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Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 14:30:16
#1 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown

Hey everybody,

I wonder if some of you are interested in a role playing game which plays around the mediaeval times. I'm looking for people who would like to create a confederation with me. Meanwhile, I think, I'm quiet experienced in this game and can help everyone who's interested. The problem here is that most of the players are Germans (or at least speak German). It would be nice to have an English speaking counterpart.

It's really an interesting game and it can be played with Windows, MAC, MorphOS, AOS3.x, UAE and AmigaOS4.

Playing is for free for a long time (so, you intensively can try and test the game) and then you have to pay a small amount per turn you play. But there are several options to play and not to pay at all (e.g., by becoming betatester (as far as I know, they are desperatly looking for AOS3.x/4.x-betatester) or by convincing other people to accept you as liege lord, etc).

For more information have a look at

and (here, most of the role playing part happens).

Hence, don't hsitate to Join in! :)


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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 16:45:37
#2 ]
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I tried playing this recently but came unstuck.
Couldn't seem to do much after registering,
The 30 day trial period has well lapsed.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 17:19:38
#3 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown


There's for sure no 30 day trial period. You can play for free until you become to a certain degree successful (this means up to serveral month without support).

If you're interested in re-trying this game, simply download the latest version (there were a lot of changes in the last months) and register some name for a realm. I can give you advices and support how to become successful. The key here is knowledge. Normally, you have to find out what to do best to grow the population in your realm, to optimize your grain harvest, how to fight, etc. All this is not as easy as it perhaps seems to be.

It would be nice to have 5-10 english speaking people in this game which would form an alliance. In this way, we really could rough up all the Germans The only thing is, that we'd need some patience. To grow and to learn, or to do research takes some time (probably months) and all this is a *must* to become a powerful ruler in this game.

But the good thing is, the daily effort is low and depends on how much time you *want* to spend for the game (ideally, you'd play every day (for at least a few minutes)) --- especially in the beginning and as long as there is no big war.


Last edited by GameOn on 17-Apr-2008 at 05:24 PM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 18:33:09
#4 ]
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Joined: 16-Sep-2003
Posts: 337
From: Germany


it is really a nice game. in the next Issue have we a interview with the developer

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 22:12:16
#5 ]
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From: Lisbon, Portugal


My limited experience was not very good. IIRC, I got stuck on the menu! ;)
It was long ago, though.

I'm more of a "Battle for Wesnoth" guy. ;)

Last edited by BrandonLee on 17-Apr-2008 at 10:12 PM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 17-Apr-2008 23:43:57
#6 ]
Joined: 18-Jul-2007
Posts: 71
From: Unknown


Tell me what to do, and I'll give it a go this weekend! be detailed

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 18-Apr-2008 1:52:18
#7 ]
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Joined: 7-Jun-2007
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From: Perth, Western Australia


How long does registration take to process? Perhaps a tutorial on how to sign up and get started would be useful.


Last edited by tiffers on 18-Apr-2008 at 04:01 AM.
Last edited by tiffers on 18-Apr-2008 at 01:53 AM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 18-Apr-2008 9:10:04
#8 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown


I think, registration became really easy. After downloading the latest version and starting it, you'll reach the start screen. There you can click on the button "option" or just click somewhere on the screen.

If you choose to click on "option" you can navigate to the email-settings. Each turn of Tales of Tamar (abbr: ToT) is received and sent by email, thus, there you can set up your pop- and smtp-server if you directly want to use an own email-account. There are only a few things to remember here:
1) ToT is not able to handle SSL/TSL-encrypted protocols, means, you have to choose an email-account where you can access your account without SSL/TSL (i.g., freenet).
2) Ensure, that emails from "" are NOT deleted by your spamfilters and emails from "" with a subject "Ixxxxxxxx" or "@xxxxxxxx" (x is an arbitrary number) are NOT downloaded by your email client (e.g. yam).

