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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:55:03
#81 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


The stipulated judgment which reflects the entire settlement which Hyperion reached with Amino/Itec/Amiga Inc. REMOVES any restrictions on what we do with AmigaOS 4.x.

We can take it to any other hardware platform but there are no plans to do so at this time.

We first want to address fundamental issues such as SMP support, modern 3D support, printer infrastructure.

The goal has never been to port AmigaOS to PPC just for the unique sake modernizing the OS.

Anybody who believes that Hyperion was ever under ANY delusions to be a full alternative for Windows, MacOS X or even Linux as a desktop OS, is severely mistaken. We never expected to gain a significant market share at the expense of this established operating systems.

Let's be real, you have to be a complete idiot to believe you can match the development resources behind these platforms.

At the same time existing and former AmigaOS fans and enthusiast will continue to enjoy their preferred or alternative operating system on modern hardware with PCI-Express, Gigabit ethernet, (fairly) recent graphics cards etc.

This comes with a price because of the exclusivity of the market.

Personally, having a CPU that is only used in guided missiles such as on the AmigaOne X1000 and of which only a few thousand were ever produced, and running AmigaOS 4.x on it, appeals to me.

A question of taste and as the Romans already knew 2 millennia ago 'de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est" i.e. it is pointless to argue about tastes and colors.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:59:31
#82 ]
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From: In the village


You don't buy an entire site just for this: you license the logo.

Only if that option is possible.

Anyway, we know from the logo talk that the right predated any current usage by the other parent companies.

Whether that's the case with the Amigaworld logo that Amiga Inc./ElysianLabs/DE/ etc. uses/has used has not been stated publically.



This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:02:32
#83 ]
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Joined: 8-Apr-2003
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Since when does Matthew Leaman work for AEON? Does this mean Amigakit is owned by AEON as well?
My understanding is that A-Eon is owned jointly by Trevor and AmigaKit (and Varisys? Not sure.).

Best regards,


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:13:39
#84 ]
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Not sure if he owns it, but he's mentioned as a key person on the A-Eon about page:

"Key People

Trevor Dickinson: Trevor has had a long and successful business career, and as a Business Angel, has investments in a diverse range of companies covering many industries. However, his hobby and passion is the Amiga computer.

Matthew Leaman: Matthew is also the founder and Managing Director of AmigaKit, a trading division of Leaman Computing Ltd, which in 2006 acquired the stock of Eyetech Group Ltd. Under his control, AmigaKit has established itself as a world-wide market leader in the retail and distribution of Amiga hardware and software, servicing both the Classic and Next Generation community."

Last edited by Vistaus on 26-Oct-2014 at 01:14 PM.

Proud user of AmigaOS 4.1 on an AmigaONE 500. This is the first Amiga I've ever had so I don't know all the ins and outs of AmigaOS yet, so I'm sorry if I'm asking noob questions and stuff.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:23:12
#85 ]
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It is refreshing to see some public conversation with Hyperion.

It is a shame that they always have to defend their position against attacks from people who have never used and/or don't seem to "get" what AmigaOS4 is trying to achieve.

I take my hat off to them for what has been achieved to date.

Last edited by Xmas87 on 26-Oct-2014 at 01:27 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:29:09
#86 ]
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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:31:31
#87 ]
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From: Southampton, UK


I think the directorships and shareholders for both companies are pretty much the same. If you want to find out yourself spend a few quid on the companies-house website. You can find out how profit they both made as well. Might be fun to know.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:33:44
#88 ]
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Thanks a lot for taking your time to answer. At least I now know that one, day, x86 Amiga OS may become a reality.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:34:01
#89 ]
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I agree and was just about to post the same thing. It reminds me why I left this site to find actual adults and real world progress on

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:38:06
#90 ]
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From: In the village


If you had the funds, you would have been welcome to contact us back in 2007.

Why make this public as an after thought? I don't recall anyone asking publically for monetary assistance at that time.

Also, since the VOB became a CVBA there is no longer the same impressum readily available as far as "whom to contact for what purpose".

