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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 29-Jun-2014 17:20:07
#141 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


the Generator task was switching from one to another core and there using the remaning % of cpu dont used by the other emulators ...
with 5 emulators running was all perfect the 6 was to much ;)

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Jul-2014 18:46:17
#142 ]
Elite Member
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From: Amiga land


Play games 3d too in emulation :)

Video PowerPC rulez :P

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Jul-2014 23:29:37
#143 ]
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Ouch, those Duke3d scores are much lower than I expected. I get roughly 10x that under amithlon on a similarly old pc. I wonder why its so slow for you. Still very playable, but Im surprised at the discrepency.

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 10-Jul-2014 8:46:09
#144 ]
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I dont know why it slow, can be many things emulator video sync , incompatibility differnt emulators, different porting , different OS hosts.
Cant be everything
For example Classic Box of Tiger is 100 times more faster compared Shapeshaver but dukenukem isnt compatible with it.
On my last video you can see 800x600 software rendering play of Halflife under VirtualPC who is a totally emulated X86 machine and strange this game run better compared with Dukenukem 68k :P

at the end the PowerPC 970mp is a cpu made 10 y ago but right now i dont feel it ages of it :)
With Imovie PPC for made all the video resizing, effect and rendering the G5 work only for 7 min ... and Imovie use only 2 cpu of 4

Last edited by tlosm on 10-Jul-2014 at 08:48 AM.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 7:15:34
#145 ]
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From: Amiga land


this is for you ... i know you like Aros :P

Aros On G5

This is for Seya ...

PowerMac G5 Quad Vs Mini I5 Vs MacBook PRo I7 Retina

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 10:32:15
#146 ]
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From: Italia


TomazQuake (a 3d engine more complex than glquake because has more improvements) on Intel core2 Duo E8500 + nvidia GTS 250 (aka 7800GTX+)

920 fps


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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 12:09:36
#147 ]
Elite Member
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this is the 7800gtx 2005 release with haked firmware of quadro 4500
your card is much more faster then 7800 gtx ... check here

sorry the other quake that i have use sdl and not direct the gl
i made the video with diff. machine with universal build of same version of quake gl for MacOs X 2013 release.

this is a shoot of a timedemo made with console rised

audio is on

. usually i have 870fps probably there is something that i had been installed who take some cpu

 photo quake_zpseff7b637.jpg

 photo quake2_zpsb7788a62.jpg

with X1900 ati i had 885 fps on quake one .

Just for remember only one core was used by Quake on Quad G5 :P and G5 is from 2005 :)

Do you see the Quake2 and Quake 3 in the video ?

Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 12:23 PM.
Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 12:15 PM.
Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 12:10 PM.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 12:37:09
#148 ]
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From: Italia


here my video benchmark
however i'm in 640x480

it's not Tomazquake, sorry.
It is Darkplaces, a modified Quake GL engine

"The realism of shell casings falling to the floor, much improved bullet impacts, 32bit color alpha blended explosions, blood flying everywhere and sticking to the walls..."

Last edited by Seiya on 09-Oct-2014 at 12:54 PM.


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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 13:03:50
#149 ]
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From: Amiga land


I know it i have it in sdl :P
but your video board is like 3x 7800gtx :)

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 14:11:20
#150 ]
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From: Italia


GTS250 is a 9800GTX+ renamed

Last edited by Seiya on 09-Oct-2014 at 02:12 PM.


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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 17:45:42
#151 ]
Elite Member
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From: Amiga land


but in any way .. the G5 have a really good performances for a 2005 machine with a 2005 hacked video card :P

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 21:03:31
#152 ]
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From: Germany

The G5 wasn't a good machine not even when it was introduced:

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 21:27:30
#153 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


your post isn't interesting because the important is what i can see and touch everyday not what was been write here and there...

for example i been had and have complete machine with this cpus (x86)
(i don't write the Amiga classic because space and time )