If you just click somewhere on the screen you reach the registration screen. The rest is quite self -explanatory. You can choose the simple, anonymous registration (means you don't need a private email address). Then you get a ToT-email-address, so everything runs out of the box. But in the long term, you should consider using an own email address (you can change the email address at any time later to a private one).
The most difficult part in this registration screen is to choose a name for your realm :) Try to find a
mediaeval one ;)

After the registration has been send, a few minutes later the ToT-Client will receive an initialisation email (by clicking on the button "get turn" or by simply re-entering the registration screen). Then you're ready to play. That's all.

There's also an tutorial as soon as you have your initialisation email which pops up and tells you what to do best first. In the beginning it's not too much. But again, you can study the ToT-Forum (In-Time (abbr: IT) it is called "Great Halls") or enter the ToT-chat (, channel: #tales) (IT it is called "Taverna") and waste as much time as you like The bigger in size your realm becomes the more busy you will be (or can be - it really depends on how fast you want to make progress).

Turns, have to be sent in latest around 11:30 a.m. (german time: i.g. Berliln UTC/GMT +1 hour).
Your new turn you will receive around 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Some information about the game you can find here:

a manual:

a rudimental tutorial for beginners:

Don't be afraid of all the text. You'll learn about the game step by step (so as I did ;)). The negative point here is, that after a while, you'll become addictive to this game.


P.S. oh, one stupid thing i have to explain: To leave a screen without any checkmark or crossmark or the game itself, you have to press the ESC-Key. There is no button to leave the game. But don't press the ESC-key if there is a checkmark because ESC means always "cancel" and your "work" is gone then.

Last edited by GameOn on 18-Apr-2008 at 09:19 AM.
Last edited by GameOn on 18-Apr-2008 at 09:14 AM.
Last edited by GameOn on 18-Apr-2008 at 09:12 AM.
Last edited by GameOn on 18-Apr-2008 at 09:11 AM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 18-Apr-2008 10:52:55
#9 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown

Oh, if something does NOT work. Please report it to the ToT-Team (via email or by writing to the ToT-forum (amiga version related problems:
They are glad about bug reports or questions!

But i don't expect too much problems. I have been playing ToT now for a really long time and managed to find out most of the things by myself ;)
Now, to further increase the fun of the game, I need some people who speak English and who are willing to establish a counterpart to the german speaking dominance.

So, I'd be pleased to meet some of you on Tamar


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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 18-Apr-2008 12:42:00
#10 ]
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Joined: 7-Jun-2007
Posts: 349
From: Perth, Western Australia


Hmm. I downloaded and installed the AmigaOS version in my E-UAE Amiga 4000. When the game runs, it congratulates me on my fast computer and says it will like running on this computer. When I click the mouse button it automatically goes to the registration screen. I choose the simple sign-up method, and put in a nickname. I stick in an email address for notification of realm creation, but no Mobile number for SMS notification. It then checks to see if the nickname is in use, and returns to the registration screen. If I check for emails/turns it says no emails. If I cancel and return to the main page I get the same message about a fast computer and once again head straight to the registration window after I click left mouse button. The game checks for turns, and gets nothing.

I turned off the virtual machine, and came back some hours later, and the same lack of email.

I cannot go into an options page and set SMTP/POP servers. I'm stuck in registration page and still no emails.


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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 18-Apr-2008 13:28:40
#11 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown


that's strange. There should be the first email within a few minutes. Perhaps it takes longer if the computation for the new turn has started already. So, I guess, you get your email with the new turn. Means, you will receive the email within the next hours.


P.S. Yes, it's for sure this way. No new registration before computation of the new turn has been done. Today, this will be around 3 p.m.

Last edited by GameOn on 18-Apr-2008 at 01:31 PM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 20-Apr-2008 10:46:04
#12 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown


Has someone successfully registered?

