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Poll : Are you interested in A600GS
Re: A600GS
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 16:58:44
#301 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
Posts: 7355
From: UK


Yes, good product by the look of it. I'm happy with the Mini as my living room Amiga (and light DPaint use under AMiNIMiga) but for those without an original Amiga this fills a niche no doubt.

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 18:21:59
#302 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3130
From: Trondheim, Norway


If you build your own, you will have to use pirated/unlicenced software

Blatant lie.

But on that topic - how are “dabbling amiga sceners” supposed to make use of all the ARexx features of PPaint without buying a copy of “real” AmigaOS? What can you provide them?

Last edited by kolla on 09-Jul-2024 at 06:26 PM.


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Re: A600GS
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 4:55:39
#303 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
Posts: 833
From: Unknown


it is really sad to read that so many time and work were wasted

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 4:58:03
#304 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
Posts: 833
From: Unknown


some people buy it and open it
it is just emulator running on orange pi zero with interface for old mouse and joystick

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 7:00:49
#305 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 5835
From: Australia


If you build your own, you will have to use pirated/unlicenced software. So quite a flippant comment when you stop and think of the work that goes into putting together a product such as an A600GS.

A600GS is for a convenient "out of the box" experience.

I also build my own AmigaOS distro with my licensed Amiga software up to H2 1996, multiple Amiga Forever releases, Hyperion's AmigaOS 3.2, various ex-commercial software re-release as freeware or GPL'ed (e.g. Miami TCP, Opus Magellan 5 GPL), but I prefer a convenient "out of the box" experience.

I have purchased 3rd party Amiga apps for my Emu68 setup i.e. RDP software.

I do have an account with A-EON's AMIStore via AmigaOS 4.1 FE/Amiga Forever package.

I'm licensed for MS Office for Mac.

Many British Amiga magazines cover CDs has "big" commercial software on them. British Amiga magazines tried to shift the Amiga's user base into a non-gaming.

Besides Amiga games, technical drawing (e.g. IntroCAD and XCAD) and music notation (e.g. Deluxe Music 2) are my areas of interest since I spent many hours on them, hence I'm less interested in Final Writer and PPaint. OctaMED V8 is a maybe.

Last edited by Hammer on 10-Jul-2024 at 07:24 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 10-Jul-2024 at 07:16 AM.

Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68)
Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68)
Ryzen 9 7900X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 7:56:48
#306 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 3130
From: Trondheim, Norway


British Amiga magazines tried to shift the Amiga's user base into a non-gaming.

Hah, that’s funny!

I used to buy these UK mags every now and then as they were on sale here in Norway, but they were pricy. During summer of 1995 I went on interrail (with money earned from DPaint job on my A1200) and spent a few weeks in Germany and I discovered the German Amiga mags. Turned out that for the price of just a few UK mags, I could have year long subscription on any of the German ones. With the extra bonus of focus being on productivity and "DFÜ" instead of gaming, and a LOT less irrelevant ads (!!), which pretty much dominated UK mags. So I subscribed to them all, even the more games focused Amiga Joker. I vaguely recall reading about the possible powerpc based future of Amiga in an interview with a certain Ralph Schmidt while I was visiting the technical museum in Munich, someone I later learned was the one and same "laire" that I knew from IRC… fun times.

DPaint’s forte was simple animation, especially the whole "move" tool, which PPaint lacks. PPaint on the other hand, has a rich ARexx interface that to a degree can make up for the missing "move" tool, but that requires ARexx to be available.

So here’s a challenge for Andy Blues - make the ARexx interface of PPaint , OctaMED SS and other software available vis socket on the Linux side, allowing scripting with python, lua, regina and whatever on the Linux. Naturally, any advanced user do also want shell access to the Linux side (like the "pi" command on A314 or PiStorm) or Bebbo’s ssh (he’s also fond of whacky version strings btw).

Last edited by kolla on 10-Jul-2024 at 08:10 AM.


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Re: A600GS
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 5:55:16
#307 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 5835
From: Australia


Between my brother and myself, we purchased at least Amiga Format and CU Amiga nearly every month until H2 1996. I also purchase PC Format (UK).

Sometimes, Amiga Power (UK) Amiga Action, Amiga Shopper (UK), Amiga Computing (UK), Australian Commodore and Amiga Review, Australian Personal Computing, Your Computer (Australia).

My high school's library is also stocked with monthly computer magazines.

My Dad introduced me to Amiga Action magazine since He plays sports games. There is an advantage when one of the parents also plays games and does accounts/back office on desktop computers. I'm a 2nd gen Amiga user/owner when my Dad is 1st gen Amiga user/owner.

My Dad's workmates from Sydney Waterboard have A2000s and play games on them.

Last edited by Hammer on 11-Jul-2024 at 06:06 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 11-Jul-2024 at 06:03 AM.

Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68)
Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68)
Ryzen 9 7900X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 19:15:52
#308 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Oct-2002
Posts: 1105
From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


Yes! I also would like such a product based on that concept.


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Re: A600GS
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 19:37:22
#309 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Oct-2002
Posts: 1105
From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


When will the A600GS be available in the U.S. market?

UPDATE: looks like it has landed¤cy=USD

I didn’t see that the last time I looked.

Last edited by AmigaMac on 11-Jul-2024 at 08:05 PM.


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Re: A600GS
Posted on 25-Jul-2024 15:41:13
#310 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

Our Time Prefs program has been added to AmiBench on the A600GS. This will be released as part of a free downloadable update in the coming days. You may notice that it uses a few extended Classes and Gadgets that are part of SystemV46.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 26-Jul-2024 12:28:48
#311 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

A restructure of Programs partition on the AmiBench on the A600GS:

Games drawer added for games that can start from AmiBench, such as WHDLOAD / JST games packs.

Office drawer icon added. This is for applications such as Final Writer.

Time Prefs updated to v46.21 which adjusts the tab corners to rounded edges.

Last edited by amigakit on 26-Jul-2024 at 12:36 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 29-Jul-2024 23:40:54
#312 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2006
Posts: 1523
From: Visalia, California

I received the A600GS in the mail yesterday! Thanks, AmigaKit!

New A600GS owner,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 29-Jul-2024 23:44:07
#313 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1966
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


Looking forward to a blog post or two!

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 19-Aug-2024 14:53:46
#314 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2568

On Saturday we attended the Zzapp 2024 Live! show and demonstrated the A600GS to the attendees. All day we were busy answering questions and demonstrating the features of the A600GS. It was great to receive such great feedback!

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS
Posted on 19-Aug-2024 16:20:41
#315 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


This site cannot handle big pictures, it breaks it apart.

Images embedded in threads should be no wider than 640 pixels, larger images should be hyperlinked.

Last edited by pixie on 19-Aug-2024 at 04:26 PM.

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