486 dx2 66mhz
Pentium 60mhz (have)
Pentium mmx 133mhz (have)
celeron 300a Mendoncino,
Duron 500 ,
athlon 700
celeron 700 (have)
P4 2.4 ghz (have)
Athlon 1700 mhz (have)
Pentium 4 3.0 ghz dual
Athlon X2200 64
Imac 27 i7 2.93
Mac mini I5 (have)
Mac Book pro i7 2.3 ghz (have)
Laptops a 700 mhz and a 1600 celeron

MacBook 603 (i dont remember the mhz)
MacMini G4 1.42
MacMini G4 1.5
PowerBook G4 1.67
PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 ghz (have)
AmigaOne Xe g4 933
Sam 440 500mhz
Sam 440 599 mhz
Sam 460 1017 mhz
Pegasos 2 1 ghz (have)
Pegasos2 1.266 mhz

Soon X5000
but i prefer the bad old and underpowered G5 quad ... because i have and i can judge and know the performance of it :)

Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 09:28 PM.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 21:47:47
#154 ]
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From: Germany

It was not me, but a respectable site / magazine that did the benchmarks at the time, and reported the NUMBERS. If you don't like it, it doesn't matter: the numbers speak by themselves.

Regarding the X5000s, they'll use low performance PowerPC cores. I've read some strange claims like being 4x or 6x more performance against the X1000 and the G5. Fantasy. Clock for clock, an e5500 core has a lower performance on average on single core/thread compared to the X1000's CPU. That's not even counting the G5, which is MUCH better.

Of course, there are many core/threads, but it's highly questionable when/if they will be used. And, anyway, not every application can make use of it.

Emulation, for example, is MUCH common on the post-Amiga community (see this thread also). And here, sorry: having multiple cores and/or threads DOESN'T HELP (unless to offload some interfacing with the o.s. to send the framebuffer, the audio buffer, and handling the I/O, which is A VERY LITTLE thing on an emulator). What helps here is STRONG performance on a single core/thread, which is something that you'll NOT get with the an e5500 core.

Last but not least, the e5500 core is missing Altivec...

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 21:52:37
#155 ]
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From: Amiga land


ok ... x5000 will be slow ... but i will have and judge if will slow or not ...
will have linux in both machine for understand exactly the performances
for now .. i can't say nothing .. only one thing for sure will be the fastest amigang made...
Now is time to return in topic . thank you

My last experiment is play final burn alpha on Xp under virtual pc :) and surprise is running really good on G5

Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 09:53 PM.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 22:05:35
#156 ]
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I haven't said that the G5 is not running good for what you used. I've said that it wasn't a top performer, even when it was introduced. That's it.

BTW, here are some more tests by a more famous site, Anandtech:

The picture is clear, right?

On the second you'll fine some preliminary benchmark of Rosetta, which is an emulator. So, you can see how a good work did a very old PC on emulation. Nowadays the situation is MUCH better, of course, also with very cheap PCs.

Regarding the X5000, it'll not be the fastest post-Amiga. See above, when I talked about the X1000 and the e5500.

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 22:20:21
#157 ]
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From: Amiga land

I don't need x86 explanations, rosetta and so and so .. i have , look like you are speaking with a person who don't have and know...i don't need know how much worst is X5000 ... for now like the other system that i had and have i prefer touch and use and after judge ... for now me and other 25 peoples will have the opportunity to touch first this machine , and probably i will be happy with it like the other guys that i know who are happy with the x1000 or with Sam etc etc...
Some time is not the power the important but how you feel .. with G5 i feel good ... with the pc i feel nothing...
Plus i had been show with many many video what the Quad G5 can do ... because many people didn't know .

Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 10:58 PM.
Last edited by tlosm on 09-Oct-2014 at 10:21 PM.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 22:28:02
#158 ]
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Feeling is a very personal sensation. Numbers are a tangible, not mutable reality, especially if the tests were made by competent people.

Do you like the X5000? OK. But you already stated that you feel better with your older G5 machine: guess why...

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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 22:31:37
#159 ]
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Yes but i don't have the x5000 :) when i will have probably will feel good whit it , who know?

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Emulation: A passion
Posted on 9-Oct-2014 22:37:10
#160 ]
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When you have one, post the benchmarks. With REAL applications, and using only the CPU.

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