I'm looking forward seeing you on Tamar



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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 20-Apr-2008 12:35:42
#13 ]
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Will do it tonight and report back here

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 21-Apr-2008 0:22:26
#14 ]
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Joined: 17-Apr-2004
Posts: 100
From: Australia

I haven't got my Amiga online at the moment, but when I do get it on there I'd like to give this a shot. But I can't find a list of minimum requirements anywhere. What kind of Amiga system do I need to run this?

If my A1200 030/50 16MB isn't enough, I may give the PC version a go, but I can't stand playing games on PCs so I wouldn't be hanging around for long.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 9:21:26
#15 ]
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Rebel-CD32 wrote:
I haven't got my Amiga online at the moment, but when I do get it on there I'd like to give this a shot. But I can't find a list of minimum requirements anywhere. What kind of Amiga system do I need to run this?

If my A1200 030/50 16MB isn't enough, I may give the PC version a go, but I can't stand playing games on PCs so I wouldn't be hanging around for long.

Well, ToT will work on your system but don't expect it to be fast. In the beginning, with only 7 acres of land, it probably doesn't matter. But as soon as you have discovered more of Tamar, became more successful, knew more people or even became involved in a war, it will probably hard to play on your system (but it's possible, yes).

Tamar is really big. Have a look at the atlas of Tamar (each diamond you can see, corresponds to one acre of land / water):

To summarize all links for those who started just reading this thread :

Tales of Tamar is a turn based (mediaeval) fantasy, strategy, multiplayer game. Information can be found here:

There's also a role playing part (for those who like it) which happens for the most part in the ToT forum (InTime, it is called "Great Halls"):

or here (IT called "Taverna"):, channel: #tales
Java client to enter the chat:

Hope, there are some people who want to participate in an english speaking alliance


P.S. Betatesters for Amiga-Systems are wanted!

P.S.S. For got these links:

a manual:

a rudimental tutorial for beginners:

Last edited by GameOn on 22-Apr-2008 at 10:01 AM.

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 10:31:13
#16 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


I have but I always get stuck on the registration screen also. Apparently I have emails waiting ask I'm getting lots of 'you only have x days left' etc but everytime I 'Get Mails' from the registration screen I get the following two messages:

'The following error occured: Konnte Email nicht schreiben[LF]'

and then

'No Emails for Tales Of Tamar'.

I don't speak German so no idea what that means? Something about an email not being written? *shrugs*

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 10:53:09
#17 ]
Joined: 5-Dec-2007
Posts: 23
From: Unknown


I get exactly the same error on my AmigaOne

'The following error occured: Konnte Email nicht schreiben[LF]'

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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 11:07:16
#18 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown



Slash wrote:

Apparently I have emails waiting ask I'm getting lots of 'you only have x days left' etc

This means, your registration has been successfully sent and your init-email is wating for you in the mailbox specified in the registration form.


'The following error occured: Konnte Email nicht schreiben[LF]'

and then

'No Emails for Tales Of Tamar'.

I don't speak German so no idea what that means? Something about an email not being written? *shrugs*

seems, that the email, ToT wants to download is NOT in the mailbox (anymore?). hm.

Did you try the simple, anonymous registration or did you set up the smtp- and pop-server of an own email provider? In addition, have a look into the options-screen (after starting ToT, click on the button "options") and see if there are some wrong settings for smtp- or pop-server.


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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 12:00:57
#19 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
Posts: 40
From: Unknown


After reinstalling the latest version of ToT, I observed indeed a bug regarding the registration (and reportet it already to the developers, so they will fix it with the next version).

In "TalesOfTamar/Data/", there should be the following directories:


Unfortunatly, this directories are missing in the ToT-Archive, thus, the registration doesn't work.
You have to create these 4 empty directories and then register again. It will work then.

The programmer is very sorry about that stupid bug! As he's soon on his way to a big role playing convention ( ), he will not be able to fix the archive in the next days. So, please create these directories by hand and try it again.


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Re: Be part of the Tales Of Tamar
Posted on 24-Apr-2008 18:07:58
#20 ]
Joined: 16-Apr-2008
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From: Unknown


Has someone been successful?


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