I'm sure I mentioned this before, but it might be helpful to list a few names in conjunction with reason why one would contact that person.

Example: I see Timothy is now "president" in title. For what purpose would one contact Timothy as opposed to yourself? Linux business opportunities only?

Je suis égalementen contact avec Timothy DeGroote, le président de Hyperion Entertainment


If the above has been made clear publically, please point me to a link. I may have missed something.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:53:37
#91 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
Posts: 37
From: Unknown


How ridiculous to assert either of those things. What in your words does OS try to achieve?

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 13:55:52
#92 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
Posts: 37
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Hyperionmp wrote:

In that case, your comments are completely irrelevant to anybody from Hyperion.

You are free to express yourself which is fundamental human right.

Just do not expect to be taken seriously ;)

And incidentally, the supposed "goals" you attribute to Hyperion Entertainment and by extension to A-EON or A-Cube are a testament as to why your opinion is not of any interest to us.

You inserted yourself into the conversation and brought up shareholding of Hyperion for no good reason. For someone who claims no interest your actions are saying something different.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:00:10
#93 ]
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OlafS25 wrote:

You are right... no commercial software developer would invest in the platform at the moment. Even including all UAE users the community is way too small for commercial development.

But the real bottleneck is different...

In my view more chances would be if there would be more cross-platform tools and modern RAD tools and class libraries making it easier to start programming and cross-porting software.

It has nothing (or at least not much) to do with OS development in my view.

Simon archer provided a decent ide, it made no difference. The problem is the OS is archaic has not been evolved fast enough and its obvious to anyone who has used anything else recently and tries to re-engage. As the OS4 team have sat on the pot these last 12 years with slow progress and poor direction they are the bottleneck. The key log if you prefer.

Its probably too late anyhow.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:18:20
#94 ]
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Too late for what? Competing with Windows or Linux? Yes, of course, in my view more than 15 years too late. Too late as a niche fun platform? No but it is difficult to start supporting it because you get no decent development tool. And decent is RAD with big class library behind to me.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:23:47
#95 ]
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Sorry for getting off-topic in this thread, but since you are active here:

Could you clarify, please, if the Final Edition of AmigaOS 4.1 (at the price tag of 29.95 Euro) will require a previously bought copy of OS4 (as even developers state, for example Lyle) or if indeed a full licence is covered by this (as Amiga Future claims)?


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:29:52
#96 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
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Too late to do anything but die out slowly and painfully. Even if you threw money at developing the os now it's never going to repay itself.

It's imploding and what crumbs come to the table aren't enough to sustain the interest of those that look back in from time to time. Even those that hang on and on are switching the lights off one by one.

The decline isn't going to be halted by buying up old forums.

Even Ben has conceded in his reply to a1200 they don't have a viable strategy. So is it conceit that keeps it going? Whatever it is it's certainly not business.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:39:02
#97 ]
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Too late to do anything but die out slowly and painfully.

Doing nothing is better? I don´t think so.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:52:14
#98 ]
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I do not comment the situation regarding AmigaOS because I am active somewhere else. I am too busy to be depressed because I have searched myself projects where I can actively contribute. That is what I recommend others too . I think generally situation has improved in the last 2-3 years. New development on 68k, AROS and MorphOS, new software getting ready. Mostly no big packages but small tools but better than nothing. Regarding AmigaOS I cannot judge progress. As I said being busy helps against depression

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:52:14
#99 ]
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Bondy wrote:

Too late to do anything but die out slowly and painfully...

The truly awful and sad part is I daren't mention, to my programmer type friends and colleagues, that I used to own, use, and love the amiga platform for fear they know about the current state of the "new amiga but not amiga" platform. I'm also an old time user of the ZX Spectrum, and there you can reminisce with folks about the good old 8 bit days. But do that with amiga? Sadly not.

A good death is now impossible. And that is tragic.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 14:59:05
#100 ]
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but there is also the true 68k platform still alive (more than ever ). I will be on a amiga meeting next weekend nearby and there will be just amigans (=68k) bringing their nice updated machines. And I will show Aros Vision (even though running on X64 Notebook).

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